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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I will only warn you of this. Because of my service at the refuges, and the opportunitys I've had to work with the game wardens....be very, very careful when approaching and/or confronting someone caught in the act of poaching. It could go sour in a heart beat. From a safe distance, gain as much information as possible. If you really want to get TWRA's attention? Tell them you think they shot a turkey, duck or pig.....will get there attention quick!
  2. I would keep calling them, but without a tag number, probably not much they can do. Maybe get them to patrol the area some. Most counties only have one or two officers on duty. They are spread pretty thin!
  3. You did the right thing reporting them. I must however say, that I reported a deer poacher, and when the game warden showed up, he ask me if it was a "buck or doe"? I said a "doe". He said they done us all a favor, and I've never heard another word about it! So hush hush it is from here on out! If "bubba" wants a deer to feed his Giblets...more power to him!!!!
  4. I think by the regs saying that it is unlawful to locate or harvest game with artificial light or light amplifying devices, I am to personaly assume that racoon hunting with a spot light would be "oopso"! Good question though....I think I would ask before I did it!
  5. No Sir....about as good as it gets!
  6. OK....so this afternoon, I gets in my stand, and 5 deer show up in the food plot. I'm in the wood line about 40 yards away. Four does and a very pretty 8 pointer are feeding their hearts out. So I'm hoping they will at least come my way....long story short, big daddy decided to follow 3 does in the other direction, and one "big sister" decided my area of the woods looked good. She took a double lung shot at about 15 yards. She went about 25 yards and decided to give up! This is only my second deer ever taken with an arrow. My first was a beautiful 8 pointer taken year before last. This doe had a hanging weight of 117 pounds...a fine doe in my book!
  7. It don't matter...beautiful buck indeed!
  8. AWESOME buck....but how do you know how old he is? NICE!!!!
  9. I would agree Lumber_Jack......I think the benifits outway the risk. Just use common sense and caution though.
  10. Conrad...how much did your bear weigh??
  11. All nice pictures. I'm off work a couple of days this week, so I'll get some hog pictures put up.
  12. Lease land is hard to come by around here, and good private property is even hardere to come by. Publice land is probably your best bet. Again...Fort Campbell is just about in your back yard. Monster deer and a few hogs are worth giving that place a shot.
  13. Thank you...that's how we see it anyways! He let a young buck (spike) walk, and took this doe instead. I told him he owes ME A DEER STEAK FROM HER!
  14. My son Rob, who is my best friend, my hunting and fishing partner and the person that looks after this "old man" when we're in the "back forty", harvested this fat doe this morning near one of our food plots. He seen 8 does, and 1 young buck, all before 8 am. He double lunged this doe at 10 yards as she entered the woods near the food plot.
  15. With permission of the mods, I would like to start a thread, where we can all post our pictures from the calendar year 2011-2012 season. I think it would be easier to keep up with things. Lets keep it on subject, and this year only. Thats right "adamoxtwo"...repost that buck picture dude!
  16. Good advice all the way around!! Thanks to ya'll!
  17. My son made a 10 yard shot on this nice fat doe this morning. He was hunting near our food plot, and when she walked into the woods, she got "double lunged"! Awesome job on the "old man's" part for planting such nice food plots. He seen a total of 8 does and one young buck this morning. All before 8 am!
  18. Very well said Rob!
  19. Fort Campbell is withing your driving range and may be your best bet. Their gun season (muzzleloader, shotgun) is in now. Google "fort campbell mwr/ hunting"....will tell you all you need to know to hunt post. There are world class bucks out there...well worth the time and effort!
  20. Dang Fleas!!!!!
  21. :cool:If you win a chili "cookoff" with my recipe....you owe me buddy!!!
  22. That's the problem a lot of us face. Me and my son passed on many a young buck over the last 2 years, and they have never been seen again. Not going to pass on any more. QDM only works on "high fence" propertys, or you get your nieghbors to participate. It doesn't work on 200 acres though.
  23. I run my rabbit beagles at Haynes Bottoms WMA and LBL. I want to try Percy Priest and Chetham WMA's
  24. Some would say he would be better next year....but he may not have been as TENDER!!!! Nice job Adam! I keep seeing this chump 3 pointer around the food plot. As soon as I figure out which trail he uses to get into the plot (I think I know), I'm going to "ambush" his rear! I won't shoot him in the plot, but "coming and going" he's fair game!
  25. "Protected" is probably how they got to be so big! He sure has some nice hams, shoulders and backstraps!


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