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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Nice Buck! The weather kept me in yesterday. I'll take a little break then get back on them when the second segment of gun opens back up.
  2. As long as your hide is fresh and not rotting, there is very little smell involved. I just checked it out and you can get enough chems to do a yote for about $20.00. It takes about a 5 gallon mix. Just remember to use NON-IODIZED SALT in your mix!
  3. You would use about the same. I think that $40 included shipping. I would have to go back and check. But about the same amount of supplies.
  4. I have a funny feeling that it has something to do with a hitch team of 20 mules pulling cargo wagons of borax out of death valley or the salt flats.
  5. I used to mix my own seasoning but found that "High Mountain" jerky seasoning was awesome. That's what I have been using. Makes AWESOME jerky!
  6. 20 mule team borax can be found in walmart and krogers laundry detergent isle. A chest shot on a squirrel would be ok. Head shots can be very hard to fix.
  7. Dang Whiskey.....cut the man a break! lol
  8. When I ran my taxidermy shop, you would not believe the stuff people could come up with!
  9. Shoot them with a shotgun. .22's are ok if not a head shot. .17 HMR is OUT OF THE QUESTION for a squirrell mount. To preserve the feet, cut them off at the desired length and sprinkle 20 mule team borax on the raw flesh. Position them in the final position you want them in and allow them to dry. Tandy Leather Company used to sell "rabbit foot" foot fittings, but they most likely wouldn't work on a squirrel foot. If your handy with shop tools, a centerfire rifle cartridge, trimmed to length, polished and added to a key chain works well. Squirrel tails are done the same as the feet for preservation. I hope this helps you out!
  10. Congrats to both of them! Fine bucks indeed. They earned the right to "whoop and holler" all they want!!! I froze my "kazoos" off this morning and bagged a fat 3 pointer. That young man was wearing shorts....ain't hardly right!
  11. Nice Buck!
  12. I use a Primos "Doe in heat" can. My 10 pointer and my Daughter's 12 pointer fell for it. There must be something to these calls. They were used in conjuction with "Doe Pee".
  13. If people had to pass a drug test to get food stamps and/or welfare, would they get a job?
  14. Nice doe! She should be good and tender! Congrats!
  15. Give CK Outfitters a call. I checked a deer in there and they had a flyer on the counter top for some kind of youth shooting league. Hope this helps.
  16. I think you are right about that...dang ol'bucks need to keep us hunters sharp!
  17. Sounds like you got snuck up on!
  18. I haven't scored him. I'm not sure he would score very well.
  19. Here is a better picture of my buck. We hung him on the scales today, and he hung at 173 lbs.. I am mounting him, so I measured his neck, and he is 24 inches right behind the ears. Full swell!
  20. 101, you were about 2 seconds ahead of my comment. Please feel free to delete if you choose.
  21. You're on the right track. However, practice calling at home. You may make an animal "call shy", meaning that he becomes very skittish of calls or ignores them all together. Maybe "Hunting 101" will chime in on this one. I feel he's the resident "yote" expert, and can be of more help to you....good luck, and safe hunting!
  22. I'd like to wish ALL of my TGO friends a happy and SAFE Thanksgiving holiday. If you go hunting, PLEASE BE SAFE! And lets not forget our military serving to protect our freedom and that are away from home (been there, done that) this holiday season. I hope each and every one of you bag the buck of your dreams! BE SAFE MY FRIENDS! I dedicate my 10 pointer to all of our military who cannot hunt this season. Ya'll please dedicate your hunts to them as well. God Bless!
  23. Women get more men shot than anything else. The rut is in....watch the gals, and he'll make a mistake, then he'll be yours! I feel kind of sad, because me and "big daddy" has been "playing chess" against each other since September. Gonna miss seeing the old boy in the woods! I'll just have to cuss at him while he's on the wall instead of being in the woods!
  24. Whiskey, I finaly got JG to go with me, he popped a nice doe out of my stand last week. I guess I'll have to tell him that the scrape line he was watching won't be freshened up anymore! LOL
  25. I load Hornady 150 grain, soft points. I really like the performance I get from them. I took 9 deer last year with them, and this one so far this year. I don't get large exit wounds or "blownup" shoulders with them, but they turn their lungs to mush when hit. I haven't had a deer go no more than about 30 yards when hit with that setup.


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