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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I LOVE THIS!!!
  2. I would love that! I almost bought me a "fussie" once, but it didn't happen. What would you say the "choke" would be on a smooth bore such as you have?
  3. Timekeeper "Ol' Scratch", has somewhat of an "odd" sense of humor as I'm finding out. I can't wait to meet this "mountainman".....a battle of wits indeed! Dave
  4. I've participated in this thread all I'm going to. If the property is posted, we SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BE ASKED TO LEAVE, as we should have NEVER WENT IN TO BEGIN WITH...THAT IS MY POINT!!! Make the penalty harsh, and we WILL NEVER have to be asked to leave.....PERIOD! Dave
  5. Folks, we can argue this until we're blue in the face. Us gun owners are crying "My 2A Rights are being violated", while the porperty owners are crying "My 1A Rights are being violated. If the sign says "No Weapons", stay out....if No Sign...carry until you're giddy! I love my HCP privilages, but I would truly like to see the law makers make "carrying past a sign" similiar to a DUI. Fine, jail and suspension of the HCP. That's the only way some of us will start being responsible for our actions as "Law Bidding Citizens". Dave Sayre (931)802-2138
  6. I don't do spiders... WD-40 Dave
  7. I "SECOND" the motion!!! Dave
  8. I think I'm going to hide in the woods on the "hunting forum"..... Dave
  9. I retired last year as a Firefighter/EMT. I enjoyed that field of work and unfortunetly, I still find myself practicing my EMT skills (except as a good samaritan) almost every day at either the Hotel or the Wildlife Refuges. Good skills to know if for no other reason than caring for your own family. Volunteer State Community College used to teach EMT-B. That's step one. Get your "National Registry" certification and start applying!
  10. Welcome!
  11. OH, ok Have you used yours as a shotgun yet?
  12. Time...it all comes from the many months between "Ronnyvue" when one MUST sleep light and with eyes and ears open. The Red Savages, Griz and Wolf slip about in the dark too much! Hopefully you'll get better real soon! Dave
  13. The .64 flint smooth bore, is that about 28 guage? Or am I thinking .69 caliber? I love "Flintlocks". I tell the guys I hunt with that if they lose their precussion caps in the field they are out of luck. You can almost always find a suitable piece of flint to use! Dave
  14. When going to church I leave my gun at home. My church is walking distance from the house. I don't know how the school thingie works. I guess I don't have enough "scrupples" to carry into church. Some things just don't seem right!
  15. Time, did this picture appear in any publications? I swear that somewhere along the way, I have seen this picture...somewhere!
  16. What a way to go!
  17. As far as proving anything through a doctor, that's easy. Unless you are a ruthless cold blooded killer, your blood pressure will be up, your pulse will be up, your resperations will be up and you will most likely get to spend your 36 hours unharrased in the cardiac word. And by the way, the "blood thinner" injections in the stomach hurt like hell! You will have chest pains and will swear to god you're having a heart attack. Hospital staff will make "law dawg" come back later, and don't be surprised if they are waiting for you at discharge time! Dave
  18. I might could pull it off on the 30th. I'll turn in for some time off and we'll see. My Son in law and Grandson will be here from New Mexico and they may want to attend. If I can do this, I'd like a little time to instruct some "hide tanning". Again, if I can pull this off. Where the hell is Knoxville anyways??? Dave
  19. You're welcome!
  20. My main Powder Horn... Hand carved from a Ivory colored cow horn. And scrimshawed with a map from the Carolina Teritories to Clarks Settlement (Clarksville). The heart which is carved from the main horn. The horn and heart is all one piece. My main horn and priming horn together. My shooting bag in which I made from canvas and stressed oiled leather. It has a piece of patching greased with Wild Hog fat, a handmade brass powder measure (80 grains 3F) and my patch knife made of steel and browned to match my rifle barrel, and the handle I made from scrap left from my rifle stock. The complete set... The button on the bag is made from a hammered out .50 cal ball. My "Turtle Shell Canteen".... Holds about 30 oz of liquid. My fighting knife and my utility knife... Don't mind the rust...it gives charactor! The top knife I forged from a leaf spring and used a Wild Pig "hambone" for the handle. The ruler is for sizing purposes. This concludes "Show and Tell" for the moment! Dave
  21. Check Dixie Gun Works...
  22. I'll get some pics posted. I make them all the time but never really thought about selling any. I have a "matched set" of cow horns that came off one of my jersey cows. I'll start working on some pics.
  23. Last time I checked this wasn't Iraq. If the BG has his gun pulled already robbing someone, most likely you'll get shot before you clear leather! Tell us where to send you flowers! I'm pretty much learning that you want to carry where you want, when you want, and shoot someone in the process. Well son, I hope it all works out for you! Why would you put yourself in that situation for someone elses money? Money that is insured to begin with! Like I said, I hope it all works out for you!
  24. You must be talking about the "Daniel Boone" series. I seen some boneheaded things in that series. Kinda surprised me since Mark Baker was involved in the production. I'll let you know how it is. Like everything else the history channel puts out, it'll be on dvd. We'll see... Dave
  25. Call my lawyer's office and you get his dang answering machine almost everytime. With my luck, if I needed him for a self defense situation, he'd be out of town on vacation for a month! He's a crook anyways, so he can afford to take a month off!! LOL Dave


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