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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Finding plenty of fresh scrapes, and seeing alot of does being run by bucks of all sizes.
  2. I'm going to contact the ATF and see what's up.
  3. I think 100 grain of modern smokeless powder, packed down a M/L barrel and set off with a primer, would virtualy be a pipe bomb! This crap has me fired up! I know better, but how many people don't????
  4. The store has been open for about 3 years now. I think I'm done shopping there.
  5. Folks, I usualy don't find much to fuss about, but I must post a warning. On my way back from hunting this morning, I stopped at a local gun shop in Clarksville to check and see if by some chance they had some "BLACK" Powder. I was told no, and the owner and his wife both told me that any of the "SMOKELESS" powders used for reloading will work in a muzzleloader. He set a can of H Varget (which I use to load .308 with) on the counter and said he sells alot of this. I went to telling him that's not made for muzzleloaders. I was told that I did not know what I was talking about. I laughed, said "I'll Pass" and I walked out. I wonder how many people new to muzzleloading were sold powder there? Scary!!!!
  6. I use 80 gr of 3f black powder in all my .50 cals. The same "80 gr that kills them at 20 yards also kills them at 200. No need to increase your powder load. There comes a point on powder loads where you are just burning excess powder and making noise, and accuracy does decrease. Maybe 150 grain of powder makes you feel macho, but your bullits aren't manly enough to take the excess pressure. Just because your gun can shoot 150 grain, doesn't mean you have to. Alot of times you can get better velocities and acuracy with less powder.
  7. I can remember back as far 10 maybe 15 years ago, and hardly nobody hunted with muzzloader. If they go to "Primitive" muzzloaders as alot of places are, you'll have a lot of WMAs to your self! I'm heading out here in a few. Gonna go try to get me a fat meat doe. If a "bone head" walks near my stand.....I'm going to "call down" the thunder on him!
  8. Can't eat the rack any way! J/G said he was a big bodied buck...CONGRATS my friend! I didn't go this morning, because I didn't have anyone to go with, and I don't care to hunt by myself anymore. I'm happy you finally got that monkey off your back!
  9. Nice Buck Whiskey!!!! J/G said you got one....but....uh......well......um.....why is he wearing a bush on his head?
  10. I usualy load it before getting in the stand. I do not prime or cap it until I have it in the stand and ready to go. REMEMBER, pull it up with the barrel FACING DOWN. That's how I do it anyways.
  11. There are a lot of gray areas on this subject. I think to shoot the yotes "to protect" your stock, they must be actually attacking your stock at the time. I don't think just going out to hunt/shoot them qualifies as "defending" your animals, and all laws would pertain to such. As a wildlife officer, one would look at "letter of the law", "circumstances" and lastley, "intent". What the law "says", What are the "circumstances" and what was your "intent". Alot to think about.
  12. You are right about the feral hogs...at least on public land...kinda crazy!!
  13. That's my point about twra...it's all about the animals, not agriculture!
  14. It is my understanding that they are not legal....not within 10 days of hunting. I may be wrong though.
  15. OK....I'm going to open a can of worms here. If it is LEGAL to hunt over planted food plots, turnip fields, standing corn and anything else you or TWRA plants for the deer, why is throwing "corn" or "minerals" on the ground to feed your deer herd and improve their quality illegal ? I see no difference my self! I don't bait....but I see nothing wrong with it....TWRA does however. I'll shut up about this for now!
  16. Yes, they are all great deer! What I like seeing is that these young hunters are TAKING the time to spend time with their dads, and that all of us dads are taking the time to spend with our children. There are so many out there that aren't so lucky! I wouldn't trade moments like these with my kids and grandkids for no amount of money in the world!
  17. You're making me hungry J/W!
  18. Just wait until rut...they'll move during the day, hunting down the babes!
  19. My daughter "K-Bug" bagged a 12 point this morning that came in to "doe in heat" scent, and a doe bleat call. He smelt real musky and had a swollen neck. There were a few scrapes on the edge of the field (his or not I don't know), He was dogging a doe! I think it's about time to try a little rattling!
  20. Nice deer!! I would be cutting some steaks off those tender deer...heck with jerky!!!
  21. Where did you say that was? Nice pics Whiskey!
  22. Lana and Hayden....Nice deers Kids! You went out and "made memories" with your Dads. How awesome!! Congrats to all of you!
  23. Well, something went haywire with this post! K-Bug and myself arrived at her hunting spot this morning before daylight. Using the headlights on the 4-wheeler, she placed her "redi-doe" decoy out at about 40 yards from her stand, and on the edge of a small field that the deer feed on white oak acorns along the edges. She placed "Tinks- Doe in heat" scents bombs along the edge of the field. We sat in the groundblind from daylight to about 8am. The thermos of coffee got cold (time for a new thermos) and misery set in. After seeing several deer moving inside the woodline and the far side of the field (about 100 yards away) she decided that we should get up and move, and "take it to'em" since they were'nt coming to us. We moved to the far end of the field, and run off two small does in the process. We saw movement about 75 yards away and it turned out to be a big doe. K-Bug was going to take her as she was quatering toward us. K-Bug hit her "Doe in estrus" bleat call to stop the Doe for a shot. She hit the bleat, and "Billy Bad A**" came trotting out of the woods into the edge of the field. He stoped dead in his tracks, and stood there looking at the decoy. He stopped and was facing head on. She hit the bleat again, and he started slowly walking toward us and the decoy. He stopped about 60 yards out, made a right turn and started walking off. K-Bug hit the bleat call and bingo....he stopped broadside to her. She "called down the thunder" with her 7mm/08 and he lunged forward about and 5 yards and bit the dirt. She is still up on a cloud! Nothing beats watching your children take game on a hunt! The buck was 12 point Non-Typical with a total of 5 bladed brow tines. He dressed about 160. I'm jealous!!


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