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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Bronkers said it all!
  2. Pretty unsportsman like. A friend of mine killed a buck one time that had an arrow stuck through it's neck. Not a pretty sight! I'm glad he's your friend and not mine. I USED to know people like that. You should sit him down and have a little chat with him.
  3. I didn't mean to get upset. When I run my shop full time, and I did, boars, bears, deer, coyote...everything a taxidermist would. I'm not ashamed of getting my clients work in, done, and out. I wouldn't get nervous about a taxidermist getting your deer done in a couple of months. I would be nervous about the one that " took your money" and is making excuses to you month after month. There are some good Taxidermist out there. I am very familiar with some. I still my friend, can't buy off on taking almost a year to do a deer head. I wish I could reccomend a Taxidermist, but can't. Those sujestions have already been made. If I were looking (fortunately I do my own work)for a taxidermist, and he told me 8 months to a year to complete my deer head, I would ask him to defray the deposit until he was ready to start work. Don't let him tie up your money and sit on it. Pay it when he's ready to work! There is more to shopping for a taxidermist than prices. If that taxidermist only elects to take in enough deer to say, maybe doing two a day, and can get your deer head done and out in two or three months, then he has scheduled his work wisley and not bit off more than he can chew. On the other hand, if he takes in all he can get his hands on, then nothing is getting done in a timely manner, your money is tied up, and you are getting excuses (ligit or otherwise) on why your mount is not on your wall. When choosing a taxidermist, ask for references! If I was your Taxidermist, and took your money, how long (be honest now) would you like me to sit on your money, and not produce a mount for you? And what would you expect of your Taxidermist?
  4. Monday was a beautiful day! Saw plenty of game...no shots with bow. I just thank God for the opportunity to hunt his great creatures, and giving me the health and time to get afield!
  5. A Taxidermist has FULL CONTROL of his work load. He/she should not take in more work than they can get done in a reasonable amount of time. In some cases a month IS A REASONABLE amount of time to keep a person's deer head. There are many good and excellant Taxidermist out there. I just don't agree to keeping someone's DEERHEAD for than 2-3 months....period. It takes about 1 hour to skin and rough flesh the head cape. Two days for the first pickleing, about one hour to final flesh the cape. Two more days in the pickle, 30 minutes to neatralize the acid bath, 22 hours of tanning, and about 4 hours to mount. Allow about 2-3 weeks for drying (depending on humity etc.) And about 2-3 hours for finnish work. This still does not add up to 11 months! My experience is...most hold ups is getting the customer to come "out of pocket" for a deposit, or to come and pick his stuff up! Sorry for the lengthy post....but when seeking out a Taxidermist, having your mount for that length of time is not acceptable! Ask the taxidermist why he quoted you the completion time he did. I know a Taxidermist right here, right now, that will keep your stuff for months and months. But everytime I go to the local archery shop, he's standing around drinking coffee....ASK YOUR TAXIDERMIST WHY HE IS TAKING 11 MONTHS OR MORE! Sorry for the rant.....
  6. A Taxidermist "on top of his game" should only have your deer 2-3 months at most. Some that I know stretch the time into the next year to have a "year round" income. Going rate seems to be about $200.00. Most require a deposit to cover material expenses. There is no good reason to have someone's deer head for 11 months. There's something wrong with that!
  7. Nice first bow buck! CONGRATS!!
  8. CONGRATS Rob! Nice story too! I enjoyed the reading.
  9. Got ya covered!
  10. That is cool sir!
  11. I thought it would be kinda fun to share with everyone how we got our hunting forum screen name. I will start off. My friends and family give me the nick name "WD-40" because everything I came across that was rusted, stuck, sqeeked (sp) or just needed a good shot of something besides Jack Daniels...I would tell them to get me some WD-40! Then they all started calling me WD!
  12. Funny Brother! But, when you use the right deer scent, (don't forget to splash a'little behind the ears) you don't have to chase them far at all! LOL But I will be in a stand Saturday to say the least! Everyone have a safe and wonderful weekend!
  13. I'll be out for sure Whiskey, and you know my little spot I'll be in. I took the rest of the deer season off work to be able to hunt and mount deer. Retirement isn't what it's crack up to be. Hard to pick which days to hunt!
  14. I use "scent away" and then "earth scent wafers", Persimon or acorn, depending on where I'm hunting that day and/or the season. During the rut I use "Tinks 69" doe in heat. Does all this help? I have no clue, because I kill as many deer with as without.
  15. I personaly use 80gr of 3f black powder with my powerbelts in my CVA, and 80 gr of 3fin my .50 cal flintlock with round ball. It all works great for me!
  16. It is a PITA, but some of the biggest bucks taken in this area of the state come off Fort Campbell!
  17. To hunt on post, you must obtain a post "hunting and fishing" permit, and have a hunter's safety card (regardless of age). You must call ahead, check what areas are open, and apply. You must go in in person to pick up your area assignment (if drawn). Right now, areas are easy to get because the soldiers are gone. Fort Campbell is very strict and I will not hunt it this year. It is a total PITA! I hope this helps! By the way, there is no hunting on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. No centerfire weapons allowed.
  18. You can't hunt hogs year round on post. Only during a scheduled hunt, I.E. Deer season with the weapon legal for the hunt. Bow, Shotgun and Muzzleloader. Fort Campbell has very few hogs left, and they are mostly on the range complexes and impact areas. A few tracks have been seen on range 51D. There are a few other places up in the northwest corner where there are a few.
  19. I have a CVA Appollo in 50 cal., a hand built .36 Kentucky longrifle for squirrel hunting, and a .50 cal Kentucky longrifle for deer hunting. Both Kentucky rifles are flintlock and was built by me. I love them and hunt with them all the time! There are plenty of options out there, and everyone on here has given good advice. The hardest part is choosing which rifle to buy/build!
  20. Looking good JW!
  21. DaveS

    Head Shots

    Just think of the repair work a Taxidermist would have to do to repair a head shot deer for mounting!
  22. DaveS

    Head Shots

    I don't take head shots because they are very low precentage shots. I have had to "euthenize" too many deer that only had 1/2 of their face (from the eyes forward was blown off) left after someone took a head shot or running shot on a deer. I like the shoulder....period!
  23. I use them, been good to go for awhile!
  24. Whiskey....let's check the dove fields at Haynes Bottoms WMA. Those fields will stand all the way through rabbit season. It's only about 15 minutes from the house, I should drive down and check them out.


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