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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Good one....tan it's hide!
  2. Most folks around here just fry the breast. Since I'm a "Leg and Thigh" man and not into the breast....It's a waste for me to kill one. Ones I have gotten in the past I gave away. I'll take a hen or two with bow. They seem to taste a little better, but not much...
  3. As nice as the weather has been, they ought to be fired up! I may, I just may (this kills me to say), hunt them things this year. I don't care to eat them, so I really hate to kill them....but they aren't going away on their own. We'll see.....
  4. Has anyone been out and heard turkeys gobling yet?
  5. Since I don't care for Turkey breast (Whiskey cooks them real good I hear), wild turkey legs and thighs cook about as good as an old tennis shoe...at least as tough. I think TGO member "Whiskey" had some good recipes. Maybe he'll chime in .
  6. Hopefully it will work out for you and her. My experience on public land is that for every turkey you find, another hundred turkey hunters will be hunting him on opening day. That's what is bad about it. I have spent so much time and money turkey hunting for someone else to blow the game for me it's sickening. I now currently have some of the best private land in Stewart county, full of turkeys, and can't stand the thought of hunting them. I guess the bad keeps coming back. We'll see though....they ain't going away on their own like the pigs are (I bet ya'll was waiting in that huh?) Good day to all.... Dave
  7. He looks like he's living his dream!
  8. Sorry to hear that Timestepper...our prayers go out to you my friend...
  9. K-Bug hasn't shown any desire to hunt them. She went a couple of years ago and really didn't care for it. She'd rather fish, pig hunt and hunt spring squirrel. Maybe she'll show some interest now that pig hunting is out. Who knows....
  10. One tribe, two eagles and one time permit. Does this still not set back the eagle restoration effort of how many years? I find it very discusting as a sportsman and conservationist that these great birds are going to be killed.
  11. The USDA and USFWS gave permission for native americans to hunt and kill bald eagles for religious purposes. The same government organizations that will not let me hunt a PIG for FOOD, is allowing the Hunting and killing of eagles.....some world we live in.....
  12. We roast several wild hogs a year. Most feral Hogs do not have the fat content that a farm raised porker has and you will have to adjust your baisting as needed. As far as taiste goes...it is awesome stuff! Let me just say this; If you shoot an old male, the smell and taste may chase you off. A young male or female is awesome when BBQ'd. I built a pit out back that I cook them on. I have one now in the chest freezer waiting to get BBQ'd. She weighs about 90 pounds. Maybe Memorial Day.
  13. I have a bunch of good birds on the property. I seen a couple of Toms the other day that had about 10 inch beards. Since I'm getting ready to seed the food plots, I'm going to start chasing them off again. I don't turkey hunt anymore, so I just like chasing them off on the 4 wheeler, as I do not like them things!
  14. I have had "carp patties"....good stuff. Just a hastle at times to prepare.
  15. I never knew that about gar eggs. Although I have never eaten gar, I had a nieghbor that loved them, and took everyone I could bring them. I've even cleaned the gar for them having to use "tin snips"...Eel is good. Anyone ever fixed up a "bowfin"?
  16. I've had quite a bit of almost everything. The wierdest but most tasty of all was "monkey paws". Not bad, not bad at all....The worst thing I've ever tried to consume is Chit'lins.....folks.....heck.....I'm gagg'in already!!!
  17. OK.....I dredged these bad boys in flour and dropped them in hot oil. They "Snapped, Crackled and Popped" like Rice crispies on Viagra â„¢. I was pretty impressed with the taste. Will never throw another fish egg away again! I still, however, refuse to "crack open" a skwerl head with a spoon and eat it's little brain....some things I totally just draw the line on. This might be a topic for a new thread....Weirdest wild game or fish item you've ever ate....anyone? Anyone? Beaular? OK.....Frog Legs....
  18. In about 2 minutes, they are getting deep fried....
  19. LOL.....I'l let ya'll know. They are waiting to be cooked as we speak
  20. Ok, I went fishing today and had some nice Crappie and White Bass. Many of them were full of eggs. I've heard Old Timers (older than me of course) talk about cooking and eating fish eggs. I am willing to try them, but the internet offers liitle on this subject. Any sujestions? Jokes are OK too.....
  21. If you don't mind me asking, what area were ya'll hunting? My brother hunts everything legal there, and does quite well. I too have done well there too. You have to remember that hogs are typically nocturnal in nature, even more so when pressure gets on them. In the heat of the day (especially if the sun is shining) they will be laid up in wallows to stay cool. I'm geeting ready to leave for the Refuge to attend a meeting. Sometime this evething I'll post some info on here for you.
  22. I'm going down several times and scout with my brother (he lives there and hunts the area a bunch). Going to get ready to hunt them hard this year.
  23. That's the coolest picture to come across the Hunting Forum in a while....made me smile!
  24. Both would work well. If your spouse will only let you keep one...go with "Bubba"...... That's funny suff!
  25. I don't get it..... Did you get some more pictures? I'd like to see that track with a ruler.


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