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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Thanks David for letting it happen! Thanks 101!!
  2. "Hey Boys.....we're having fried taters and fish for supper....WATCHOUT OUT FOR BUCKSHOT!" Sorry my friend....couldn't resist! lol
  3. Man.....I love this nieghborhood!!!! That's no LIE either! Now I can post fishing stories without feeling guilty. But to keep with the "gun owner" tradition, I do carry a handgun when I'm out fishing. You know, for snakes and whatnot! lol
  4. A lot of WMA's offer a variety of small game, big game and waterfowl hunting opportunities Several WMA's in the middle Tennessee area (Cheatham) being one offers outstanding duck hunting (check to see if a draw is required) and some pretty nice "wall hanger" bucks have came from there. Look at the online version of the hunting regs. There is plenty of good hunting around, it will take a little bit of leg work to learn it.
  5. Awesome picture!
  6. No ground crew either...that's bad!
  7. The "shooter" in the video actually wasn't doing a bad job. Considering he was moving and so was his target!
  8. We tried to get the USDA to let us load them up on a truck and get them to the local deer coolers for processing. USDA didn't want the liability of someone eating a sick hog. They don't want sued!
  9. Just think....all those hogs are left to rot instead of feeding the hungry in this country!
  10. $10,000.00 for a one hour flight is what the Refuge had to pay the USDA to shoot hogs!
  11. I guess I would pay a thousand for a copy of their regs, if they would write them so I could understand the laws!
  12. I don't really like the proposal on the quaota hunt fee's either!
  13. I'm out on a Sportsman license this year also. Not giving the refuge any money either!
  14. Checked everything out, we're good to go. "Just don't throw seed down and hunt it". DUH! Everything is looking good. Deer are coming to the "deercane" and "feeders". We should have a good number of deer using the site. Trail cams will tell me what I need to know!
  15. W...H...A...T the heck?????!!!!!!
  16. DWARREN said it all! Good post!!
  17. Recoil is something to consider. I have a 45/70 in my cabinet, that cause me to start jerking, twitching and sweating everytime I open the cabinet and look at it! lol
  18. If you want to hunt deer and ELK, and trajectory is an issue, go .308 cal. The price of ammo for .308 is not much more than 30/30.
  19. Vontar's cyphering is absolutely correct!
  20. That's what I'm thinking. Going to call TWRA and check. Since Doves are considered Migratory, I gave my Fed game warden friend a call. He didn't see a problem with it, but also said, "depends on the wildlife officer's interpertation". I know the WMA's here grow millet for hunting over. We'll see....
  21. I was down on my hunting property today, and got two large food plots plowed and disc up. I want to plant the usual soy bean, brassica mix, corn, clover and millet. I have a question concerning millet. I am reading that due to the planting technique for millet (broadcast on top of the ground), that, that is not a normal "agricultural practice" and could be considered "baiting". Does anyone have any experience with millet? Is this something I need to call TWRA in regards to? I read on the internet where some states consider the planting of millet baiting. It's amazing how fast this project is getting complicated! The millet is being planted for doves and quail.
  22. I'd like to know the answer to that one too....
  23. Yup....I would love to start some "how to articles" on here. May have to put them on my website.
  24. Sounds fun.....ticks are bad though!
  25. Instead of simplifying the rules on hog hunting, seems to me they complicated them even more than they were in the past! Our local Wildlife refuge has a good (or bad in this case) population of feral hogs, but they stopped the hunt on them this year. I can't figure that one out. There is a lot of cropland there also. Going to be interesting to hear what the cooperative farmers will have to say.


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