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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Nice pictures 101!
  2. My neck is starting to swell.......
  3. Nice Buck!
  4. Whiskey, he is tickled plum to death!
  5. Cross Creeks Wildlife Refuge held a special youth hunt this weekend. I took my youngest daughter this morning and could have shot any of the 12 deer we seen. She was hunting for "big'uns" and no other fit her needs. However, My little Grandson took his FIRST deer today! He took it with an H&R .308
  6. Come on dude...cut loose...don't hold back! I have plenty more, but will need the time to post them.
  7. As bad as I hate turkeys, I may just call in a airstrike, or claymore or two (or three)....
  8. I have a bunch of hens too. I was going to take my daughter on the youth hunt tomorrow, but my work schedule got changed. I probably willl just wait and stick a few while deer hunting. We'll see though!
  9. Deer was in season at the time. I didn't have the money for a type 94 permit. If I did, I could have bought some chicken or something. Times past...... How many deers do we see laying on the road dead? How many hogs are shot by our Government and left laying dead to rot? Is this not STEALING animals from the public? How about our OWN GOVERNMENT turning people away...yet leave thousands of pounds of meat in the field? I don't poach....I feed.....I don't condone poaching (most is done for racks)....I do however think a man has a responsibilty to feed his family. And when civic organizations, food stamps and goverment programs fail because of funding....well then what's left? A man takes a doe and all hell wan'ts to bust loose on him! How about the person who takes ducks and throws them on the sied of the road? STEALING ? AN EXTRA FISH OR TWO? STEALING? BLOWING LITTLE ANIMALS UP AND LEAVING THEM? STEALING? By all means report poaching. What I am saying....be careful. Think why he might be doing it. The likelyhood of TWRA spending the money to go after a 60 or so pound doe is pretty unlikely!
  10. I think "antique" is considered 45 years or older. So it seems, that anything made before 1966 is considered an antique? My gun shop is closed today, so I'll just call them tomorrow. I have one in very, very nice condition I bought for peanuts at a yard sale. It has an octagonal reciever, and is stamped 1928. I am wanting another one and was just curious if a 10.00 fee was required.
  11. If buying a Mosin Nagant in Tennessee, is a $10.00 background check required?
  12. If a deer runs off of PRIVATE property that DOES NOT ALLOW HUNTING....should I pay the bill? Should the PUBLIC? Should the LAND OWNER? If I'm HUNGRY......I will shoot any animal....any day.....any season! I was in a "bad situation" not long ago. I did not qualify for food stamps or any assistance at all. Church was only able to give me a few cans of corn and green beans. I still "Thank God" to this very day for the "Doe" he gave me to feed my family. You do what you have to do! I personaly don't think a person should have to pay for a license to kill a game animal on "PUBLIC LAND". After all....doesn't "PUBLIC LAND" belong to us? Shouldn't "land owner exemption" come into play? I feel bad for taking a doe to feed my family in hard times....but I would do it again in a heart beat!
  13. I know most of the duck "anti aircraft" gunners around here have stoves, bathrooms, beds ect, ect in their blinds....that seems crazy to me! I guess that's the way it's "done" now-a-days". I remember the days when you poked a few cane stalks in the ground, one shot per duck....hit your point limit for the day....and it was off you go! Last year, I seen 5 guys (i think they were guys) in a blind. I was canoeing and one itty bitty little duck flew over. Those hunters came up out of the blind and I bet 8, 9 shots were fired before that dang duck fell. It probably was so full of steel shot you couldn't eat it! I may again someday try my hand at duck hunting, I love it, but we'll see. I have friends that get me to get into the blind draw with them, but I never hunt them "quackers".....
  14. What am I missing here? People have "short range" rifles, "medium range" rifles, and, "long range" rifles. Since I do not know at what range a deer will show up....is my 308 bolt action ok? I can't carry 3 rifles into the woods.....what am I missing here?
  15. I love duck hunting, but I stopped because TWRA closes most WMA's to all hunting except duck and on certain days you can't hunt on some WMA's. Since I buy my WMA permits as do duck hunters....I do not support such programs in Tennessee. It's hard to beat a good duck hunt though.....or rabbit....or squirel....or deer.......I just love hunting. I do no not duck hunt tennessee any more.
  16. Good point.....Don't make granny mad! A .22 at a mile going into a horses head is not a good thing!
  17. That's a good idea about wanting to put it in a store. I can't think of any place here in Clarksville to put it. I gave one to the bow shop I do business at... they don't really have room for another one.....hhhmmmmm......
  18. I guess it is an easy lazy way of skinning, but when you tan and sell the hides like I do....the risk of tearing one isn't worth it to me. I can skin one out the old fasion way pretty quick. This is only my take on the subject....What ever works I suppose!
  19. It's a shame we can't leave our things out and un-locked.....just the way it is now I guess!
  20. It's a shame to have to lock it up.....I worked with a guy who kept his locked up, and some fool busted his camera up with a stick. The idiot never got the card out of it....nice pictures of the fool too! And he's looking for the dude too!
  21. All argument aside, If Grandma doesn't want anyone to use a rifle....why are we even considering this? Shouldn't we obey Granny's wishes? But to answer your question.....short barrels are fine......
  22. Them's good vittles right there! Nice shot!
  23. Good info 101!!
  24. They're protecting those little "oinkers" around here. Shooting one is a big no-no!
  25. I don't know what the law is exactly....it does note off season dog training.


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