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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. DaveS


    I don't know your particuliar case, but I have sold a multitude of "mounts" on the internet. As far as I know, there are no laws to regulate the private sale of a trophy. Your problem will come in if you are trying to sell some animal parts. I've had a few people tell me one time that I should remove my heads from the internet, but a little checking around found that the very people telling me I'd get into trouble, themselves had stuff for sale on the internet. When I ran my Taxidermy shop, I sold un-claimed mounts all the time with no problems. A fresh deer head is one thing, a mounted finished head is perfectly legal to sell to the best of my knowledge.
  2. I have a Mossburg 835 turkey gun that has a turkey choke from hell on it. Since feral hogs aren't going to be legal to hunt this year, I guess I'll dust it off and try turkey hunting this year instead of hog hunting with bow. You should be fine with your 20 guage. Practice alot and pick your shots well!
  3. Sounds like a plan. I've killed a few with bow from my stand, but this spring "gobble gobble, yelp yelp, ckuck and purrr" stuff is way too complicated. I don't think turkeys taste that good any ways. I seen 4 yesterday. One confirmed Tom as he was strutting his A** of in front of some babes. Came real close to chasing them off the property on the 4 wheeler. They're almost as destructive to a food plot as a feral hog!
  4. The Game Wardens presentation was cool too! I honestly don't get excited over "chicks or hens" I can't have. Wash their makeup off and they all rival those Yotes "101" been a shooting! I have turkeys on my property, I don't hunt them and wish coyotes would kill every dadgum one of them. They pester me so bad when I'm deer hunting sometimes!
  5. All those poor fellows that went down to see that Tiffany chick....and not a single one got to "rut"! What a waste of gas....LOL
  6. I followed "Whiskeys" advice, and bought me a lever action .44 mag carbine. It is a Rossi model 1892, and shoots sweet! Planning on a Alabama hog hunt here in the next week or two.
  7. I'm enjoying every minute of my retirement!
  8. I knew a chick like that in high school....go get your money back and tell your friends to leave ya alone!
  9. I do alot of deer hunting out of a canoe, and my weapons get their fair share of mud and moisture. My stainless Ruger .308 fairs better at the end of the day better than any of my "blued" weapons do.
  10. I can only tell you what happened to me. I was deer hunting one time and was agressed by two mangy un-collared dogs. I was backed against the side of my truck...three shots later, and two dogs are dead. I'm a mile from the nearest house. A truck comes down the road, passes me, stops and backs up. The man driving the truck says...those are my dogs! To make a long story short, the guy calls the sherriff. Game warden shows up too. The charge: unlawful killing of domestic animals. $200.00 bail, 1000.00 in attorney fees and $250.00 dollars in court cost. It was later dismissed, but I'm still out that money. My message to you? You might want to think twice about shooting dogs that YOU or SOMEONE ELSE thinks are strays. Just my advice friend....
  11. NICE!!
  12. Sounds fun....I hope you have a good trip!
  13. I really think it would be easier, cheaper and better, if we just all went through our closets and donate those old hunting coats and coveralls we can't wear no more. Tanning hides for coats would be a logistical nightmare!
  14. .223 has taken many of deer humanely. I had an uncle who deer hunted deer and hogs for years, using a WWII .30 cal carbine. I don't never remember him saying he'd ever lost an animal with. Even a .22 mag placed in the animal's "pumping station" and/or HVAC system will bring him down. We can beat the caliber issue to death, but I highly doubt you will ever see it change. In closing, if you like Ohio's regs, Mississippi regs, Kain'tuck regs; go back there and hunt. Don't stay here and fuss over rifle calibers for deer. If .204 or .223 is too small for you....upgrade! Since TN doesn't say how "big" a caliber can be, go buy yourself a 105mm field gun. That 18 inch brass casing is centerfire. Be happy! Write TWRA and give them your sujestions. We have until the 24th of February.
  15. Good idea, but most places will throw their hides away unless you want them, then they charge for them. Most hides from commercial proccesors are cut full of holes from being removed from the animal. I used to buy hides, but only about 3 out of about 10 are worth anything.
  16. Crazy ain't it?
  17. It seems Coyote hunting is going hot and heavy right now, so I will start writing about that. Will let everyone know when it's posted.
  18. That deer hide looks really good! You trimmed it out nice....good looking hide my friend!
  19. Tanning what species?
  21. Welcome to TGO!!
  23. Welcome to TGO Forums. You'll find many a fine people here!
  24. I'm trying to figure out how to write monthly "how to" articles, but I think I may have to put them on my personal website. Like one month do one project, next month another ect., ect..
  25. Some PETA student the way my luck goes!


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