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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Four weeks for mine, but my renewal is taking forever!
  2. I agree with the design of the canoe. I had a 14 foot Rogue River that was rounded on the bottom and it was really unstable. My 16 foot coleman has a flat transom for mounting a motor on, and it's real stable. It is flat bottomed also.
  3. Got to love safe boating!
  4. So far this year that 2000 Vision Bassboat of mine has had a new trim motor, livewell timer switch, throttle cable and now I need to replace the power trim relays. I went fishing with my son today, (caught 3 nice keeper bass) and realized the simplicity of a 14 foot john boat with 35 evinrude and nothing else fancy. Had a good time and bass for supper!
  5. I understand that too. I've ran into a few folks before who had no idea what a "courtesy" ramp was for besides clogging it up with coolers, tackle boxes and a bunch of stupidity!
  6. Sounds like some of my days this year. I learned in a boating class that you should keep a roll of duct tape in your boat. If you lose steering, you can heavily tape your paddle to the motor and "tiller" steer it. Luckily I've never had to do this. Wonder if boating ever gets enjoyable?
  7. What if the signs read, "No Weapons Permitted, Violators Will be prosecuted to the Fullest Extent of the Law". I don't think this is what we want. 18 x 18 right on the front door, would be OK. But how about those who are too STUPID to abide by those request? Felony? Misdemeaner? Fine? Jail, Both maybe? There has to be something to get your attention! There are several good businesses around I enjoy going to. They posted...big deal! It's their right...That's my whole point. Our little pittetly a** HCP's don't over rule their rights. Just a fact we all have to accept! We don't need courts and laws to explain to us simple minded people that NO guns, means NO GUNS...folks we have enough laws and rules now...don't need no more!
  8. Why should signs be a matter at all? If a property is posted, that's the business owners "business". Why should anyone be sued or prosecuted because he/she doesn't want your gun on their property, or even the type of sign he has or doesn't have? No weapon means NO WEAPON, I don't care what language you post it in. An HCP doesn't let you come and go as you please. I owned a business for about 20 years. No body, I mean NO BODY is going to tell me that I HAVE TO ALLOW YOU to carry on/in my business or even how I post it. Criminal/Civil, makes no different, I don't care how many HCPs you own. That's my whole point. It's not a "God given right". It's a privilage that has been allowed to us. It's up to all of us to insure we continue to enjoy those rights. The more fuss'n we do, the more we give to the anti's. We as gun owners, have to support the laws of the state and the rights and wishes of others. If we have to depend upon the state to clarify signage for "NO GUNS", we are in a sorry state of affairs. Just is closing friends, if a business is posted, no matter how, what, or why...please respect their wishes and leave your poppers in the car or take your business some where else! Fuss'n about it isn't going to do anything but make matters worse. "Educate not Regulate"!
  9. +1 !!!!
  10. Fellow TGO'rs, I didn't come over here to argue, I merely stated the reason why my friend "posted his business". I'm sorry you find the reason unexceptable. Those that are whinning are the same ones that whine at any "gun buster" sign, on any door, for any reason. Heaven forbid, and to hell with property owner rights. I love to carry my hand gun too. But I'm not going to bawl my eyes out and go into mourning because I can't carry into a particular business. Hell, if you're that scared that you can't go out into public without your gun, stay at home and carry every thing you own! This about ALL RIGHTS, not just 2A!!
  11. I don't live too far from the pilot in oak Grove, and probably about the same from exit 24. Here in the next week I should start having alot more free time because I'm going to make some major decision. For example, I was supposed to be off next (from Fort Campbell) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, The boss changed the schedule yesterday, now has me working those three days and now off on Thursday. I have to go through a nut roll now to reschedule other things...I kinda like the idea of going back into retirement! This working all the time to stay busy and make a few extra bucks is taking away from my Family, Fishing, Taxidermy and all the other things I like to do....we'll see!
  12. I'm not going to argue my friends Insurance company's liability requirements for posting or not posting, no more than I'm going to try and explain why my insurance company charges me almost 500 more dollars in liability because I have 2 pittbulls in my fenced in yard. I mearly stated facts about my friends reasoning for posting his store. It was all about liability and premiums. I'm sorry you all can't find the answers you're looking for... It's all about liability.
  13. I see it, I believe it and I'm not disclosing his personal information to you on a public forum. Call an insurance agent and get you a quote for a "make believe" business, see what they tell you about allowing or not allowing guns. It also must be remembered that we all whine about our so called rights " to carry any damned place we care too", we forget about the "rights" of property owners, to keep your guns off his property. It's all simple....if it's posted...go some where else, or we can all leave our guns in our cars. Property and business owners have RIGHTS too! It's no different than a business owner posting a sign on his door telling you to "take off your hoodie, sunglasses, bandana, ski mask and PULL up your pants before you come in". It's his right....why not honor that?
  14. At times I do not think it's the store owners or managers that restrict carry. I have a friend who is a business owner here in town. He hunts, shoots and even has a HCP. He had to "post" his store not because he didn't want anyone to carry, but because his INSURANCE company said so! By the store being posted, that takes the "liability" off his insurance if a customer or "bad guy" gets shot in the store. Keep that in mind next you see a "gun buster" sign.
  15. I have a couple that I take. I'll post pictures later on today.
  16. Feel fortunate my friend that you didn't have to pull the trigger. Sounds like it all worked out in your favor. Count your blessings....
  17. Relax, take a deep breath and think things out. I'm a veteran from the Nam era......when you put the sights of your weapon (M-16/203) on another human being, pull the trigger and that "human" disapears to the jungle floor....it will make you sick....I mean SICK for many years to come! I had an incident just like yours a couple of years ago. A dude came to my door at 0130 and ask if he could use my phone. I stood at the door with the "safety chain" hooked, .45 behind my back. I asked if anyone was hurt and he said "I just need to come in and use your phone". I said "wait a minute". I went and got the phone, came back to the door and said I'll "call 911". He turned and ran. Had I handed the phone to that piece of s***, I'd been grabbed and robbed, and I'd had to cleaned up after the piece of crap. Be careful folks!!!
  18. I guess she got shot in the" ham" from what I understand.
  19. I thought I would share this story. I hoped she didn't look like a hog !http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/florida-man-mistakes-girlfriend-hog-shoots-her-211904311.html
  20. Dang...just my luck!!! Well at least my friend, are the trout biting?
  21. I have to be the "devil's advacate" here. I have yet to find a Glock that I like. The G/W's that I work with aren't real fond of their issued Glocks either. Just my opinion is all. I will never own a Glock/Brick.
  22. I want to go...because of his other mishaps! Plus, I've always wanted to experience his kind of fishing! I want that little cute game warden to "check" me!
  23. I'm rather fond of this place myself! I'm on here about a thousand times a day....


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