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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Sunday is family fishing day....turkeys are out tomorrow!
  2. My alarm didn't go off......
  3. I'm heading out also. We'll see how it goes....
  4. Well said!
  5. Many of fox, coyote, bobcats and like sized animals have fallen with a .30 carbine. Deer and hogs have also been taken, but I wouldn't consider it as a big game cartridge. If that's the rifle you want, then certainly get it. Become familiar with it, and spend endless hours at the range. However, I will warn you now....as you get more and more involved in hunting, you will find yourself wanting "big game" guns and other specialty items. You already have a shotgun that will cover rabbits, squirrels, birds, and, if properly outfitted will handle deer, bear and boar. Don't jump in and spend a bunch of money on starting out to hunt. You may not like it at all! Sidewinder mentioned a Mentor. Your "mentor" should be someone who covers all the things Sidewinder mentioned in his post. I've run into people while out hunting, that to this day, I can't figure out who in their right mind would give them a hunting license, put a gun in their hands (with live ammo to boot), and send them out into the woods to terrorize wildlife and hunters! Have respect for your fellow hunters, wildlife, the land and especially the land owner! Good Hunting!
  6. Whiskey is right. Best thing to do is decide what you want to hunt, then study the hunting regs to determine what weapons and ammo is legal to hunt your chosen species. It could save you some money and alot of grief. For example, hunting rabbit and squirrel with centerfire could cause a ticket, lose of vehicle and gun. Not worth it in my opinion. Whiskey mentioned finding a "mentor" to help you out. Get you a mature person (not some ya'hoo) to take you under his/her wing. Firsts of very firsts, GET YOUR HUNTER EDUCATION CARD. You'll learn alot from it, and it's the law!
  7. For small game, a .22lr and shotgun work fine. I don't think .30 carbine being "centerfire" would be suitable for small game. I think it would pretty much destroy the meat. Get off to a good start, and enjoy your hunting for a lifetime!
  8. Good job.....that's alot to be proud of!!
  9. Pictures????
  10. Early indications and rumors has it Whiskey's young'un bagged a nice tom.......
  11. I heard that there was a "Youth Turkey Hunt" this weekend. Well, good luck to all the young sportsmen/sportswomen going after a "long beard".....cluck, cluck....yelp, yelp....good luck, and post some PICTURES!!!! I highly anticipate Whiskey's young'un to bag a good one.....just her kinda luck too!!
  12. We've been beating this same dead horse (yote in this case) since early January. I think the legalities of night hunting and protecting our domestic animals has been well stated.
  13. I think that "not" reporting it could cause more problems than it's worth. In today's society, people report gunshots most all the time. Call your sherrif department and TWRA and report an issue with yotes getting after your domestic animals. Most likely you will be told to "deal with it". Now they are aware of your problem and it is least likey to cause problems if reported. By the way, it's easier to declare "I was protecting my animals" if using a shotgun opposed to a centerfire rifle with night vision scopes/flashlights. I've yet to see another animal "stand still" so a coyote could walk up and kill/eat it. They'll come in full bore and meaning business. Much easier to hit with shotgun anyways. Plus some of your neighbors would probably appreciate not having a rifle bullet passing through the walls of their house. Take care of business, but be SMART about it, and be legal! My opinion is all....
  14. Hey Whiskey, "buddy ol' pal, buddy".....how 'bout some GPS coordenance to that fish'hole of yur'uns????
  15. I hate turkeys too!!! I'm serious!!!
  16. There are some listed in the TN hunting regs. According to them, that part of the state is covered in Hogs! Never been there myself, so not sure. I'm interested in an East TN hog hunt myself. I may just buy an out of state tag this year to hunt them.
  17. Went fishing with friends yesterday, got a dose of ticks just standing in a gravel road! I HATE TICKS!! But, I'm going to have to deal with it while scouting and Turkey hunting....hum bug! I might have to wrap myself in FOIL...
  18. It sounds like ya'll had an awesome time! Good job Lana.....I'm going to try her technique one day this week. I'm heading out for some Crappie also.
  19. I know this is a Hunting Forum (spare me Mr. Moderator), but how many of our TGO Hunting friends like to fish, and for what? I love fishing as well as hunting, and my favorite is Bass and Crappie. I also have a hard time choosing between Turkey hunting and Crappie fishing. Usualy, fishing wins out.
  20. A'right Whiskey....as long as it's all good....
  21. Are ya in the dog house yet little buddy?
  22. There ya go buddy...a fellow TGO'r coming through!
  23. Where is Lascassas ?
  24. You wouldn't have some of them problems if you weren't "shotgun disfunctional"! LOL....sorry buddy, couldn't help myself!
  25. It's the couch for you buddy!


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