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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. One of the MOST PAINFUL catfish stings I've ever had was from a "gaftopsail" cat. Why did the good lord do this to us?
  2. That too....just be careful this weekend....alot of boneheads out on the water right now!
  3. Craziest thing I've ever seen!
  4. The culprit!
  5. Looking good right now!
  6. It's been many years since I heard the term "whistle pig". I remember my grandfather telling me, that back during the depression, "we used to hunt whislting pigs to eat and make shoes from their hide".
  7. I feel the same. I can't kill just for the sake of killing. Something of the animal HAS to be used. Meat, pelt whatever. Those that "kill for the lust", or the "sake of killing" has never been invited to or has been barred from my 180 acre primo hunting spot. I can't see it myslef!
  8. She's ready to go. Her Orthopedic Surgeon give her a thumbs up today, to go back fishing. He wants her to take it easy, wear a glove on her hand, and use one of those metal fish gripping thingies from here on out. He wants to see her Thursday to take her sutures out. He removed the drain tube today. The "hole" is about 1 1/4 inches deep and about as big around as a pencel. He's going to leave that part open to allow drainage. I just retired as a Firefighter/EMT, and it's very hard for me to look at. Maybe because it's my own child, I don't know. Please handle these catfish safely folks.....
  9. Do I see another "flinter" on here? Holy crap....I thought I was the only "rocklock" shooter here! Never hunted prarie rats before, but tree rats is fun wit de flint gun!
  10. A lot of people don't realize that killing snakes is illegal. I don't understand why, if a person is so scared of snakes....why walk to the otherside of a gravel road to kill it? Stay on YOUR OWN side of the road and let it be!
  11. The surgeon gave her the fishes spine. Now she wants a necklace made out of it because she thinks it looks cool. I told her no! ...so I got that little sad puppy look that teenagers give to help get their way.....sheez..... Getting ready to take her to the doctor here shortly. We'll see how it goes.
  12. I live by this rule!
  13. She's sleeping it off right now. I think I might need some of what she has! She told me today that she can't wait to get back out fishing again. She's a real trooper for sure!
  14. Yeah, that would be nice for folks to see.
  15. All these years, and this is a first!
  16. That process works well. Go easy, a little at a time. Don't get them too dark.
  17. Sir, how right you are!
  18. When I ran my taxidermy shop, I restored many a rack. First step, wash real good in a little dish soap and water. Allow to dry for a couple of hours. Get a "light" walnut wood stain. Apply VERY VERY LIGHTLY and immediatly wipe off excess. Allow to dry. Repeat until the bleached antlers reach the color that you desire. When done, seal with a MATTE sealant. Matte Polyurathane works well. I hope this helps you my friend.
  19. Wounds in those areas hurt, because every time you move your thumb or fingers, you feel it! Plus, you have all those tendons in your hand. That's the main reason an Orthopedic surgeon was called in.
  20. She recieved 2 bags of IV with antibiotics at the hospital. The surgeon said he got it cleaned out pretty good, and give her a prescription for an antibiotic. They left part of it open with a tube to drain. I have to take her in tomorrow to have it checked. If it was God's will for it to happen to anyone, should have been me and not my daughter.
  21. Another picture. You can see where it is pushing against her palm. Handling catfish is something we will never take lightly anymore! BE SAFE!
  22. With memorial day weekend coming up I would like to remind my TGO friends to be safe this weekend, while hunting, fishing, camping or whatever you are doing. I took my daughter catfishing yesterday and this happened about 11:30. Seven hours and 1 surgery later, we got to come home. Be safe....come home safe this weekend. That fish cost us about $4,000.00 dollars per pound! She was properly holding the catfish, and was removing the hook. One "tail flip" later and his spine was buried 2 inches into her hand. It actully was starting to protrude from her palm at an angle from where it went in.
  23. lol That's about right!
  24. Going jug fishing for cats tomorrow. Never been before. Game Warden friend is going to teach me how. Man, I can't wait! I can trotline fish, but have never jug fished before. I built my jugs (pool noodles) as directed. Now, I just need to know how to fish them!
  25. We ended up with 3 nice White Bass, 20 bigger than hand size bream and a decent channel cat. One fine supper is coming this week!


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