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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. A couple fish photos.... My Pride and Joy! 9 pound LMB I mounted this Smallmouth for my Fire Chief. 6 1/2 pounds An 8 pound LMB The glare on this Rainbow Trout makes his fin look white and the rest of the fish hard to see from being too glossy. I went to a new gloss coat and it makes for a horrible picture. His fins are actualy clear. Caught on Fort Campbell and mounted for a friend.
  2. Speaking of rattling, I need to rattle up your buck as soon as we can.
  3. The Grand Kids were afraid of it. Said it "scares them". My brother in Alabama begged and begged me for it. So, he has it.
  4. Years of practice! Thank you for the compliment!
  5. Yes. Remember my chicken pen? Right there.
  6. 300 Pound Wild Boar taken with bow.
  7. My 10 pointer... My 15 year old daughter's 12 pointer...
  8. I took this 150 pound Feral Hog with bow. It was my first "bow" hog. I done it as a full body mount.
  9. Albino Feral Hog. Taken and mounted by "me". 280 pounds.
  10. I'll put some others up here. I'm just starting this thread, but there are other photos on other posts.
  11. I thought I would share these photos with you. First, I just need to let you know that the "Hunting" of Rattlesnakes is not permitted in the state of Tennessee. This Timber Rattlesnake was caught in the act of eating one of my banty hens. He took her right off her nest. With the spring hunting seasons here, these and many other snakes are on the prowl. Right now, Copperheads and Cottonmouths are out in abundance! BE CAREFUL! He was 73 inches in length, 11 inches around and had 10 rattles. Here is a picture of him the day he met my .22 pistol, and after he was finished by the best Taxidermist I know (me). NOTE: The Banty Hen nor the Snake survived this encounter.
  12. This is a picture of him after the best Taxidermist I know, (me), got finished with him. He very happily now resides in another state. I just wanted to share with you all.
  13. I'm not hijacking this thread, but since we are on the subject of snakes, this bad boy was caught in our chicken pen. The little one came running tinto the house yelling "pawpaw, icken nake'! (Kid talk for chicken snake I guess). It had ahold of one of our banty hens. He measured out at 73 inches in length and 11 inches around. He had 10 rattles. Was the first rattler I have ever seen here. Unfortunetly he had to removed as we have lost several chickens probably to this snake, and was a danger to my dogs and other animals. I let snakes go their own way and harm none, but this was an exception, as was a copperhead that got into the kennel with my rabbit dogs. NOTE: The hunting of snakes is not permitted in the state of Tennessee. However, by law, your are permitted to "protect" your pets, livestock and self from reptiles. This is not going to be a debate. Just merely the sharing of experiences.
  14. Off subject again.... When I made the comparison to a fictional character (Titus "Scratch" Bass) I totaly had no idea you would know what I was talking about! It's a small world buddy!
  15. DaveS

    Reputation points

    I sure didn't know all this!
  16. DaveS

    Reputation points

    I just now really found out what them little "icons" are and don't know how they work....
  17. That's a good story to jump start my morning. Muzzle Blast was one of my favorite magazines at one time. I haven't seen any in a couple years though. I built my own Flintlock Rifles and the magazines were real handy at the time. "Muzzleloader" was another good one. Dave
  18. So sorry to hear Dolomite! Prayers out to your family. Man, you just can't get a break can you? So Sorry....
  19. OK folks, sorry I got off subject there.... Every year myself, my Son and whoever else wants to tag-a-long, all head to Land Between The Lakes (LBL) for our annual primative deer camp. I had been out hunting all morning, haven't seen anything and decided to come back to camp and cook breakfast and have it ready by the time the rest of the group got back to camp. Got the biscuits made and put in the dutch oven, potatoes in the skillet and other preperations made. My "dawgs" were hurting so I came out of my hunting boots and put on flipflops. At that point I decided to 'hone' my archery skills by placing a 3-D deer target about 30 yards from the fire and doing a little shooting. Well I walked through the woods the short distance from camp, set up the target to offer at least a challenge to shoot at. I started walking back toward the fire checking different shooting angles as I did. I got about 10 yards from camp, a very large lizard (turned out to be about a 7 inch long Fence Lizard) jumped on the top of my foot. I kicked my foot in the air to loosen his grip on my foot. Let me tell you what folks, that sucker with his "cat like" claws went to climbing up my leg. I still had on my hunting pants as I hadn't put on my shorts yet. I went to hopping and jumping in the air as I made my way toward the fire. By the time I got to the fire, this lizard done went up my leg and into my boxer shorts! By the time I started striping (I'm still hopping up into the air to shake this lizard loose) this lizard had buried ten very sharp claws into my "boys", (later I was told my fuss'n sounded like that of a wild animal). I started striping and my pants was at the ankle level and I was trying to pry this lizard loose (no jokes please). Pants down around my ankles, still jumping up and down and squeeling, when lord and behold here come my son and his buddy walking into camp. I'm still trying to get this thing off me. They stopped about ten yards away, and my sons friend started making Injun sounds with his mouth. At that point I realized I was butt a** bare dancing around the campfire like some wild Injun. The lizard jumped to the ground and took off. My Son says..."did we miss something ?' and went rolling with laughter. So as to clear my good name and image I went to telling them what happened. What the hell....I examined the damage to "boys" right then and there. At that point I just didn't care as I have already been compramised! I blew it all off and while reseating my boxers and hunting pants, I says "ya'll back to camp early". Rob (my son) says "smelling your cooking got the deer all shook up". "Smelled breakfast cooking clear up in the woods". Then he said "should have come back earlier, and seen the whole WAR DANCE thing you had going. I said nothing as I went to stirring the potatoes! They have not let me live this down to this day! That's why to this day (at least at deer camp) I have the nick name "Chief Two Lizards". Have a great day all! Dave
  20. OK, I had heard his wife ended it. I thought Ol' Scratch would live forever. I hated to see it end. I've never read any of his other books, just the Titus series. He was a good writer. Almost like he was telling his on life story. I wish I could have met him!
  21. My privalage! Love the series too. Damn sure don't like how it ended! When Terry C. Johnston passed on, I heard his "wife" ended the series. When Ol' Scratch got killed off I felt as if I loss kinfolk!
  22. That's pretty funny right there. I'll take the notion in a bit to type another one of my "missadventures". I have so many stupid moments to choose from!
  23. "Timestepper" I feel yer' pain. I used to "buckskin" and your story made me laugh! You seem to have the same charactor and humor as "Titus Bass" in the book "Carry the Wind". Somehow, I can just picture you chasing a Ki' yote at 4 in the morning! Good story!
  24. Timestepper, My Grandpa (back in the 60's) used to drop snappers into boiling water for a minute or two. It caused the skin on the legs to peel right off, then he would go right on and clean the turtle. I seem to remember him doing catfish the same way, then wiping the "skin" off with a rag. I have only tried this with a turtle one time. It cleaned up pretty easy! Now days I just buy turtle from the fish market along with gator and anything else exotic! Just don't have the gumption to hit the swamps any more!


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