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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I love the new "Look".....Great Work Forum Staff!!!!
  2. How many "Rabbit Hunters" do we have out there? I love rabbit hunting and have a couple good dogs I use. My favorite shotgun is my Remington 870. A good dog, shotgun, thermos of coffee and balogna sandwich is all a man needs on a cold frosty morning! Getting ready to put some hunt invites out here....ya'll get your stuff together!
  3. We know they are south of the river. On a WMA even. Except TWRA don't believe you when you report it. You get the usual "we have no reports of hogs in that area. We'll notify our Biologist". No reports of hogs in the area? What the H*** do you think I'm reporting? Me and Kiley was fishing the south side of the refuge, and a big black boar with about 3 inch teeth walked across the sleugh right in front of us. Yet they will deny that any hogs still remain on the refuge. I know hog sign when I see it.....those Porkers are every where.....and more is on the way! Gosh, I can't wait until next years hog season!!!!
  5. That was one of my guesses too.
  6. In this day and time, our enemy would most likely be street gangs (bloods, crips, ect., ect..). Most can't hit squat anyways because they lack proper technique for shooting. My weapon of choice based on our current society is a Remington 870 Express Magnum with a 24 inch smoothbore slug barrel, and scoped with a 4x32 scope. This combo of mine shoots slugs very, very well. Three inch 00 Buck is no slouch at 40 yards or less. All backed up with my 1911 .45 ACP with 200 grain XTP Hollow Points. My game is "backdoor" I'm coming after you type of warfare! That's how I roll!
  7. Kewl beans on the yote! I think ya'll crazy about the bird and skwerl though!
  8. The one (I'm sure is doing it) is a realestate agent. He also owns 400+ acres that borders a Refuge. He has more hogs on his property than you can shake a gun at. He also leases out the property and has a hunt club on it. We've had too many hogs coming and going off his property. He even complained to the refuge manager about USDA shooting hogs from helicopters, and even forbids USDA from overflying his property. We've tried to get an investigation going (even night operations) and it's getting us no where. "Rumors" have it, that a group from Louisville was coming down and running hogs with dogs.....this crap is totally mind bogling! I guess this is what I get for working there.....one big az headache! That's the federal government though!
  9. OK.....I think I found him (two possibilities)....still ain't found no skwerl hump'n a bird though....Ya'll kill'n me!
  10. A primative setup indeed. I need to hook you up with a horn and buckskin bag. That'l put icing on that cake!
  11. Yes indeed! I have a very nice collection of Hog mounts thanks to the Land Owners who released those Porkers!
  12. I give up.....I can't even find a "Squirrel Hump'n a Bird"...totally threw me off looking for a Yote! Good picture 101!!!
  13. To begin with, a stand is not needed for anything except game heads. Lets look at what I feel will be your first mount. A squirrel or coyote. I will just hit it "lightly" unless someone wants "detailed" information on the subject, and of course I will cover it. Items needed to mount a squirrel: Exacto Knife: for skinning and fleshing the face and feet. Borax or Dry Preservavtive: Used during fleshing and mounting. Body or Manniquin: Chosen based on needed size and pose. Eyes: Based on size and species. Cotton Bating: For wrapping the tail. Thin stiff piece of wire: For tail. Base: To mount your trophy on. Potter's Clay: Used for setting eyes, noses, ear bases, toes and sculpting as needed. Small Curved Sewing Needle: For sewing seam. Small diameter nylon thread: Sewing seam. Brass or Stainless Sewing Pins: Used to hold everything in place while drying. Cardboard: Use small pieces from a cereal box to shape the ears while drying. Small Paper Clips: Used to hold ear boards in place. Light Cotton Twine: Used in the tail wrapping process. Tooth Brush: Not for brushing the squirrel's teeth, but grooming his face, legs and feet. Small Hairbrush: You guessed it! For the tail and body. These Items that will NEVER change from species to species and should be kept on hand at all times. Potter's Clay Light and heavy Taxidermy sewing threads Tanning and Preservatives Pure Salt Supply of light and heavy needles. Sharp scizzors Exacto Knife and blades. All this will get you started. Then add to it as needed. I hope this helps.
  14. AWESOME on the "home brews"!
  15. Anyone wanting to learn Taxidermy, there are some really good resources available. Spending 2-3,000 dollars is not the answer. Heck, I'll teach ya for half that! I'm teaching Adamox2 for free....he just needs some more time off is all. Get you some "manuals" and You'll do fine. I actually recommend DVD lessons. They are very well covered. I will also make myself available to help each and every one of you as you progress along. You can contact me at my home number, at, 931-802-2138. I will do my very best and use my 35 years experience to solve your problem or help you out. I AM NOT running a commercial shop anymore, so I will feel good about helping any of you out. This is free folks! Use it or loose it!
  16. I want to start doing some weekly "How To" articles. Any ideas what ya'll want? How would be the best way to post them? New Thread? Ideas and input welcome. Dave
  17. AWESOME A Rob....way to go! Don't need no ol' stinking 200 booner....that buck you got will make some fine table fare. I prefer the younger ones over the older bucks any day! Remember, old bucks are for breeding does and young ones are for eating! Good job my friend!
  18. AWESOME! It sounds as if you taught him well!
  19. "Land Owners" I believe are part of the release problem.
  20. Well, something besides the shooting or hunting has the neighbor fired up.....
  21. Deplomacy BEFORE Destruction. Ask the A Hole what his problem is, mind his own business kinda conversation. Then tell him things might get a little "warm" for him. Have your friend post a "Written Permission" required sign. Make sure everyone has a "permission" slip. Anyone caught without a slip (including said neighbor) has a real problem! Sounds to me like her neighbor is mad because "they" lost their hunting spot.
  22. Do you always "hunt" with a train?
  23. This is a first for me. Never had a buck watch me tinkle before. Wonder if he thought I was moving in on his does? LOL
  24. Well, lucky for me anyways. As stated in another thread, I felt well enough to go deer hunting with my son this morning. He put me in his ladder stand for a bit. At about 8am, I had to climb down and get rid of some coffee. So I walked out to the edge of the field and went to "watering the grass" when this buck walks out of a thicket about 30 yards away, and watches me. I had my daughter's 7mm/08 hanging over my shoulder. I slipped the rifle off my shoulder, aimed and fired. He busted for the thicket. I finished my business, and waited a few minutes. I knew he was hit hard by his reaction when hit. I walked over to where he was standing and the brush was sprayed with red. About 10 yards in the thicket was a small piece of lung. He only went about another 30 yards before he piled up. We hung him and he dressed at 109. Sure is fat for a young deer. I still can't tell how old they are before I shoot, but he sure has some fine HAMS and BACKSTRAPS!!! All I care about is the meat! And since "Rufus D. Dawg" always gets the leftovers, he approves of this harvest!


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