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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Thanks for the vote of confidence my friend!
  2. A little ol'fashion hog fat works ok....I guess....
  3. Time....do you think we are the "best" instructors" for this? I mean like, isn't there some libility involved? So now what happens when two "old f***s' get together? Sheeezzzz...... Dave
  4. I only have three words for this...."You Stupid Sum'bi***!!! enjoy my friends.... Dave
  5. I have to relay this (now funny) story to all reguarding the primitive skills and traditional muzzleloader meet being held in Oliver Springs, Tennessee at the end of the month. Well folks, if I was to ever have a "Colonial Blonde Moment" it was today! As I was putting together some "charclothe and tinder" packs for fellow TGO members in attendance, I decided to test my skills at fire starting with Flint and Steel. Sitting in my garage, I gathered all items I needed to complete this task. I got my tinder and charclothe just right, struck the flint and steel together and "caught a spark" with the first try. I blew and blew and no fire. All I managed to do was blow some glowing charclothe out of my bird's nest of tinder. The story does not end there. As I was putting together another "birdsnest", I felt a real sharp burning pain in my left ankle. As I looked down (apparently a piece of glowing charclothe had landed on my sock between my ankle and shoe I was wearing) and smoke was coming off my sock. Folks let me tell you.....apparently from previous attempts of this, the smoke detector decides to go off at the same time as I hop over to a bucket of tanning water and stuck my foot in the bucket to put out my now burning ankle ! My wife and daughter come running out to the garage to see why the smoke detector was going off. Here ol'dumba** stood with his foot in a bucket of tanning water.... I cannot repeat what was said to me...... Second degree burn blisters hurt just a might! What a day! Ol' Hotfoot...
  6. We're at the two week mark on this shindig....Let's start giving spots a good headcount. I'm helping with breakfast, so a number would be good for us to have! Dave
  7. Your rabbit has been "hacked"!!
  8. Try this Rob...follow the links to apply. http://www.state.tn.us/twra/quotahunts.html
  9. I lose too...I'll wait for the movie now. I don't think I'm a welcome member of the "Save George Zimmerman Fan Club"! My rating score is dropping faster than Oboma's right now, so I need to move to more intelligent threads....good day all!
  10. I'm reading something different in the 911 tapes....where does it say Z was RETREATING to his vechicle? Did I miss something? I must ask....WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE BEING FOLLOWED OR PURSUED AS IN A SITUATION AS THIS? Play "tiddly winks" with your pursuer? Dave
  11. At 2:07 minutes into his call to the police, Zimmerman says, "he's running." At 2:37 minutes, Zimmerman tells the dispatcher, "He ran." The sound of an "open door" chime, a change in Zimmerman's voice and the sound of wind indicate that Zimmerman has left his vehicle, prompting the dispatcher to ask if Zimmerman is following Martin. When Zimmerman confirms that he is, the dispatcher says, "We don't need you to do that."[105] Zimmerman says, "Okay." Asked if he "want(s) to meet with the officer," Zimmerman says, "Yeah," and gives directions to where his vehicle is parked but is unable to provide an address. He also tells the dispatcher the numbers of his street address, and then at 3:35 adds, "Oh crap, I don't want to give it all out. I don't know where this kid is." The dispatcher asks him if he wants to meet the police at the mailboxes,[Note 3, 4th picture] and he at first agrees but then says, "Actually, could you have him call me, and I'll tell him where I'm at?" to which the dispatcher replies, "No problem."[106] Zimmerman appears to hang up at the 4:05 mark. The recording ends at the 4:11 mark, approximately 7:13:41 PM. According to state prosecutors and attorney Benjamin Crump, Martin was talking on his cellphone to his girlfriend around the time of the incident, which phone company records confirm.[131][132] She called Martin at 7:12 PM, although phone company records round down call times, so the actual call was between 7:12:00 and 7:12:59 PM.[133][134] She was interviewed by Crump who made a statement for her, as her parents requested her anonymity, and she gave a sworn interview recorded by a state prosecutor.[131][132] Martin's girlfriend said that he described a man as "crazy and creepy," who was on the phone watching him from a vehicle, before the man started following him.[132] The friend said that she told Martin to run to the townhouse where he was staying with his father and the father's girlfriend.[132] She said that Martin told her that he had lost the man and then noticed he was being pursued again.[131][132] She then heard Martin say, "What are you following me for?" followed by a man's voice responding, "What are you doing around here?"[131][132] She said that she heard the sound of pushing,[131] and then heard Martin say what sounded like, "get off, get off," and the call ended.[132] She attempted to call him back immediately, but was unable to reach him. At approximately 7:09 PM, February 26, 2012, Zimmerman used his cell phone to call the non-emergency number of the Sanford Police Department[99] to report what he considered suspicious behavior by Martin. The call was recorded. "We've had some break-ins in my neighborhood, and there's a real suspicious guy," he tells the police dispatcher.[56] He describes Martin as "just walking around looking about" in the rain[100] and also says, "This guy looks like he is up to no good or he is on drugs or something." He further states that the person he is observing has his hand in his waistband, is holding something in his other hand, and is walking around slowly in the rain "looking at all the houses."[101] On the recording of the call, Zimmerman is heard commenting "these assholes, they always get away."[102][103][104] This will all probably hurt the "Z-Man"....
  12. Nice hog Rob!
  13. What if Trayvon was acting in self defense when he used his fist to defend his self? Is that not a possibilty? He had no gun...so he busted Z's skull off the sidewalk. Unfortunately, the only "side of the story" we can hear is currently sitting in jail! I'm entitled to my opinion and that's it! Z-man should have followed 911 instructions...and stayed in his car and not pursued TM. If I'm walking home late at night, you follow me around then approach me...I might just be fearful enough to jack up your day! I would have no Idea why you are following me, or even why you are approaching me...are you going to rob me? Beat me up? Gang initiation? I'm not going to wait to find out. I'm walking home, minding my own affairs....I have no duty to retreat, and the right to stand my ground....something'a gonna happen! That is my whole point! Dave
  14. That's the whole point here....was it JUSTIFIED? I think not. Had "Z" never gotten out of his truck to begin with, or put himself into the situation that he did....well I guess we'd all be reading boring weather reports on here wouldn't we?
  15. I think I'd worry about getting my drivers lic back and getting another car, and forgetting the HCP for now....just my opinion is all. Your profile shows you have a HCP already. Is it due for renewal? Dave
  16. In the state of Florida, as well as almost anywhere else, he can be found NOT GUILTY of 2nd Degree murder, and still be judged against in civil court for damages for wrongful death. It happens all the time. If you want my personal take on this? Z needs to stay locked up! I think too many people sided with Z because he has an HCP!!! What if it were the other way around? What if Z was black and Martin was white...what would your take be then? I'm not making this a race issue, but too many of ya'll think "Z" is a cool breeze for killing this kid. What if Trayvon had cracked open Z's head like a walnut, killed him, then told the cops he was in fear of his life. Would ya'll still hold your opinions as you do now, that "Z" is the victim here? Everyone has tunnel vision here! I mean for God's sakes, this kid was minding his own business, walking home from the store...now he's dead by the actions of another! Those facts cannot be overlooked!
  17. I have a Nagants, and I love shooting them!!! Dave
  18. He looks like he's having way too fun with that Nagant..... Dave
  19. I agree 100% I'm bringing my flintlock rifle for anyone to shoot, only with Spot's permission though. It's his place....I respect that! "Don't bring your guns to town son, leave your guns at home Bill...don't take your guns to town...." Johnny Cash Dave
  20. I'll cover a meat for breakfast. Hard to beat steak and eggs over a campfire! I'll wait for a final headcount.... Maybe some Wild Boar Sausage...hell...maybe both!!! Dave
  21. If you are not doing anything wrong...why worry? We have junk in space that can read your car tags....I looked at some space photos a couple of years ago and can clearly see my truck and boat in my driveway. Why would you be surprised about drones? Live a clean life, don't grow pot in your yard....no worries! They're not violating my 4th amendment rights...I've nothing to hide! Dave
  22. Dang Brother... Your hair and that gunstock is the same color.. what's up with that?
  23. She...it Bubba!!
  24. Point is...if our boy wasn't geting all this money, and was "broke"...his lawyer would be free! The court should take all his money, put it in a trust fund for his 1.5 million civil suit that Tryvon's parents are gonna file. Are you still sleeping? Dave


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