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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I didn't think there would be much difference. Match primers is all I can find here right now. I guess it's all about cheap labor huh? LOL
  2. I searched on here and cannot find exactly what I'm looking for. Hopefully a "Reloading Guru" can answer my question. Can "Large Match Rifle Primers" be used in stead of a standard LG Rifle Primer? And what would be the difference?
  3. Saturday before Thanksgiving.
  4. Thanks for the info Hunting 101!!
  5. My post on here disapeared somewhere!!
  6. 30-30's are awesome for deer and hogs!
  7. Maybe if our neighbors have to give us permission to hunt our own land, maybe they should be billed for our property taxes too! That ought to shut them up!
  8. I can kill them with bow, just need some help calling them in and getting one with shotgun. I was calling one in last year, and he took off running for no reason. After investigating, we found a coke can laying on the ground is probably what sent him to running!
  9. I've heard them I think. Just didn't connect the dots is all. The noise I heard I thought was a Tom with asthma!
  10. NICE!!!!
  11. Nice Skwerl gun!
  12. I see your point now. Not a good deal at all!
  13. AWESOME work though!
  14. Now that you mention it, I have heard the difference. When my wife of 35 years gets mad at me, she sounds alot like a Jake gobbling! Going crappie fishing here in a bit, will listen for some birds while I'm out too.
  15. Professional photographers use "touch up" programs, so if he did..my hat is off to him for such awesome pictures. He's a good photographer with a good eye for a good photo. Great shots!
  16. I don't want to sound dumb, but what's the difference between a Jake and Tom gobble?
  17. I agree. Any directed toward hunters needs stopped!
  18. I believe that's already law.
  19. He told me how many he seen. Alot birds!
  20. Got a Turkey dinner planned do you?
  21. Are they gobbleing yet? I haven't heard them. I seen one fanning his tail....
  22. No crowd as far as I'm concerned. I'll have to pull myself off the crappie and out of my boat long enough!
  23. I'm going to try and get TGO member "Whiskey" to teach me to call them in a little better. We'll see what happens...
  24. Anyone been scouting out any birds? I seen 4 last Saturday (at least one was a tom) in the field where I hunt. A friend of mine seen a very large flock on his land. I may get more serious about hunting those "dirt peckers" this year. We'll see...
  25. DaveS


    You are right about the ducks. You can give them away but not sell them. A taxidermist can sell one to recover his expenses. Only for just the cost of materials. And paper work goes with the duck. I did some checking around and it is perfectly fine for you to sell your deer head. Best thing I can tell you is if someone contacts you on craigslist and says some thing. Ask them to reference to particuliar law in Tennessee.....or tell them (do I need to say more)...


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