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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I checked it...I think some seed floated off, but enough stayed behind for fall. I hope those %@(^*% turkeys stay around long enough to catch.
  2. Kinda what I've heard too! Is there a law against hating turkeys as bad as I do? Why they were not allowed to go extinct, is totaly beyong me!
  3. Being a retired Firefighter/EMT, I am assuming you are talking about "basic first aid"? First Responder classes are many hours. EMT classes are many, many hours. Unless anyone is willing to take all the REQUIRED training, tests and refresher courses, don't do it. It is a committement in time and money most folks don't want to handle. If you are just wanting to shoot something to patch up, Kroger sells watermelons real cheap. EMT and HCP don't mix real well. Just my opinion is all! If you're trying to sell this course...well......
  4. When I work with the game wardens at the refuge, we do that with nets to catch ducks for banding. It's really cool to do!
  5. If the antlers are real "porous" you may want to seal them first. If not, light walnut works real well for them. If you have any further questions, let me know, and I will help you along your way.
  6. So I go to check on my food plots today. I'm on my four wheeler and when I arrived at the food plot, about 10 turkeys were out there feeding. I jumps off my 4 wheeler and started chasing those "dirt scratchers" across the food plot and into the woods. My son and his buddy was behind me in his jeep watching this whole affair. So I put out seed and traps for them with trail cams, and they said I looked just like "Wiley Coyote" chasing the roadrunner. Well ok, therefore I will order some "landmines" from "ACME" to blow those I^YY$^&*(Y*!!!, plum into next week!!! I just thought I would share my new "nickname" with you all! Ya'll pray for me......it's me against them!! And WILEY COYOTE will win! Here's a picture I found to be not so funny!
  7. You beat me to it! LOL
  8. I have yet to see TOILET PAPER mentioned.......DON"T FORGET THE TOILET PAPER!!!!
  9. OK, If "castor" allows, I'm going to steal his format. Since my favorite way to hunt is with a Flintlock Rifle, I will start with "Kleine Schwester". The rifle contains one 3/8's diameter wiping stick, and a 3/4 inch chunk of rock, that ya'll call flint. In my shooting pouch, I have a pair of hand forged pliers (by me), a turnscrew (forged by me), and a buckskin bag containing some very eligant english flints. There is also a tin of patch lube that I made from a mixture of boar fat and beeswax. A buckskin bullet bag full of .50 cal balls, cleaning jag, ball puller, patch worm, vent pick, flash pan brush, wood tube of extra priming powder. Oh yeah, a piece of moldy jerky from last years hog hunt. My possibles bag (haversack) contains, tender, flint, steel, tow and char cloth for fire starting. A tin plate I took from a dead Brittish soldier I kilt at King's Mountain (don't bash me Robtattoo), a two prong fork (forged by me) a eating knife (made by me), candles, a buckskin bag containing dried red peppers, a tiny wood bottle of salt, and one of peppercorns. A tin cup (from the same dead bloke that gave up the plate) Easy Robtattoo! On the outside of the bag is attached a drinking cup made from a cows horn...whew.... Attached to the outside of my shooting pouch, is a Patch knife (forged by me), a main powder horn containing 3f powder to feed to me rifel, a smaller horn of 4f powder to prime me pan! Hanging around me kneck is a wood piece containing 5 greasy patched balls. On my feet are a pair of hand stitched centerseam, deerskin mockersons braintanned in the fashion of the eastern woodland savages. Buckskin leggings cover me stockings and knee britches. A walnut stained hunting frock covers my upper and I'm topped off with a tricorn hat or tied bandana.....depending on my mood! Around me waste is a wide belt of fine leather, in which I aquired from an english fella whom no longer needed it. Stuck within is a fine butcher knife enclosed in a sheath of leather and a tomahawk taken from a red savage whom would have faired better by staying at home! Give me a day or two, and I'll get modern on ya!
  10. Rob, I would love to. It would be better for me to plan a particular month to go. How about period dress? I'm good with it! I'll get with you. As far as the rifle goes, I have about 400.00 tied up in parts, and hours upon hours. If you want to build a gun, I have some books I can trade out for whatever.
  11. That's right. Once you take a "hacksaw" to the barrel to make your cuts for the file....there ain't no turning back! I may take you up on the milling machine. I'm getting ready to get my 50 cal flintlock pistol started. I forgot I had it at the range a year or two ago. I need to shoot it some more and get ready for the deer season.
  12. Building and shooting them is very addictive! The most fun you have is making every thing you need to shoot it. Shooting pouch, horn, patch knife, bullet boards ect, ect.. It's a great hobby! I would be more than happy to help you on your journey! The biggest challenge to me when building the gun was hand cutting the dove tail slots for the sights. It was pretty scary!
  13. Hard telling. I does seem like it would be a big hassle. Good idea, but a hassle indeed!
  14. I'm going to thin my kit down some this year. Troll got me to thinking.....
  15. Thank You! Can't have it Troll...nope, nope, NOPE! LOL I might let you stroke her fines lines and shoot her at the range one time though!
  16. [h=2]Field Dressing Big Game[/h]Evidence of species or sex of big game animals must not be destroyed prior to a permanent kill tag having been issued at a checking station. Normal field dressing, quartering, and icing down of the meat is permitted. [h=2]Tagging Game & Checking Stations[/h]It is unlawful to move, transport or field dress any big game animal, except for wild hogs, without invalidating and attaching a properly completed temporary kill tag. Landowner, Lifetime license holder, military (on leave with leave papers) and youth under 13 will be issued a temporary kill tag after checking in their first big game animal. If additional animals are to be harvested on that calendar day, the hunter is not required to stop hunting and tag the animal until he/she is ready to move, transport, or field dress the animal. All animals harvested must be accompanied by one animal with an invalidated temporary kill tag and must be checked in on that calendar day at a big game checking station or the TWRA Big Game Online Check In where one new temporary kill tag will be issued. It shall be illegal for the hunter to hunt on the subsequent calendar day(s) until the previously harvested animal(s) are checked in and a new temporary kill tag is issued. Evidence of species and sex must be available for inspection by Wildlife Officer or Agency designated personnel prior to issuance of permanent game tag. The permanent harvest tag is a legal document and must be signed by the hunter. By signing the permanent harvest tag, the hunter is affirming that the information, as it appears on the permanent tag, is correct and valid. The permanent game tag must remain with each carcass until final processing. Persons legally hunting without a license are also required to take any big game animal harvested to a check station. After receiving a temporary harvest tag from checking in their first kill, these persons must comply with all tagging regulations. All big game taken to a taxidermist to be mounted must be accompanied by documentation showing the permanent game tag number, checking station number, and date of kill. All youth, or guardians of youth, under the age of 16 that do not have an official TWRA ID# (found on hunting license) must know, or carry with them, their Social Security Number in order to check-in a big game animal. This includes youth hunting under the landowner exemption or youth under the age of 10. It looks like he may be right, but you have to prove species and sex. So I suppose you need to bring head, hide and sex parts out with you.
  17. I see. Last time I did "internet" check in, I had to "print out" my reciept and new temporary kill tag. Even if you check in on the internet, you still have to attach kill tags. I don't know if that works with phones or not. Not sure I would want to be the guy that got caught coming out of the woods with a skinned and quartered deer packed in a cooler with no permenant tag attached. I can only offer advice to you. You have to make the final decicisions.... Happy Hunting!
  18. I didn't even make it out today. Was working on my powder horns and bullet boards. I'll get out this weekend when all the Ya'hoos have had enough!
  19. I'm refering to leaving your deer heads in the woods. Why would you do that? Not sure it's even legal to remove a deer's head before it is removed. Never heard of such, that's a new one on me! Just take it with you and discard it later. I know outside of normal field dressing and removing inards and sex orgains, you cannot remove ANYTHING that would hide the sex of the deer....Hmmmmmm.....Head? I just don't figure it is all..... If you are hunting a WMA, it is illegal to discard animal carcusses and parts thereof....
  20. They are about 1 1/2 to 2 hours from me. I've been down to "Davey Crocket" days before. It's always a fun event.
  21. I wish I could help you. I'm looking for a group in middle Tennessee. I may just stay to myself and do my own thing. Who Knows...
  22. I thought I would share with you my favorite Traditional/Primitive Hunting Rifle. I call her "Kliene Schwester" (german for Little Sister). I built her from scratch in 2007. She sports a curly maple stock, Large Siler Flintlock, .50 cal 42 inch Green Mountain Rifled barrel. It also has German Silver fittings, double set trigger, Iron rear sight and Silver front sight. She shoots 80 grains of 3f black powder with 4f in the pan. I consistenly put 3 shot groups within a 3 inch circle (benched) at 75 yards. I use home cast .490 round ball with a .015 inch greased patch. I browned the barrel and lock with "plum brown" rust browning. I also have a .36 cal in which I built, forging most of my own parts. I will post pictures of her later.
  23. What are you refering to leaving the head of behind? Dove? Deer? Rabbits? Your partner? What? Why don't you just bring YOUR garbage out with you? JMO!!
  24. He's out calling himself "dove hunting". I got to hear this myself!
  25. I carried so much crap and gadgets.....I named my 4 wheeler the "Bat Mobile". Not this year.....


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