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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Whiskey...you ain't even right!
  2. Good Hog! To me, wild boar taste a whole lot better than domestic pig.
  3. The Buck and the Chick have a smile alike!
  4. They all get on my nerves, so therefore, I do not watch them.
  5. Sorry you got mad.
  6. Hung in TWRA offices or auctioned off after this goes through the court system. Either one could happen.
  7. Channel 4 news out of Nashville is on the scene of the press conference by TWRA/USFWS, and will show it on this evenings news.
  8. Oooops, I missread the post. I thought we were talking about deer rifles.
  9. I'm thinking when they got busted, they were probably served search warrents. Confession? Voluntary surrender? Who knows....
  10. Not only were these guys hunting in "off limits" area (range area), they were using centerfire rifles (which is a big no-no). The area they were hunting in is used by the military for training, and NOT OPEN to hunting. Whiskey said it all when he said the two Wildlife Officers are trying to get everything back in order. The Fort has gone so long without dedicated wardens, the two of them are busting their butts. Not only do these guys do the duties as game wardens, but they also respond to wrecks in the rear area, DUI's, domestics and everything else that happens out there. I met one of the Wardens through TGO "Whiskey", and I can tell you this...the man busts his rear end! My hat is off to these two USFWS Wildlife Officers. Trust me when I say that this poaching has been going on for awhile, they just happened to do it with two fairly new Wardens on watch, and they got busted! Keep up the good work!
  11. I'm friends with one of the game wardens involved and I believe the count is up to 40 deer heads actually siezed. All trophy class bucks!
  12. This was just released to the news. http://www.theleafchronicle.com/article/20101216/NEWS08/12160314/Hunters-charged-with-deer-poaching-on-Fort-Campbellww.
  13. I started all my kids (except one) and Grandkids on .308. My daughter (14) that you met at the range, started out 3 years ago with 7mm/08. Even my youngest grandson (7) shoots a single shot .308 with ease.
  14. If you're in a car wreck, fear not. If you need to be transported to the hospital, LEO will secure your handgun, not let anyone else have it, and then you play hell getting it back after your discharged from the ER!!!
  15. Bears climbing your stand is why you carry extra toilet paper in the woods! LOL
  16. Like roverboy said; some come with sighting devices and some don't. They are all pretty ready to go right out of the box. I put a 4x32 rifle scope on mine and it is deadly out to 60 yards. However, I like to keep my shots under 40. I have a Horton Yukon XL.
  17. I heard it, and found it to be discusting! A couple of "ya'hoos" with a gun....all the world needs!
  18. I agree with Rob. If you play the wind and other conditions right, you can slip up on a wild hog, but nothing that close. They have poor eyesight, but can see movement fairly well. What they lack in eyesight, they surely make up in exceptional hearing and smell. Feral Hogs can be alot of colors, including blonde, black, brown, red, blue and silver. Russians usually run in black and sometimes tinted with other colors. I think that hog in the video was free range domestic hog, that someone decided to test their handgun rounds on. In my opinion, that was far from hunting.
  19. I've seen light reflect off of a polished blue barrel before. Either barrel is fine. Stainless seems to take the weather a little better. Wrap either one in camo and don't worry too much about it.
  20. I haven't seen turkeys on the property since bow season. I don't know where they went. But a "combo hunt" sounds fun.
  21. If any of ya'll want a squirrel mounted, DO NOT gut it out. Roll it up in newspaper then a plastic bag and freeze it until you can take it to your taxidermist.
  22. I have never done pets, never will do pets. I talked to Dale Earnharts taxidemist one time, and he said that doing someones pet is a Taxidermist worst nightmare!
  23. Dogs, cats, parrots, moles, hedgehogs, chicken feet with the middle toe stuck up. Last but not least, snakes, x's, current spouses, and the list just goes on and on! LOL
  24. We hope your wife gets well soon! Good luck with the yote hunt'n!
  25. In my opinion, venison jerky has much more taste than beef. I've never made jerky with ground meat before, nor have I ever eaten any, but I will try making some today. We'll see how it comes out.


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