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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. A Tribute indeed!
  2. They said it was...but I removed it to protect someone else..
  3. We had a pond once and had it stocked with green hybrid bream. They grew quite large like Shellcrackers do. Fun to catch and was excellant table fair. Dave
  4. I can't wait! What kind of fishing is available where we will be doing the "meet"? I've never been in that part of the state...I plan on enjoying it! Dave
  5. Being a retired Firefighter/EMT, I'd be all for concealed carry. With proper training of course! Dave
  6. I just got done watching a bunch of Clinch River Trout fishing videos...My brain is totaly destroyed! I guess I'll go out and hook my Bass rig to my SUV and hit Barkley Lake in the morning...humbug.... Dave
  7. I don't know about the Optima, but the CVA Hawkins were not very expensive to begin with. I would just price it based on what you would be willing to accept. How is the wood and Metal on the Hawkin? Look around some other sites and see what they are going for. Dave
  8. The farthest east in Tennessee I've ever been is Lebanon. So going farther east is going to be an adventure, and will have to take advantage of the time spent!
  9. If I get to attend this (I'm planning on it anyways), I would like to offer some "Hide Tanning" instructions to those present. My little Grandson will most likely be with me and he Loves fishing. So maybe we can squeeze in some fishing time for him too.
  10. I just got mine. Now I don't have to worry about for a while.
  11. How right you are! Dave
  12. Nice pictures!
  13. I think I missed something somewhere. What is David's Business name, and does he do "mail order"? Dave
  14. 1. Vista Print "DJ NUSS" I can't stand this commercial! 2. JG Wentworth Commercial 3. GEICO "Caveman" commercials... 4. Nashville KIA commercials..."Don't you leave until you see me". (OK I seen ya....that's why I drove my trade in back home. No $149.00 cars there!!) OK my rant for the day... Dave
  15. Kirkland AFB at Albacrappy.
  16. Don't change the majority vote to accomendate one. My family is driving in from New Mexico and arriving here the 23rd. But if I miss that date, then we'll plan another in the fall. Dave
  17. I carry three bags when out "trekking" and/or "small game" hunting. The first one is my "shooting pouch" which holds everything I need for the care and feeding of a flintlock rifle. Bag number two, the one pictured above, carries the items I may need on the trail. And maybe some small food/beverage Item in which I will call a possibles bag. Bag number three is made of canvas and is "tarred". It is mostly used to carry food items or small game and I refer to that one as a haversack/game bag. Dave
  18. You are correct as per google. I run into alot of people that confuse the "Possibles" bag with the "Shooting" bag. Sometimes a possibles bag and haversack can double up and serve a single function. Dave
  19. And...well????
  20. oopss...missed that! That's OK.....if they see it twice, so be it!!
  21. I watched the first couple of shows and then bailed out. I haven't watched any of the new one's and I don't plan on it. Dave
  22. Same way when I carry...No Body, I MEAN NOBODY needs to know I have "Toad" on me, unless the case arises.....I ain't gonna have to fight for my weapon, I'm not gonna be the first target ect., ect.. I'm no "Girly Man" by any means, but I don't want to have to fight some nappy head over my handgun. I prefer the element of surprise! Dave
  23. Folks, just to throw a ringer into things, I must ask what are you reffering to when you say "possibles bag"? Many people confuse Possibles Bag with Haversack with Shooting pouch. They are all different and serve a different purpose. Let me know what your intended purpose is and I could help you a little more. Dave
  24. These pictures sadens me at heart........


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