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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Nice "rabbit"! That's a pretty kewl picture!
  2. Keep us informed.
  3. Got to love it!
  4. Ashes? Never would think of that. I've had to "backup" my 3d targets with old couch cushions to keep the bolts from passing through. It seems to be working OK. I only have to have 2-3 bolts re-fletched per session now!
  5. That's pretty funny!
  6. N-I-C-E! Looks like you and your son made memories!
  7. I've had Rhinehart targets, McKenzie tagets....I have "pass throughs" on most Shots. At the least up to the fletchings, which most times tears a fletching loose.
  8. I use a "mechanical Draw" (cord type) and it makes drawing fast and easy! I loose fletchings every time I shoot. Just the way it is I guess!
  9. Wow...another Crossbow hunter...I'm not alone anymore!
  10. DaveS


    They are becoming a problem everywhere!
  11. Nice job Adam!
  12. DaveS


    I will give it a try. Thanks!
  13. I know tomorrow is opening day of deer with bow. My son and a buddy of his will be hunting deer on the property that I manage. I personaly, will be out to cut down on the "songdog" population, as there are many. What call would you yote experts recommend? Distressed Rabbit? Pup? Fawn? Ya'll talk to me now, 4 am comes mighty early!
  14. I think adam is doing the leg work....
  15. Maybe get with the Mod's and see if they can spread it out over the forum. I'm sure they would want more details, names of banks and what not. Has anyone at your church got them in contact with the Red Cross? That should be step one. Maybe we can help through the church. I think this is things that should be shared to everyone.
  16. For supper tonight, I grilled the following. It was awesome stuff! 6 Wild Boar chops (cut 1/2 inch thick) Red Wine Vinegarette salad dressing 2 red oak Grilling Boards (available at Kroger and some Walmarts) Soak board in water as per instructions. (1 to 24 hours) Marinate wild boar chops (you can substitute with deer if you choose) in a bowl covered with the salad dressing for at least 4 hours or overnite if you choose. Keep in the fridge until ready to use. You will be cooking with indirect heat. Place grilling boards at opposite end of grill from heat. If you can't use indirect heat, place boards above heat on a "low" setting. If cooking with "direct heat", keep a close watch on the boards and make sure they do not catch fire and ruin your supper. Place chops on board and grill until done. Boar should be cooked until done (about 180 degrees internal temperature). Deer chops can be cooked until medium done or "pink" inside. The planks cook by steaming and does a really good job, and does it fairly quick. When the food is done, remove it from the planks. If you desire, you can also steam vegetables on the planks with your chops. Serve hot with: canned mixed vegetables and long grain wild rice. An ice cold beer during cooking is a nice plus! Enjoy Dave
  17. Yes, indeed. I'm going to contact a couple game warden friends of mine and some Firefighters and invite as judges. January gives us plenty of time. In the mean time....lets get something set up to help that family that got burned out the other day. I can make a decent donation on the first of the month. If you have information for that, lets post it and see if we can get our "TGO Brothers and Sisters" involved. Clothes, cash or something! I think we just all need a POC....
  18. Fort Campbell and Cross Creeks I think has youth hunts that weekend. If not, lets meet (you, myself and whiskey) and plan this thing out. To me, that would be the best shot. Maybe plan it for January (National Chili Eating Month), as all deer hunting will be over. Most everyone will have a deer by then.
  19. Welcome to TGO and to Tennessee!
  20. I'm looking to go myself. I'll check the regs again, but I believe they have some gun hunts when deer is closed also. Cost of non resident licenses is not all that bad either.
  21. Let me know how it works out. They are about 20 miles apart If I remember right (my old stomping grounds). I may have you join me on a hunt, or visy versy!
  22. Go to "Black Warrior" WMA at Decator. It's part of the Bankhead National Forrest. Look for the "blackwell swamp" area. It is loaded with trophy hog! Well worth the trip. That's where I'm heading here very soon! It's a rocks throw from Florence Ya'll!!! Alabama welcomes us hog hunters, as they "TRULY WANT THE HOGS GONE"....unlike Tennessee.....Nuff' Said!
  23. I have a vest, and I love it! It is so easy to put it on in the dark! They are really nice to wear...chicks love' em....
  24. Toilet paper...got to have good quality A** wipe! Remember those mornings when you get out of your truck, heading for your stand and the "urge" hits? Running through the woods, shedding weapon, gear, clothes all in search of the perfect tree! And then you realize.....no s*** paper! Out comes the knife, off comes the tail of your T-shirt.....don't lie....ya'll know what I'm talking about!
  25. Loshbaugh charges $700.00 for a guided pig hunt? Mann's Mountain in Guntersville charges 1.50 per pound on a guided hunt. Like I said when Tennessee changed their hog regulations....I'll hunt Alabama from here on out. TWRA apparently don't need my money!


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