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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I talked with JG, he hooked me up. His "X" partner Jerome, wants to hook up and do some Jugging and Limbline fishing too. I work with him a couple times a week at the Refuge....we have our feelers out. I have never fished the Red River due to the posibilities of "catching" a dead body. Just not what I have in mind for a good day of fishing. If you and your little one decide you to fish some let me know. Me and "K-Bug" is planning a weekend (overnighter) near Paris landing for some catfishing action some weekend coming up.
  2. I have problems getting that stuff to stay on a hook. Maybe a "set line" is better than casting.
  3. I catch alot of SkipJack here and fish it as cut bait. Trying to figure out the limbline business! I have a bunch of frozen "jack"...may try that.
  4. I've heard that about "C-4" also.....lol
  5. That's awesome stuff! Was your "skips" live or cut? I'm trying to learn new tricks here.... I've read that live bream is deadly on cats....
  6. I have caught many a good cat with rod and reel, and also on trotlines. I am interested in trying my hand at "limblines" (large flatheads) and jug fishing due to a streak of laziness. Anyone have some advice/info? I tried youtube and most of all I could find was a bunch of "Ya'hoos" wanting thier face on the internet. The other dudes were wearing turkey mask and sunglasses (poaching?). My personal goal this year is a 50 + pounder! Any advice is welcome... Dave "wd"
  7. If I'm in MY HOME, and someone enters, I believe they are the ones who need to dial 911...not me! I think 911 operators want you to take a non lethal way out. However, they are not there to see what's going on. If anyone enters MY HOME and refuses my command to "get on the floor".....they are going to floor the anyways. I feel for their next of kin.....
  8. DaveS


    "Moraly", this country is coming apart at the seams. For everyone of us who "does right"....there is hundreds who don't. It's a loosing battle......
  9. An "improved cylinder" shoots slugs really well. A modified choke will work in a pinch. Instead of a 30-06 or 7mm mag, think smaller, lighter and more user friendly. Get you a rifle where ammo and recoil doesn't beat you and your wallet to death. You'll be able to shoot and enjoy much more!
  10. 10-Ring hit it good. Now that we're finding out what you want....stay with the Remington 870 express. If you want an "all around" choke, go with modified. It will handle anything you want to shoot out of it. If you want to look cool standing in your front yard some night....get you a 20 inch slug barrel for it and mount a miried of night scopes and stream lights, or just leave it plain. But remember....your going to have to shoot them! No way around it! I would never ever give a shotgun the title of "HD" if I didn't what it could handle and at what ranges. Most homes don't have a twenty yard shooting lane, so it's going to be "up close and personal". A short barrel shotgun may be fine in the house (I actualy prefer a handgun) but out hunting range is a different story. Stay with the 870....
  11. What is it we are so afraid of? The number one thing in my opinion is a tornado...small area of damage. Number 2 is an quake...very large area of damage. Most important is Race/Gang war....it's coming....
  12. You're just going to have to get out and pattern your shotgun, there is no way around that. Think about what you want to hunt and choose YOUR AMMO ACCORDINGLY. Here's how I would go... My Remington 870 has a 28 inch barrel, interchangable chokes. When I rabbit/squirrel hunt, #6 high brass and modified choke works well for out to about 30/35 yards. Number 5's and number 4's fit in there also. If I'm dove/quail hunting, I like modified/improved choke with number 7 or 8 shot. Good patterns from both. My Mossberg 835 has a 26 inch barrel and shoots awesome. Just think of what you want to hunt, then look at shot sizes and shoot from there. There is NO "Magic" pill. It takes different ammo and some paper to see what works best for you. Improved/Modified choke with #7 or #8 shot.......dove and quail (pattern your gun and see whish shoots best. Full choke if hunting waterfowl, squirrels with alot of leaves in the trees and rabbit at long range/heavy brush with #4, 5 or 6 shot.... The list is just way too long for posting. Try different things!!!
  13. My primary carry is a 1911 .45 acp officer's model. My secondary is a Joe S*** .22 one inched barreled snubby, carried in my pocket.
  14. Yep!!!
  15. Don't you mean "Cowboys and Bumblebees"?
  16. I've heard several business owners say it's the "Insurance Companies", not the law....well.....
  17. Carry concealed or better yet, leave your gun in the car when you go inside. It's ok......I personaly feel that if they don't want me to carry while inside....I'm more than willing to let the "bad guy' put a knife to their throat and rob them...that's on them, less of a worry to me...."be careful what you ask for".....
  18. Thank You friend. I'm looking at some dates if you were serious about your earlier offer. I'd love nothing more! Fort Campbell offers limited stream fishing, but my dream fishing trip ever is just right what you offered......man.......ya kill'n me!
  19. Good little 3 pound channel cat, perfect eating size. I think we all decided to combine his birthday party with easter dinner this Sunday. We're having ham...he wants his catfish. So be it...you're only 6 once!
  20. Today was my 6 year old Grandson's Birthday. Me and "Maw Maw" bought him a fishing rod and reel for his birthday. Of course that came with a fishing trip. His first fish with his new Rod and Reel...It don't hardly get any better huh? By the way....he LOVES to fish!! !
  21. That is AWESOME! Nothing like home video of your hunts!
  22. I haven't found anything that Blackberry Brandy, Peach Schnapps and especially Moonshine will not cure. I tried "green tea" once...stayed in the bathroom for a whole day with that deal!
  23. Wow Whiskey.....All that in Alaska? Wow, all I pulled out of there was a broke arm, dislocated shoulder, black bear and a total hatred for Skiing and snow shoeing.....
  24. Good information. Thanks Whiskey!!!!


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