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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. He must have left......
  2. What he said.
  3. DaveS

    2011 NFL Season

    Say what????
  4. I haven't been hearing any good fishing reports this winter yet. Bass boat is ready to go. Just waiting.....
  5. Spike or not, That's good eating right there! Congrats!
  6. Went to the Marina. Law run everyone off.....closed the marina as per Mayors orders. The contractor complained about the Traffic Friday.....COMMIES!!
  7. Has anyone been out and found any fish yet? I was just wondering if the Rockfish, Sauger and White Bass are on the prowl yet?
  8. DaveS

    Hog hunts?

    Mann's mountain in Guntersville Alabama has Tennessee Law beat hands down. This year, I think it's a $1.50 a pound for the hog of your choice. That's the only place I'll go. Tennessee reserves are just too expensive!
  9. Do you use the same calls for "Cats" as Yotes?
  10. I use E-Bay. Big City folk pay good money for this stuff. Bars, clubs and even individuals buy this stuff for decoration. I sell a ton of fish reproductions this way too. Alot of my hide sales are also to black powder shooters. They use the hides for gear and clothing. All I know is; there is money in hides. Especially "Tanned" ones. Fur buyers want "green" hides. That's because thier buyers have big tanneries and fur companys buy from them. A great deal of furs harvested in the US head overseas. Those aren't the people you want to deal with. We want the hobbiest, collector and overall generally nosie person to buy. Alot of people that portray Mountainmen, Long Hunters and American Indians Need and want hides, but may not have places to hunt. There is a source! I have about 15 tanned deer hides right now (will be on e-bay shortly). I get 55.00 per hide hair on, 60.00 for buckskin leather. I get plum sick when I see people throw deer hides away. They must be rich people and not need the money. I look at it like this....Buy a Lottery ticket, scratch it off, win 100 dollars....then throw it away or give it to me! My whole point is....take a half day of your time, and turn that hide into MONEY! Remember, when selling on any auction site (or even here on TGO) have your buyer pay shipping. No matter where you sell, or what you sell....be a "Man of your Word", deliver WHAT you promise, WHEN you promise and HOW you promise! Happy Tanning... Dave
  11. Just wondering....why do you require "free shipping" just to order from someone? Just curious is all...... Dave
  12. I get $100-$125 for a tanned Coyote pelt. I"ll take everyone that ya'll want to get rid of. It takes about a 1/2 day total to do a hide. I'll take everyone you want to give me! Bobkitties and Fox included! $100+ dollars a day? H#&^ Yeah!
  13. Nice cat! He will need to mount that one!
  14. Why don't you sell the pelts? That's money in your pocket! And, if you take the time to skin, flesh and tan the pelt....they sell very "high" on many of the auction sites.
  15. I don't know how far it is, but it's an AWESOME shot to say the least! Congrats to your son. So, did you and your 9 year old get back in the woods to hunt?
  16. LOL....And Bubba didn't run back there to see what ya got?
  17. That's covered under shooting deer in people's front yards...
  18. Merry Christmas...ya'll having way too much fun! Пщв Идуыы Dave
  19. I can see one of those "WMA's" right out my front door. I don't much care for TWRA buying up land with my "Hunting License" fees and then not opening it up for hunting. The area I'm refering to is "Longpond WMA".
  20. Trapping is a good way to control certain species of animals, put a few dollars in your pocket, and send pretty furs overseas. Here's the problem...I trapped for many years, and still do it for personel reasons. Fur prices have dropped, gas has went up, and the liabilities invovled in trapping, just doesn't make it feasible anymore. Here in Tennessee, you have to have "Specific Permission" to trap, file a report and be responsable for every "Domestic animal" caught in a trap, and most WMA's don't allow trapping....it ain't worth it anymore! I have some beautiful Mink, Muskrat and beaver pelts from days gone by. That's the problem my friend....days gone by. I do have a Coon problem on my property....as soon as deer season is over....I'll start trapping them out. However, I'll only trap them if I have a buyer and/or someone who wants them for the table....any ideas?
  21. I think I have one posted as a "Sticky" in the Taxidermy "How to" section. If not, let me know and I'll do one up!
  22. Since that isn't your average colored coyote, I would at least mount it or tan the hide. You may never see another one like it again!
  23. Nice "Yote"! I have never seen one that color before...AWESOME!


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