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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. That's not what I heard. Wildman is trying to call you....something to do with turkey hunting....kinda confused....
  2. I heard about your "spandex" cammo though!
  3. I have been in Clarksville since 1980 by virtue of the US Army. I am originaly from Northern Alabama. When I got out of the Army in 1987, we chose Clarksville as our home. Been living here ever since.
  4. We still love ya little buddy!
  5. I have to hand it to ya buddy....wasn't sure you would get it. Of course Widman told the story much better than you. Great how teamworw works! He asked me all the time if I dropped the hammer on ya yet. Well, you can let him know now that the cat is out of the bag!
  6. How right you are. I even use my turkey choke on my shotgun for skwerls....little tree rats have no idea what hit them!
  7. It's amazing how each shot size and different brands pattern in a gun. You would think they would all be the same!
  8. I'll give him a little bit....then bombs away!
  9. OK my TGO friends, I'd like to pass on a little info about my "Little Buddy" Whiskey also known as "JW". In this day and time there is very little to laugh about, but I think we'll all laugh in a bit. The players are: WD-40: aka "Dave" Whiskey: aka "JW" Wildman: aka" Game Warden" So last week, Wildman and myself was working the boundary on Cross Creeks Wildlife Refuge, when he up and asks... Wildman: Did you're little buddy JW tell you about how he got his first Turkey? Dave: No sir. Wildman: Well, ask him. Dave: So, what's the deal? So, Wildman goes to telling me the story about JW's (Whiskey's) first Turkey 2 years ago. I liked to fell out of the truck laughing! Dave: That's funny stuff right there...he's the "Turkey Guru" for Montgomery County! Wildman: (almost fell out of the truck laughing). So, before I relay the story from Wildman....I want to give my little buddy "Whiskey", "JW" and Turkey Guru, an opprotunity to tell his side of this funny story! Come on little buddy.......
  10. Easton Carbon, 20 inch with 100 grain Viper broadhead. With shotgun, 3" Remington #6. Deadly! Mossberg 835 with "Tru-glo" Turkey Choke, with a little cornbread dressing and gravy on the side!
  11. Any trip for hunting is good! We're not going to be able to hog hunt in this area this year. Will have to go some where else!
  12. I guess the "explosive mist" is really worth watching. When I pick this rifle up, I need to get with some of you varmint/long range shooters at the range! I like my shooting "up close and personal". Comes from my Army MP/Game Warden days. This "long range" stuff is different. I can barely see 250 yards...how the heck am I gonna shoot that far! Whiskey and GunTroll are my neighbors...come on guys...need your help!
  13. Thanks for the re-load data, I'm sure it will go to good use. What type of bullet are you using? Soft Nose, Hollow Point, Ballistic Tip?
  14. Does the 22-250 pack a punch on the recoil end? I'm wanting to go with a single shot, so a "quick second shot" is not in the planning stages.
  15. Now you got my attention!!
  16. Is there a good variety of ammo available, or is this something I need to plan on reloading? I enjoy reloading, just thinking about my options. Like I said, my main use will be varments.
  17. I think I'll give it a shot. I've been wanting a long range weapon, and I think this might suit me. Thanks for all the info.
  18. What is the best bullet weight for yotes?
  19. I am to assume that it will take deer if in the hands of an experienced hunter?
  20. Does anyone have any experience with the .22-250 ? I'm thinking about one, but wanted some opinions. I will be hunting fox, coyote, bobcat and maybe a groundhog or two.
  21. Wild Boar/Feral Hog (sus scrofa ) has much better tasting meat than the grocery store variety ( sus domestica ). They are leaner as well. Only draw back is a large mature boar is kinda rank smelling ( el' skunkio ). And usualy are just used for wall mounts. There will be no season on feral hogs here this year. I can't go into the details yet as to the reason. All I will say is....PIG BOMB IS COMING!!
  22. That's what I did. Any "cheap" bow will do fine for fish. When shooting fish, my experience is to "aim low". Due to light refraction and the fact that an arrow will rise when hitting water, usually aiming directly at the fish will result in a miss.
  23. If you didn't live so far away, I got a place!
  24. Tell me....you're not counting the days!!!! LOL
  25. Thanks for the info ....I guess it's match primer time!


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