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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Maybe by him coming out of a niteclub, he was percieved as being intoxicated and armed with a handgun....something set the cops off huh?
  2. Florida will be burned to the ground in riots!!!
  3. I just wonder what would have happened, if "Z" would have stayed in his truck, and NOT pursue Martin? What did the 911 Operator tell him to do?
  4. Man, that is one big a** Rat Snake!! I hope he wasn't in your house!!!
  5. I think I'm going to pick me up a 1860 Colt Army .44. I've always wanted one...now's as good a time as any!
  6. As long as they're here legally and can pass a backround check....I say Go For it!
  7. Could be, but I may get one.
  8. I've heard of too many horror stories involving "pressure cookers". That was years ago, don't know how safe they are now days. I'd love to get one.
  9. I just cannot imagine a baseball thrown by an 11 year old, even if a deliberate shot (as she also claims) causing that kind of medical expenses!
  10. The baseball hit her in the face...it must have "uglied" her up something aweful, for her husband not to "romance" her! LOL
  11. Hust how far will our court systems go? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/06/22/new-jersey-woman-hit-with-baseball-sues-little-league-player/?test=latestnews#ixzz1yapNhc7Z
  12. Yes indeed it is....
  13. I was thinking the same thing about the coons. Don't be so quick to blame a yote. A single fox or coon can destroy a flock of chickens in short order!
  14. DaveS


    Welcome to TGO and Clarksville!
  15. Where in central Alabama? I'm from Alabama, and I can relate to what you are saying! Dave
  16. I'd go with shotgun if it were me.
  17. WOW....I'm at a loss of words...... Would ya'll expect anything less from "them"?
  18. Scratches and gouges are all part of the "wild balckberry" experience! Wild Pigs (which TWRA says are gone in our area) have devistated the berry bushes.....sheeez.... Not much left for us'n folks! Dave
  19. That's a good round!
  20. I'd just speak to city councel in person....
  21. That whole area is nice! You just have to put up with noise is all. The OP may be talking about a whole differnt place. I guess we'll see. Fishing and hiking would surely be in order though!
  22. I think that's Turkey Bay in LBL....Off road area...


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