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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Blackhawks are nice scoped, and very accurate. I know several people who hunt with them in .44 magnum. Good guns!
  2. It's workable! It would be a good choice.
  3. Rifle of pistol ? I have a friend that has a lever action rifle in .45 long colt and he knocks the snot out of deer with it!
  4. I don't know one from the other. Maybe once they are boiled I could tell a differnce in taste. I guess I'll research it!
  5. Now I'm confused...
  6. Boiled crawfish, corn on the cob, smoked sausage, lemon wedges, red potatoes and zatarans season....woo wee!!!!
  7. BINGO!!!!! Whiskey has duck hunted before!!!! I have even found ducks laying on the side of the road, where they fell off of vehicles or whatever. If you kill, eat it....don't do it for sport or adventure......you'll go hungry! I loved duck hunting. I just don't recommend it to a first time hunter!
  8. If I fish with them, I use them alive, Carolina rigged. Be ready, because when a "smallie" hits....they hit with an attitude!
  9. So do I.....use traps, fish the right areas, with the right bait,.....awesome!
  10. More advice on the shotgun; try to get one that has changable choke tubes. It will allow you to hunt many, many things witht the same gun.
  11. Oh yeah.....every deer season make sure you have "mount money" put aside before season. Never know when that big'un will come along!
  12. I forgot to mention, that most WMAs open to duck hunting is by Draw only. If you get drawn for a blind, great! If not, well..... Hunting 101 said it all....find someone to go with to see if you like it or not before you spend a ton on equipment. For the money spent, and time afield to produce any meat worth bragging about, deer hunting can't be beat. Price per pound of good venison is a much better deal than price per pound for duck. Just my honest opinion!
  13. Getting into duck hunting in my opinion is pretty expensive. Shotguns must be plugged, cammo, calls, decoys, state and federal licenses, time afield.....alot for something that taste like chicken liver in my opinion. They don't taste all that great to me, and Bologna taste better than wild turkey. Setting in a duck blind at 10 degrees F....waiting for one stupid duck to fly over so all eight people in the blind can open up their barrage of anti aircraft fire on that one poor little duck just don't appeal to me. If you're looking to bust into hunting, give squirrel (spring season opens in May) and deer hunting a try. Best place to duck hunt is where there is water...that's about it. As far as food? Don't go hungry...hunt deer and squirrel! Save duck hunting for when you are experienced! I have never heard of a shotgun called or made by "Tradewinds". Which ever shotgun you choose, it must be plugged to limit it to three shots. That's probably why 5 guys in a duck blind shoot at one little duck all at the same time...5 hunters x 3 shells each equal 15 shots to bring down said duck. You will need a boat, waders, decoys, calls, good cold weather cammo clothing, heater for your blind, ect., ect., ect.. Tennessee Hunting license, state migratory bird permit, federal duck stamp and if you hunt a WMA, a WMA waterfowl permit (trust me, deer hunting is cheaper). Don't forget, one of those little duck decals for the back window of your truck. That's about all I can remember about my duck hunting days (many moons ago). Good Hunting! Dave PS: Steel shot ain't cheap!
  14. Nice bird 101!!!
  15. It's a "Privalige", not a "Right" as been explained to me.
  16. You are right. I can't fight it by myself. Nothing will ever change anyways.....
  17. If you read the proclamation, it STOPPED hog hunting on Cross Creeks Refuge. Folks that Refuge is overrun with hogs and the damage there is unbeleivable! No Turkeys, no Quail. Duck and Goose eggs are being eaten by the hundreds! Major damage every where....yeah smart move.....stop people from hunting them!!! What genious thought that up (PETA). Maybe with the mighty dollar and Magic bubget of the USDA and USFWS...they can pay $10,000 a day for a helicopter "flyover" to shoot hogs and leave them to rot in the fields! I've already seen it, and it's discusting! All the hungry people in this Country, and we leave hundreds of thousands of pounds of good lean pork to rot in the fields....I think I will contact my representitive!
  18. If you're the "land owner". It says nothing about a guest aor someone he allows to hunt. It says "land owner"!
  19. When? When the coyotes meet you in the front yard, and pigs chase you in the back? "Pig Bomb" is coming to Stewart County folks!
  20. Interesting reading. It looks like us Pig and Coyote hunters lose again!
  21. NICE BIRD!!!
  22. Bragging rights indeed!
  23. I've went out, no luck finding those "Dirt Peckers" any where. Changed tactics to fishing now!
  24. Very good information, thanks for passing it along!
  25. Congrats to all!


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