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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Good deal on the "beer" tattoo!
  2. I've been invited to hunt with my cousin in Fulten (sp). Just working on some dates now.
  3. Something at least. Just don't up and leave someone hanging like that!
  4. I think anytime you lease land to someone, you need to give them an advance warning and/or refund!
  5. That's crazy Rob! I don't have a club or anything, but I could get ya in on a bow hunt or two with us....if ya don't mind the drive and a couch or tent for a weekend. Sorry about what happened, that's about the best I can do.
  6. Sounds great hunting 101! Congrads!
  7. Heading to the mountains of Northern Alabama for some Hog hunting with bow and flintlock rifle.
  8. The only birds I seen flying were the buzzards circling over head!
  9. Troll....the O/P wanted to small game hunt with rifle. A shotgun would be a good choice, but limits him greatly. TN law only the use of rimfires for small game and not centerfire. I think he could buy a "combo" for a great price and have all areas covered!
  10. Robtattoo has given you some very good advice. Advice from a very experienced hunter. I would only like to add, that if you could only one rimfire, I would get the .22 WMR. It comes in a couple different bullet weights and bullet types. Just my opinion is all. Maybe TGO member "whiskey" can chime in on this topic.
  11. Nice Yote!
  12. LOL....300 shells for 15 birds is about right for me! I guess me and K-bug will go to the private property. We don't own a kevlar umbrella, so I really don't won't to take her to Haynes Bottoms! You and Lana get some birds on those leases!
  13. Guntroll....no I didn't.
  14. The only "wolve" I have ever seen, came crawling out of a bucks nose that I got a couple years ago. I hear rabbits get them too, but have never seen them on the bunnies. Maybe because it's after a frost when I rabbit hunt. I guess I need to research these larva thingies!
  15. +1
  16. Me too....gonna light the backyard campfire tomorrow and make a dutch oven full of "squirrel and dumplings"...
  17. My 14 year old Daughter got 3 squirrels this morning and none had "wolves". I guess we seen about 20 all total!
  18. Hunting 101....++++++11111.....never seen any wolves around here....just a few yotes! LOL
  19. Tomorrow opens Tennessee's Squirrel (also known as "nut munchers" and "tree rats") season. I have my .36 flintlock Kentucky long Rifle ready to go. So how many of you will be going and taking "Giblets" out on a squirrel hunt? Taking all my little grandsons with me...I can't wait!
  20. Racoon season in September?
  21. An inline "flintlock".....lol I can see the pictures in a history book already!
  22. There is no place around Montgomery or Stewart County to hunt hogs with handgun....only other weapons, so I won't be much help. I would think a .45ACP jacketed bullet would suffice. I would go with 230gr..
  23. 30 yards is my "comfort zone", I too don't like to shoot beyond that. Don't let the bugs stop you from getting in the woods and hunting the early bow season. That's some of the best hunting of the year!
  24. Hunt with your single shot and enjoy your time afield. I do almost all of my hunting with a flintlock rifle....I hear alot of stuff about that too. The best one I heard from a friend of mine concerns hunting wild boar with my flintlock rifle, "better drop him with your first shot Dave, if you don't, that hog will stomp your %$^& 2 or 3 times in the week it will take you to reload that thing"....


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