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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Thanks..
  2. Pigs...just what a muslim country needs!
  3. AWESOME.....Thanks Buddy!
  4. I've been clicking on the "IMG" code. It says "copied" but does not show up here. I don't want to give you too much credit...your head will swell. JG told me to give you a hard time. Was that sufficient? Thanks Buddy! Dave
  5. You da' man Whiskey...now how did you do that?
  6. I'm trying to post pics in the "Hunting" thread, and nothing shows up but little red "X's".....very frustrating......
  7. sorry.....can't figure this one out...... How do we post pictures on this "new" TGO?
  8. Trying to post pictures of a hunt today....can't get this thing to work......
  9. Nick Luper used to work that area with Joe. Nick left and went out to White County, so I'll ask him and see if I can find out who the "New" Officer" is. I haven't met him yet.
  10. "Well Said".....
  11. You have to decide what's right for you. I harvested a "spike" this year that had a gray face. He was aged (by teeth) to be about 31/2. He was huge by spike buck standards. I actually shot him while he was mounting a doe.....poor guy......
  12. Only you can decide what deer to take. Age is "just a thing". Big old bucks look nice on the wall....Small young deer look nice on the dinner plate. We never ever take a little deer with "Aiming Dots" all over it (fawn). We thinned a few smaller bucks off the property this year and let a couple "wall hangers" live. They made it through the rut so we know the big boys got'em a doe or two. We'll remove those bucks next year. Probably save them till the youth hunts. I personaly don't care a thing about big bucks anymore. Little one's are easier for me to get out of the woods. Just so "Whiskey" is not let down.... I HATE TURKEYS!!!! They are the SCOUR OF THE EARTH! Too many on the property. Tearing everything up! We'll follow TWRA's theory on hogs to control our over populated turkeys; "Stop hunting them, and they'll go away on their own"......NOT! May have to bring "Whiskey" or some other VERMIN in to chase them off. I dinged up the old lady's Expidition chasing "Dirt Scratchers" out of the food plots. NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT ANY MORE (old lady's orders)..... Have a great day! Dave
  13. Stay clear, downwind and out of sight. Nothing worse than sitting in your stand staring at some dude 75 yards away. That would be the perfect time to get your pants soiled....There is no reason in the world to be any closer than two hundred yards or "within sight" of each other. It's makes for a bad day of hunting for both of you.
  14. I don't know how much they rent for anymore. I used to work there years ago. I beleive you still have to take a training class on the boats and campers, but you may take the equipment where you choose. Alot of folks will rent a boat and camping tent and hit LBL for the weekend. That's alway a good "get away"!
  15. You're welcome...
  16. When Cross Creeks Wildlife Refuge opens in a couple of weeks, that's the place to go for "bank bound" anglers. South Cross is really nice, but gets a little traffic at times. North Cross may be more to your liking, it's out of the way and does not get much traffic. Lee Hollow, Bull Pasture and Commisary Hollow are all good fishing areas and has some bank access.
  17. Were them dogs in the kennels excited or what???
  18. We're catching them and stocking the freezers for Trot Lining. Will drift a few on rod and reel also.
  19. Most all River and Creek banks in this area are on private property. The few that aren't are Posted "No Vehicles, Foot Traffic Only". There are a bunch of boat ramps around where folks bank fish. Land Between the Lakes offers some bank fishing opportunitys as well as hike in fishing. Most WMA's in the area offers limited bank fishing opportunitys. Dave
  20. I'm following this post. I am interested in a "auto".
  21. That's all fine. Get yourself geared up and get to the woods. There is a whole new world waiting for you out there! There are a couple TGO members here from Murfreesboro. If'n it was me, I'd invite them out for coffee and "pick" thier brains!
  22. You are absoluteley correct. However, You must be 21 years of age to hunt with a handgun. A Keltec "pocket pistol" is NOT a hunting handgun. I would Question the "carriers" intent. Proper hunting licenses, appropriate handgun and legal age is all fine. The OP has not displayed his/her/it's age as of yet. Assume the worse.....
  23. I question this answer....
  24. You have the right attitude! Well said!
  25. 1. A few WMA's allow them, most DO NOT. Check the TWRA regs for information on your specific WMA. 2. Blinds and Stands are allowed on WMA's. All your equipment must leave with you at the end of your hunt day. Do not use nails or any other items that will harm trees. Remove all "trail marking" materials at the end of the day. Ckeck TWRA regs for information on your specific WMA. 3. Some WMA's can be very packed at times, and some see very little traffic. When hunting "public" land, read the Thread on here "How to hunt public land". You will learn how to "annouy" other hunters and "not" make friends. 4. When I used to turkey hunt, I traveled "light and fast". No time for a blind. Some people use them though. When I deer hunt (public land) I carry a tree stand with me. I don't carry a "backpack" with me. Everything I need for the hunt I carry in my pocket (folding knife, water bottle, chicken legs, whatever). A deer cart comes in handy here. 5. Field dressing your deer is OK. Drag your deer out or use a deer cart. Do not leave scrotums and deer parts in the bushes or on the ground in and around the parking areas of your WMA. Leave them in the woods or take them with you. DO NOT bring the carcuss back and dump it. Ckeck TWRA regs for your specific WMA. 6. Tennessee does NOT require you to have insurance on your ATV. However, you would be smart to have it covered. Also, ATV's are not "welcomed" by alot of hunters. 7. Some units in TN allow 3 per day. A type 094 license is required in most areas. Check the TWRA regs for your specific WMA. 8. Bow and Muzzleloader seasons allow for does to be taken. Also, see above. 9. I carry a range finder during bow season. None during gun. I have scopes on my rifles that I look at "deer" with just mear seconds before I put their lights out.... 10. Any scope that you can afford and is meant to be used on your particuliar rifle or shotgun is fine. Alot of personal choices here.... 11. Forget the TV hunting for now. The weapons they use are provided to them free of charge by sponsors. Your 12 guage side by side will work fine unless you want to buy a turkey gun. 12. I only use my Garmin GPS to make stands and sign/trails. Some cell phones has that ability too. 13. I use "scent away" on boots and clothing. Works well. Set up "down wind" of your game, and scent won't be a major factor. I also use "doe in heat" at certain times of the year. 14. Generally yes. 15. Again, forget the TV Hunting. What ever you choose is fine with us. Get what "you want", not what we want. But, here's a few tips. Wood is purty, but needs more care. Synthetics are good as they do not scratch as bad and are weather resistent. Cammo guns are "eye candy". Most deer that you kill does not care what your gun looks like. They'll see you move before they see your gun (unless it's pimped out with gold and silver bling). I hope this helps you... Dave


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