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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Nice Doe Bro! tan the "hide"....would be a pretty one!
  2. I've seen some beautiful bucks this year. I'm not going to pass on another one. Will be posting a picture here soon.
  3. He sounds like a good'un!
  4. Good speech brother Troll! And, how right your are!
  5. Problem is, we've passed on several young bucks already, but one of the ajoining properties are allowing hunting this year. That spike buck will get toasted by one the owners grandsons if the buck crosses the property line.
  6. I don't know about bear hunting, but I can't handle pig hunting with dogs. To me it's cruel and brutal to both the pigs and the dogs. The dogs get cut up and the pig has to endure un imaginable pain from multiple pitbull bites before it can be killed. Just not my thing I guess. I do however rabbit hunt with my beagles, and, on a rare occasion, one of my dogs will catch a rabbit. That gosh aweful sqeeling from the rabbit makes me want to stop hunting with dogs all together. Dogs can't read signs or know where the property line is, but as dog owners, we must do everything we can to keep our dogs off someone elses land. It's almost imposible at times.
  7. Same way we think. Too many does this year. We've seen some magnificant bucks here lately (two brutes during the youth hunt). We have a mission to take about 10 does off the property. Get a grip slick heads!
  8. Well I went out this morning and got in my stand overlooking the food plot. Right about 7:15, one of the fatest spike bucks I'd ever seen (about 8 inch spikes), I would guess about 130-150 pounds....a "hoss" for a spike. Well, he meandered to withing about 10 yards of my stand, I lowered the crossbow, lined the crosshairs of the scope up and slipped off the safety. I all of a sudden lowered the crossbow and said in a normal voice..."Get out of here"! I guess I'm getting soft in my old age! I then said.."another day boy, another day". It actually felt good. We're mostly after does anyways.
  9. Yes, starting to see a bunch of them. Bucks are chasing does as well.
  10. Ya'll please tell me I'm not the only "flinter" here?
  11. Works for me....dang.....I didn't realize I was so destructive to the deer herd!
  12. Barkley WMA (Dover bottoms) is draw. Haynes Bottoms WMA is also draw. Barkley unit 2 is a no draw site, and only temporary blinds may be used.
  13. Agreed......100%!!!!
  14. I myself go to Alabama. Look at the brightside.......Come next year or so, there will be more hogs than ever! Our local WMA here has no traps, nothing. An employee told me, they did not have the funding for "aireal" shoots or trapping, hogs are going crazy! Out on a bow hunt a couple of weeks ago, had 6 of the brutes feeding in front of me!
  15. This article appeared in todays Clarksvile's newspaper. Tennessee hunters go hog wild against wildlife commision | The Leaf Chronicle – Clarksville, Tenn., and Fort Campbell | theleafchronicle.com
  16. Nice deers to all the young hunters. We saved our big bucks for muzzleloader!
  17. Tomorrow is Tennessee's Young Sportsman hunt. How many will be taking someone on the hunt? I will be taking my 15 year old daughter, and my Son will be taking my grandson's. It's going to be a busy weekend!
  18. In all my M/L's, 80 grain of 3F rains king in accuracy and expansion!
  19. All the above are the right answers. If you hunt in TN.....your wallet will get emptied!
  20. Well friends, in about a week or so, Tennessee's Muzzleloader season will begin. Just curious who all will go, what rifle and load you will be shooting? My weapon of choice is my hand built .50 cal Kentucky Flintlock Rifle. I call her "Klien Schwester" and she eats a .490 round ball, .015 greased (with wild boar fat of course) patch and 80 grains of 3F powder. She is fired with a fine 3/4 inch English flint and a touch of 4F in the pan. My "backup" guns (depending on weather and/or mood) is a CVA Wolf, scoped with a BSA 4x32 scope with 80 grains of 3F Blackpowder, .50 cal 240 grain XTP bullet and sabot. Shotgun primers work well in Ol'Lucy! I own 2 other muzzleloaders, a .50 cal Hawken and a .36 cal Kentucky Flintlock rifle hand built by me. Both are used for pig and small game hunting. Next in line is my CVA Apollo .50 with BSA 4x32 scope. Hershyvogel eats the same load as the Wolf, except number 11 caps.
  21. Thanks for the info. I wondered how "canned" venison would taste....Thank You!
  22. I will be "perfecting" my chili this week......the cookoff is when?
  23. I loved hunting for teal and wood ducks.....ahhhh.....the good ol' days!
  24. I'm going to make some "Bronker's Stew" this week.......


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