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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I guess that's a plus! LOL
  2. DaveS

    My First Handgun

    Have you shot it yet?
  3. I'm interested in seeing what day too. If I can make it, shall I bring my hawk? A little "hawk chunk'n" sounds fun. No promises now...just depends. Dave
  4. Nice! .40 always seemed like such an odd caliber to me. The ballistics are insane from what I've read! is that a "Roland Southgate"? Beautiful!
  5. The history channel is airing a series beginning May 31st titled "The Mountain Men". The previews look awesome and the "Hawken" rifle on the previews look as fine as I've ever seen! I can't wait! My first muzzleloader ever was a Hawken. A fine rifle, a fine rifle indeed! Dave
  6. DaveS

    My First Handgun

    Nice! I had one of those and got rid of it pretty quick. The recoil was un-godly! I hope it fits your hands better than it did mine. Good pistol though...you made a good choice! Dave
  7. Most lawyers I know don't stand by their office phones 24/7. Law Dawg will just have to wait until my law office opens up.
  8. I've heard the ultra sound works well. Maybe a little 3F and cannon fuse if the ultra sound don't work. My other sujestion was "Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice"!
  9. You know boss's are always right. I deal with a moron every day almost!
  10. They would have to wait if they wanted to talk to me. I'd be the ER with chest pains and shortness of breath. Someone else would be on the phone to the lawyer's office! "I have no comment at this time officer". Dave
  11. Never mind these guys.....lol Dave
  12. Whatever happened to being a "man" and owning up to the responsibilities of the children we produced? Sickening!
  13. "Baby Daddy" at it's finest!
  14. I resent that..that's actually DOVER!!
  15. Nice!!!
  16. Well, he fits right in with the rest of us! Welcome to the club...... Dave
  17. Sadly, they have no choice but to convict him. Look at Rodney King, Florida don't want riots and ruin their tourist season!
  18. We forgive ya brother...We understand! Dave
  19. Well said FJ!!!!
  20. Welcome to TGO!
  21. Sounds like your stop went well. That's good! Dave
  22. I believe the "Gun Buster" sign on the door gives YOU every opportunty to leave, BEFORE you enter! Dave
  23. The Cumberland is coming up toward "Summer Pool" (finaly). While out boating, please be aware of floating debris! Dave
  24. I think I'll just watch it on TV.... Dave


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