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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. My daughter has a "show" rabbit. It's Angora....I guess they make sweaters from them. Wonder what a fried sweater taste like? "Izzy" is house broken and all.
  2. It's always fun when you help someone succeed for the first time on something.
  3. My fault, I miss read the rules. Well, I'll travel down and catch the next one.
  4. I plant a big garden every year, and last year I bought a couple of "hanging tomato" plant thingies. Was a pretty big waste of money. Couldn't keep the watered enough. Lesson learned about "as seen on TV". Good thing I had regular tomato's planted. I have 2 raised beds in my garden. They are 3x8 and contain Chives, Onions, Garlic and Parsnips. That's all the beds get used for. This year I also planted Greek Oregano, Sage, Rosemarry and Cilantro. Big Boy Tomatos, Jalapeno, Cayene, 4 different squash, Green Beans, Cucumbers, Spinach, Turnip Greens and my Daughter's dumb pet goat done got in the garden and set me back a bit. Everything is doing well, except I would like some rain. Have had very little here!
  5. Nice photoshop! I likey!!!!
  6. it doesn't hardly get any better than that!
  7. I take it you raise rabbits? I have some, and just had a litter of 5 born. I lost 2 but still have 3 lively little bunnies. I started out raising "San Juans" to train beagle pups. That's been a few years ago. I still have a breeding pair that is not pure San Juan but I get good litters of meat and "pet" rabbits from.
  8. David speaks wisely. Follow his advice! Prayers to ya buddy!
  9. Was suppose to be off today, but that got canceled. I'll be at work, keep me in mind for the next time!
  10. NICE Birds!!!!
  11. Ya'll a metal detectors worst nightmare!!
  12. What in the world are ya'll scared of??? LOL
  13. Saved mine too....twice!
  14. Don't you mean "M203" ?
  15. I agree to all above. What kills me is I had a brand new box of Federal # 6 shotshells in a yard sale priced at $1.00 dollar...one WHOLE dollar. The dude says, will you take .50 cents for them? Well...uh...no. I love it when people "lowball" me. I tell them to go to Walmart!
  16. Folks, we're suppose to be supportive of our friend Dolomite and not make jokes. You guys are nuts!
  17. B-I-N-G-O!!!!!! What "Legal Weight" does the word "NO" have?
  18. Been waiting on my renewal for 37 days now. Wow!
  19. Hopefully it will all work out for you, at least we surely hope so. We'll all hope for the best for you. There's a time to "inspect the boys", and there is a time to "inspect the boys".....WALMART or otherwise! I wanna make a Joke Dolomite, but I take "my boys" serious, and so no jokes right now! Do seriously get tested and all!
  20. Replaced the relay plugs and switches. All is well! Everything is working like new and I'm getting the urge to fish this weekend. Going to work in the garden today and maybe make a holster for my 1911 or tan a piece of buckskin. We'll see how the day unfolds! "Timestepper" your package should be there today.
  21. All good things to think about!
  22. I would liked to have attended, but all my rifles were made before 1945.
  23. Very good handgun and mine is reliable. I've never had a problem and I even stick it in my pocket once in a while when I run out to the store.


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