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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I picked a dead cottonmouth up today off the gravel road at the refuge. Anyone want it?
  2. Dang...how can you walk on the side of the hill like that?? LOl Dave
  3. He doesn't get real nervous....he's a real "ham" around cameras!
  4. Awesome pictures! I'm sure our Ol' friend john enjoyed every minute of it!
  5. I'm the one on the left.....I think...no wait...the picture might be backwards...
  6. Corona for me.....
  7. I was going to grill some wild boar chops, but decided to bake some chicken instead. Had the chicken, peas and boiled potatoes. I'm pretty well stuffed right now! Dave
  8. Should be me, two coming in from New Me'heco, maybe my son....we'll see!
  9. Where in Alabama? I love fishing there too. I'm from Alabama and all my family is there.
  10. No Bad (I think that's what young people say) I'm with you. Folks keep asking for documentation. I was just curious "what kind" of documention people expect......
  11. AWESOME!!!!
  12. Here's some more info for ya.... http://www.cottonmouthsnake.org/
  13. Documented! http://www.tennsnakes.org/venomous_not.htm
  14. What kind of "documentation you expecting to find? Facebook? Google? Actual sightings? Any proof it's not "documented"? How would you like it documented before you beleive their here? PM your address and I'll send you one. That way you can see for yourself. Dead or alive....your choice. Dave
  15. I like fishing at evening and night. Bank fishing off the wall or near the bridge is good. My bait of choice for the bigger cats is whole shad about 3-4 inches long and gut from skipjacks. Filets from skips are my next bet and the skipjacks heads get tossed into the water for foder or thrown to the few stray cats wondering around looking for a free meal. We'll get together one evening and I'll take you catfishing.
  16. Well my friend, "other" agencies have documented them.... Their here....LBL, Cross Creeks around the sloughs and backwaters of the cumberland..just be careful of them while you're out and about! Dave
  17. I don't keep one in my vehicle.....it's kept ON ME! Dave
  18. I'm no lawyer, but I think if he is found "Not Guilty" of criminal charges, he can still be found "Guilty" in Civil Court for "Wrongful Death", I.E..."OJ"?
  19. That's exactly why the court should levy his bank account! That and to keep money from being moved around....
  20. If I feel threatened or in danger of MY LIFE, SOMETHING is going to happen!!!
  21. I think the Judge/Court should sieze Zimmerman's bank account until after the trial. Seems he is racking up quite a profit off of this case!
  22. It all could be "Presumed", but someone, somehow initated a confrontation. We haven't heard Trayvon's side! Some kind of way "Z" got out of his truck for the purpose of seeing where Trayvon went. Followed him? Stalked him? Then who approached who? Did Trayvon approach Z for the purpose of finding out who was following him? Did Z approach Trayvon to confront him? Was Trayvon scared s******* of Z during this confrontation? Seems to me Zimmerman is the one in jail....why? If he acted in self defense I doubt he would be where he is today. We all seem to be ok with Zimmerman having an HCP, and stereotyped a teenage black kid wearing a hoodie walking through a neighborhood at night. I questioned it then, and I still question to this day (even after reading all eveidence in this matter) who the real aggressor was. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see when the "movie" comes out. But in my honest opinion, Z is kinda shady!
  23. I'm not taking sides here, but "what if" Trayvon felt threatened by being followed by someone? I mean we have a seventeen year old kid walking along minding his business. He is followed by and then approached by Zimmerman. If Trayvon felt threatened and in danger of his own life and/or being being robbed, he had all rights in the world to beat the h*** out of his ACCOSTER, The kid had NO GUN on him, which give him all rights to use his fist. I would do the same if it were me! Follow me around , get out of your truck and approach me in a threatening manner and get similiar treatment! We have to look at both sides of this story! Dave


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