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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I wished I lived closer. This Saturday is free hunting day, hopefully you can find someone in your area to take you under his wing for a squirrel hunt. Good luck to you sir.
  2. I had to take the hunter education course when I hit 50. Fort Campbell required it. Had to get it! It's dumb I know....been hunt'n since I was about eight. Ain't shot nobody yet. Unlike one of our vice presidents!
  3. White faces are pretty common in some areas. Black faces are a little more rare. I think the "orange" colored fox squirrels are the prettiest. I've got video somewhere of the one I seen. He is black with 4 white feet, white ears and white nose. Craziest thing I've seen!
  4. "Earn a Buck". Our local refuge is like that.
  5. 101, all of my pictures were taken with one of those 40.00 cameras walmart carries.
  6. That could be 101. I kinda think it would be aweful hard for a dog to catch a healthy deer.
  7. If you have a predation problem with deer, contact TWRA and get a permit to harvest. If it's in a place where shooting isn't permitted, see if TWRA will trap and remove it. If it's in a heighborhood, you shouldn't be letting your dog run loose to chase deer! I don't know about Maryville, but Clarksville/Montgomery county has a "leash law".
  8. Good luck Rob, hopefully you'll get him!
  9. I keep putting in for LBL but never get drawn. I didn't do it this year. I don't put in for "doe draws". No need to anymore. 3 a day in unit L, non-quota.
  10. If ya'll haven't been following dates, Squirrel season opens statewide this Saturday. I will for sure be in the woods as I have located a black fox squirrel with 4 white feet, white ears and a white nose. Not only would I love to have that "nut muncher" climbing up a log in my house, but I'm in great need of some Fried Squirrel! Speaking of mounting squirrels, lend me your ears for a moment.... If you would like to harvest yourself a nice squirrel for mounting and eating, or your children get their first squirrel and want it mounted (squirrels are the most mounted small animal) we must follow a couple rules. 1: DO NOT take a headshot with your .22 or .17 HMR. Both will do severe damage and may ruin an otherwise beautiful mount. 2: If you have to use a rimfire, use a .22 and make a ribcage shot. This does less damage. Do not use a .17 HMR If you plan on mounting your squirrel. 3: Shotguns work well, but you chance putting pellet holes through an ear or two. Most times they can be repaired. I prefer shotgun over rimfire. 4: Once your squirrel is harvested, treat it as you would any game animal that you plan to eat (even if you don't eat it). 5: As soon as you get back to your truck, wrap your squirrels in a plastic bag and place in a cooler. Do not just throw them in the back of your truck, especialy in this heat. Keep thinking "eat".....if it's good enough to eat, then it is mountable (depending on damage from harvest). 6: Once you get home, clean the ones you want to eat, and place your trophy in a plastic bag (do not gut) squeeze the air out, wrap tight and place in the freezer. Call your Taxidermist as soon as possible. The sooner the better. Squirrels stored for more than a couple weeks could start freezer burning (drying out) on the ears. Caring for your mount: Once you get your squirrel back from your taxidermist, it will only need the basics of care. 1. Dust lightly with a paint brush and low air pressure. An electronics "duster" in a can works well. 2. Lightly brush the squirrel with a soft toothbrush and gently flare his/her whiskers 3. Fluff the tail by gently brushing with a soft paintbrush. Brush from the tip of the tail toward it's head. 4. If it's mounted on a habit scene, it can also be dusted lightly with a soft paintbrush and/or low air pressure. 5. NEVER give it a bath in the sink with water. It is not a cat, and it does have fleas! If it does, you have one humdinger of a taxidermist! 6. Do not place it over a fireplace, or heater vent. Do not place it where it will be in contact with direct sunlight. I hope you all find this tidbit of information helpful. I'm heading to the woods Saturday morning (taking the Federal Game Warden and His little son on a squirrel hunt), and I'll be using my Flintlock Kentucky Rifle. Wish me luck. Protect yourself from ticks. The copperheads and Rattlers are on the move early and late. Be safe and have fun. If we can, lets all post some pictures this weekend. IT'S FREE HUNT DAY introduce someone new to squirrel hunting....NO PERMIT REQUIRED! God Bless Dave "WD-40" PS: This IS NOT an advertisement for business (I am retired from commercial work). I am only wishing to share my knowledge and years of experience with you, in helping you to get the most out of your hunting and fishing experiences.
  11. That was a different time. But yes, we were attacked on the edge of a county road. We didn't get fined, because the other guy backed down because our lawyer supeoned his vet records to actualy verify that the dogs were his and that they were up on their shots. My son took a doe, and thats what got the dogs after us to begin with.
  12. I just looked at the Tennessee fall turkey regs. Counting bow season, I can take 7 either sex dirt scratchers. WOO HOO....BE GONE YOU EVIL BEAST!!!!! I hope those "dirt scratchers" in my above cam pictures have their affairs in order, because I'm fixing to call down the thunder on them!
  13. I guess if it was someone elses land and not my own, I too would just have to watch the show. Me being attacked would make a differance though.
  14. Whiskey; have you been in the "Bottoms" yet?
  15. Yep, we've all said our piece.
  16. Only he and his buddies hunt.
  17. I know this guy that was in his stand deer hunting, when a coonhound ran a deer past his stand. He shot and killed the dog. Was still sitting in his stand when the owners found the dog. After almost getting the whoop'n of his life, Nick had to pay $1200.00 for the dog, $1,000.00 in punitive damages, Lawyer fees (his and the other guys) plus court cost. On the criminal charge (unlawful killing of a domestic animal) court cost and 250.00 fine. You have to think, is all that worth it for a deer?
  18. Every day that I drive down the highway, I see numerous deer that have been hit and killed by vehicles. Does of all sizes, fawns and bucks of all sizes. The only exceptions of the bucks...THEY ARE NOT "WALL HANGERS". They're the dumb little young bucks (spikes up to small 6 and 8 pointers). Those young bucks are causing alot of property damage and going to waste. Let the hunters harvest them. There's too many of them! Pass up the bucks on your land, and your neighbors will kill them for you. The only way QDM will work for you is to get your surrounding neighbors involved. The law says "3 inch" antler minimum. Wonder if there is a reason for that in unit L? Wonder why (I ask myself this) Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Kentucky (plus more) all southern states, don't have point or spread restrictions?
  19. Does anyone know how to spell "missing" dog? I have dogs too, I love them, but they are kenneled ect., ect.. I've had to deal with this kind of thing before. I had a dog one time that would not let me get out of my tree stand. It was a feral dog (I think). Well anyways.....I let fido play fetch with a 150 grain soft nose .308.....well never mind.
  20. I could get Jimmy to write one. Only problem is, he owns porperty that is full oh hogs. His property borders the refuge. He don't like us too nuch
  21. This little gang of "dirt scratchers" need took out. They're causing trouble!
  22. Feeding time for momma and baby. My ladder stand is about 10 foot to the left of these deer. Pictures like this sure make it hard to deer hunt!
  23. I caught a guy with mine stealing gas from my boat. Law got him, but the guy felt stupid after that, because he told the deputy that his car isn't running now, that that gas messed it up. Ya think? lol
  24. Very interesting. How about the WMA's in middle TN....Are we just suppose to sit in our deer stands and watch the little piggies play in the mud and do nothing about it? They're here, I reported them last year to the warden. Don't think he beleived me. Surely he wouldn't think they showed up on one of their precious little duck hunting WMAs like Barkley Unit one and two. Well, I have sad news for them, they're there. Give the hogs a year, there will be plenty to go around! TWRA doesn't have the personel of the funds to eradicate them. OH well.....


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