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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I read it, but must have missed the "nightime and bait" part. Gonna go back and read it again.
  2. Well.....did you get your limit? LOL
  3. Ya'll making me have to go out and dust off my fly fishing gear....
  4. I was really pushing my luck when I brought up "fishing" on the "hunting" forums. Thank you Mr. Moderator for allowing those discusions. I have learned alot about fishing some of the places I've always wanted to fish. I'm learning enough now from some of my "TGO Brothers" to venture forth to some new areas. Again...thank you! Dave
  5. Cross Creeks Wildlife Refuge just opened back up after flooding (time to go back to work with GW's). I know a couple of bream holes there that me and my wife are gonna hit tomorrow. One of our favorite ways to cook bream, is to make "poor man's shrimp". Filet and remove the skin. Drop in shrimp boil for about 1 minute. Very hard to beat!!!
  6. When I was in the army (back in the musket days, lol) I used to trout fish the streams at the army ranger camp in the mountains of Dalonega (sp) GA. Those mountains streams (coopers creek I think it was) was my favorite. Nice, Nice Rainbows!
  7. I've always wanted to do some trout fishing at caney fork. Is there any good public access areas?
  8. Dang Rob...thought you done dropped off the planet! I love fly fishing. I like to flyfish for bream off the front of my boat!
  9. I love crappie, bass and catfish. I love smoking salmon and trout as well.....but for some reason.....those bream are about as fine eating as you would want. I usually carry the stuff in my bass rig to cook shore lunches. My favorite is Fried Bluegill, Fried Potatoes and pork & Beans. Cooked on a driftwood fire on the banks of Kentucky Lake! And by the way...I caught NOTHING today! HumBug!
  10. Now that's a sunfish!
  11. Yes Sir....sunfish family!
  12. They have been bitting good for a couple weeks. All the boat ramps in this area were/are closed and no one had access to the fish. Some ramps just opened back up today. It's game on!
  13. Does anyone else on the hunting forums fish for "Shell Crackers" ? I love it. LBL just opened back up today after flooding, and I'm going after a load of "Stump Knockers" tomorrow. Will let ya'll know how I do.
  14. How could they loosen the regs on them, when they stopped the hunting of them in a high population area? At times I think TWRA has little idea what they are doing!
  15. USDA did a "fly over" here too. Killed 50 something of them. Shot them from a helicopter with buckshot and left them laying in the woods and fields to rot. Sickening, since we have so many hungry people in this state. It p***** me off to no end!! And yet, they won't let us hunt them. Rumor has it that each flight/day cost about $10,000.00 to complete. Don't matter if they kill them or not. Tax dollars well spent!
  16. They are all over Stewart county , LBL and Fort Campbell. Hundreds of them. Not allowed to hunt them though, except with extreme rules and regulations. They have more regs on them than black bears!!! Crazy! I ain't going to get started!
  17. Tanned coyote hides sell for a fair amount of money. Got to find something that won't blow holes in them!
  18. Hog hunting has been thin for me this year. Tennessee changed their regs for the refuges. I guess it's an Alabama Non resident license and NOT a NWR permit. Their loss, not mine! If I have to pay to hunt out of state, so be it!
  19. Ticks are really bad this year!
  20. I have a good flock of birds on my property that I manage. I really don't care to hunt them because I suck at it. I'll kill some during bow season when they torment the snot out of me when I'm deer hunting. I hate the "dirt peckers" and really don't care to eat them....just the way it is.....
  21. Pigs and Coyotes....
  22. She done good....too bad she didn't euthenize one of them!
  23. I personaly am wanting to take one with handgun.
  24. Interesting question....I don't think they would.
  25. BINGO!! And have plenty of paper towels handy! I use my propane cooker and turkey pot to cook them in.


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