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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Mine are going down fast. Mainly due to turkeys digging it up. There is a thread on here about trail cams. A couple of thos pictures you can see some of the plot.
  2. Yeah, they added some region 2 places, but nothing I've ever heard of.
  3. Yes Buddy, Thank You for your efforts!
  4. My question is....regarding the dispatching of the deer once located by the dog? Wanto waste? Can't shoot it? Have to leave a wounded deer in the woods? Too many questions, not enough answers!
  5. I'll give that a try this year. I believe I've got a "pup distress" sound card.
  6. I like them. They take great pictures day or night. Easy to set up and use. No complaints on this end! I thinking about getting a couple more.
  7. I like "dying rabbit", "fawn in distress", and "Tiny Tim" albums.
  8. I do not like to reccomend anyone (if something goes wrong, I don't want blamed). Call a couple shops in your area, ask them if you can come in. Tell them you are shopping for a Taxidermist and would like to come in and look at his/her work and pick up a price guide. They should be more than willing to do that. Just don't show up at his shop. Call first.
  9. Yes, but I don't know how that would work while trailing a deer with dogs, considering it's against regulation to "hunt deer" with dogs. Dog + Trailing Deer + Gun = Hunting, by my calculator.
  10. "I'm Your Huckleberry"......
  11. "Get out of here! I was here first, find your own beans!" This was a nice food plot until the deer and turkeys started digging everything up!
  12. "Dear Mr. Little D. Buck; you have been invited to participate in Tennessee's youth hunt this year. This will be a casual affair, come as you are. Please RSVP NO LATER THAN October 29th ! The young'ns are looking forward to meeting you."
  13. Stare down! Wonder what this spike buck and raccoon are thinking?
  14. Breakfast at the "food plot". I think this doe is "mooning" me! That's OK.....My stand is just mere feet away!
  15. I don't know what the going rate is right now. When I closed my shop they ran from $45.00 to $65.00 dollars. Check around, check your selected Taxidermist work and have him on "speed dial". LOL I'll venture to guess the going rate is going to be $125>
  16. It seems being armed would make sense. I mean how would you dispatch a wounded deer if needed?
  17. Whiskey gives good advice. Find you some hickory nut trees that the squirrels are feeding in. Get in before daylight, sit down and nail them little tree rats when they come to feed on the hickorys. The'll be in the trees, not on the ground. Just watch the trees. You'll do just fine! Go in the evening time too. Right before dark.
  18. I'll take your word for it. All I've been told was it was sharp when it came to trailing wounded deer. Used to be a guy on fort campbell years back, that you could call to recover a deer. He couldn't charge anyone, but he sure did good in gratuities! At he time I think he got tipped about 25.00 per trip.
  19. That's awesome information! Thanks for sharing. I think we need to mention, that if you are trailing a deer with dogs, no guns is that correct? Or can the dog handler have a weapon?
  20. Good Times!!
  21. LOL... I've got a gray squirrel that makes hourly trips to my garden and steals green tomatoes and carries them up his tree. I live in the county, so I could "take him out" if I so choose. I actualy get a kick out of watching his antics fighting with those tomatoes.
  22. Good idea.
  23. Don't you have some "4-legged" little winnie that trails deer? Game Warden warned me about that little ankle biter! LOL You need a bigger dawg buddy!
  24. How about the rabbit hunters or bird hunters that use dogs. I think this is tricky situation. I think a coke and popcorn, sit back and enjoy the chase. I was rabbit hunting a local WMA a couple of years ago. The deer bow season ended on Friday on this particular WMA. I went rabbit hunting that next morning, opening day of rabbit. I was running two champion beagles, they jumped a bunny and headed through a standing cornfield. My son and his buddy stayed where the rabbit was jumped, and I made my way through the cornfield to the other side. As I was walking along the edge of the field, I found 2 arrows sticking up out of the ground. I reached down to pick them up and I hear this voice "those are mine". I looked around (I thought I was hearing things) He said I'm up in this tree". He asks" are those your beagles?" I said yup. He says "I tried to shoot those mouthy (explicit) mutts." I said really? I told him to come on down out of the tree. He says "if I don't?" I told him I was going to start taking chunks out of the side of his tree that he was in with my shotgun...you'll come down buddy! I had a full box of high brass #6's. His tree was all of about 12 inches wide. I think I could have brought it down ok with him in it! He called his buddy on his little radio, and when his buddy showed up, that skinny little twirp climbed down out of his stand (it turned out they were in the army). They both are standing there all puffed up on me asking what I wanted to do about it...where did I want to go with it? They were dumber than a sack of rocks, because they had already layed their bows on the ground and had folding knives on their hips. I'm standing there with a 12 gauge shotgun layed across my shoulder. Nothing like bringing empty hands to a gun fight ya know? About that time, my son (6'2 260) and his buddy (6' 225) stepped out of the cornfield. You could hear the air deflate out of them two dudes lungs when they seen "the boys' step out of the cornfield. My son says what's up dad? I says "this fellow shot arrows at the dogs". My son says "really", did he hit 'em, I said not that I know of. I haven't seen them to check them yet. My son and his buddy both wanted to rip their faces off right then and there. I said no, let me check the dogs first then I'll deal with it. I finaly got the dogs off the rabbit, and they were both OK. To make a long story short, I called the game warden from my cell phone, he got them, took their bows and charged them with hunting deer during a closed season, and hunting without a WMA permit. He also warned them about shooting at someone's hunting dogs, and how it could get them busted up pretty bad because some of them ol' boys don't play when it comes to their dogs. When we got back to our truck, we found that they had came in and parked right next to us. Our tailgate was down, dog box sitting there. What about that might say someone is hunting with dogs here? All I know is, if he had hit my dogs, their red blazer truck would not had a single tire, piece of glass, tail light, headlight or nothing left! It's called a 12 gauge and don't mess with us "good'ol boys"! When it comes to our hunting dogs, call us what you want...but we are known as "Bubba" or "Good'ol Boys" which ever you choose to call us. I'll answer to almost anything! You mess with my dogs...you mess with my family!
  25. I love wild hog hunting, and wanted to do it again this year. It's going to be hard sitting in my stand this year and watching the hogs play and not taking one. I wish TWRA and their management areas the best of luck!


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