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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Good info rob!
  2. I t was explained to me when I called, that it pertains to permit holders to have thier handguns while hunting all species, on wma's and while archery hunting. Which actually was in last years regs. also.
  3. I like them both. I guess it's all personal preferance. Main thing is to keep it sharp and know where your fingers are at all times. Remember, for the most part you are cutting where you cannot see. Everyone has given good advice here. I only want to add, count your fingers before and after every job....LOL!
  4. My knife of choice is a Buck 110 folding knife. Keeps a good edge and has been on every hunting trip with me for the past 25 years or so. I don't see the need myself to crack open the pelvic bone until the deer is hung. The bladder and Bung can be removed carfully without cutting the pelvis. However, if you prefer to do so, just carry a small hatchet in you hunting pack.
  5. I haven't been in years, but I am really thinking about going and taking her. I appreciate the offer of the 20 guage, but "K-bug" fell in love with my 12 ga..
  6. I don't know about youth hunts Whiskey....but there are some good dove fields at Haynes Bottoms. I haven't seen but a few on the property I hunt....so that's not going to be very promising. I will let you know though.
  7. We call "gut hooks", "finger hooks". That's all they seem to work well on. As robtattoo said....any knife will work as long as it's sharp!
  8. The one's in my pictures got passed on last year. It's hard sitting in your stand and letting a buck "walk". Looking at all my trail cam pictures, it looks as if it payed off. I'll get me one of them during bow season, but will be more selective when M/L and gun season comes in.
  9. I like young deer.....
  10. Where did you say it was? LOL Nice find buddy!
  11. If he survived the season, he shoud be a good one this year.
  12. Here is the buck that was with him. The one that stuck his nose to the camera just turned away when the other walked into the picture. I hope ya'll are enjoying theses pictures!
  13. I got ahold of 187 acres last year. The land hasn't been hunted since 1997. The previous hunters did the landowner wrong and lied to him on some things and he kicked them off. He was left with a "bad taste" in his mouth about allowing people to hunt. Me and my son is the first he has allowed. It all works out good though....my son and myself help him work his farm, he taught us to run the tractor, balers and what have you. We help him out alot and he pretty much lets us do what we want. Private property is really hard to get...so you got to bust you hiny to keep what you got!
  14. That deer to his left and behind him is another nice buck.
  15. Yes I did...I guess I need to post it too...good idea!
  16. So this buck (8 pt) decides to slap me in my face by walking up to my trail cam and sticking his slimy nose to it! LOL
  17. I have a Moultrie, but my son has one of the "Wildgame" ones, and it takes AWESOME pictures day and night....they are bright and clear. I think he only give $59.00 for it at Wally World. I'm thinking about buying some!
  18. If you lived closer to me in Clarksville, I would love to take you guys on a hunt! We got to keep the tradition going!
  19. I skin them, mount them, tan them and wind up giving the finished product to my friends! They sure look nice tanned out!
  20. Coyotes need controlled. In urban areas they are a threat to our children and pets. In the wilder areas, they kill deer, fawns, turkeys and any other desirable game animals. In farmland, they prey on calves, sheep, chickens and any thing else they take a notion to kill and eat. The coyote population is getting out of control. I do animal control (coyote and feral hog) on the side. Coyotes are getting out of hand, farmers complain about losing stock, but won't allow anyone to shoot them (don't allow hunting). Stop complaining then! Shoot everyone of them you see!
  21. If bullets are made from natural materials/resources (lead, copper, brass) what are we hurting returning it to the enviroment from in which it came? Go mine all those items from the earth, then they can come talk to me about "Plastic" non natural bullets!
  22. Go to www.tnwildlife.org That will answer alot of your questions, and will list regulations for each specific WMA. Generaly a WMA Small Game Permit is required. I hope this helps.
  23. I agree. I'm not an expert on aging deer, but I "would guess" to say 2-21/2 years.
  24. Yes he is. Game Warden seems to think he needs culled. Kewl with me! I hope one of the grandkids get him during the youth hunt! I'll pass on him until they do. Now the other one? NO PROMISES!


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