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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. That looks pretty good. When you said "kayak", I pictured one with the itty bitty hole you sit in. This one you show looks comfortable to fish from.
  2. Welcome...It sounds like ya'll well on your way!
  3. Ok, I googled it. You actualy fish off that thing? That looks just like something I would fall off of and bust my can! TLRMADE wanting a Kayak is a pretty good idea.
  4. OK...what is a "paddle board"? Surf board? Look out google here I come!
  5. I've never fished from a kayak, but do fish from a canoe when I'm not in my B/B. Not sure how to make a kayak work...lol I see alot of people kayaking while I'm out fishing LBL. They do look fun!
  6. Welcome! Enjoy that Rock Island 1911!!!!
  7. I think he did right by ordering the perp to "drop" the knife. Then I think he could have used that as his defense in court if he would have shot if the perp didn't drop the knife. I commend the man for controlling his emotions with a firearm. The handgun instructor I had, said a "good thing to do", if you are ever in a "draw your gun and/or shooting situation", is to yell as loud as you can (loud enough for any witnesses to hear) 'STOP, FOR YOUR SAFETY, STOP!!" Then fire if you have to. You have now warned that person. Not every situation will this even be possible. You have just given that person the opportunity to break off the threat or take what's given him. The decision is on him!
  8. Anyone born after 1989 must attend a "Boater Safety" course (kinda like hunter safety but for boating) before they may opperate a powerboat.
  9. Yes, it is required.
  10. With the upcoming Memorial Day weekend just around the corner, and as we all make our plans for our outings on the lakes and rivers of this great country, lets think SAFETY! Use caution on the water as it will be shared with Fishermen, Jet Skis, Skiers, Speedboats, Canoes and god only knows what. Here's a few basics.... 1. Have an approved Flotation Device for EACH person on your boat. 2. If equiped with a gas powered motor, have a SERVICEABLE Fire Extinguisher. 3. Have some type of Audible signaling device. 4. Depending on length of boat, a "throwable" flotation device may be required. 5. DO NOT overload your boat or watercraft... 6. DO NOT allow anyone to ride on the bow of a boat while under power. 7. Watch for "Obstructions" in the lake, river or stream. 8. If you see someone whom seems distressed or "broke down", offer assistance. A tow back to the ramp may go a long way in making new friends, and make our waterways a friendlier and safer place to be! This is not an all inclusive list and more info can be found here: http://www.tn.gov/twra/boatmain.html This is an upcoming campaign to kick off the summer boating season: Please be safe, and enjoy your outing! Dave This has been a Safety announcement from WD-40 (The person, not the oil)!
  11. Wonder what the outcome of this was? The OP never came back to tell us. Dave
  12. I found this to be quite interesting. http://socialcam.com...other_multiline None of them speaks English I reckon... Dave
  13. Good Stuff! Put down the VIDEO GAME CONTROLER, BLACKBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, DOO BERRIES, IPODS, PADS whatever you have a grip on at the monent....HUG your mom and spend some time with her today. All that other stuff will be here long after your Mom isn't. Give her your time today! Nuff' Said... Dave
  14. Didn't somewhere in the video he say (or at least somewhere it was said) the luger came from his brother who took it from a German Officer.? I may have my videos and reading mixed up, so please correct me if I'm wrong. Dave
  15. Awesome video...Thanks! Dave
  16. DaveS

    Reputation points

    I like that!
  17. When getting out of your vehicle, always be aware of your surroundings. Note who is lingering in the parking lot, where and how they are acting. Are they armed? Creepy looking? Choose your route carefully and ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS, have a way out of any situation. Don't be nervious, walk naturally and not all stiff legged and scared like everyone is looking at you. Remember, you're pack'n legaly and they probably aren't. Just don't worry about it. Comfort in carrying will come natural to you the more you do it. Carrying is no big deal...don't upset your stomach over it! I did the Wally Walk when I renewed my lisence. I felt no different on the fishing isle than any other time I went in there. JUST RELAX!!!!!! Dave
  18. Thank goodness the elderly couple wasn't harmed by this punk. However, I've watched the video several times, and I'm still trying to figure out how the casing got out in the "front yard", when punk boy was shot in the house. Am I missing something here?
  19. This video would mean more if the guy didn't hide behind his hat and sunglasses!
  20. That's good stuff right there!
  21. I speck you got a pretty good point there!
  22. I live about 5 miles off the backside of post. Believe me...there here! Campbell is full of them as well as LBL!
  23. This 175 pound Feral Hog was mounted for a client in Green County Tennessee. This hog tore up 2 dogs before they could bring him down with bow. A coyote mount... This little Fawn and his momma was killed by a car near my house. He is the tiniest fawn I have ever seen. He stood about 12 inches tall and maybe weighed about 2 pounds. OK, that's all for now. Gotta a fishfry to tend to! Good day, and thanks for looking! Dave
  24. Thank you! Speaking of britches...
  25. I was asked alot when I ran my shop. Pets and somebody's old lady are two things I refused to mount! I had the opportunity to talk with Dale Earnhart's (of NASCAR fame) Taxidermist, and he told me that mounting someone's pet was profesional suicide! That client would never be happy, and your reputation would be destroyed! The only pet I ever did mount was a "Hedgehog". PERIOD!


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