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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Wow...this is a year old thread...old news...I'm outta here!
  2. Dolomite... Congrats on the "Moderator Staff"!
  3. Awesome! We need more young shooters to pass on the sport!
  4. Maybe it was a "Glock"! let the flames begin!!! lol
  5. Dol, I'm coming through tomorrow, but it will be very late morning or early afternoon, on my way to Spots.
  6. I can't wait to meet ya'll! Finally, faces with names!!!
  7. The pictures I seen, they had their faces hid behind bandanas. I didn't think REAL MEN hid their faces? Bring it ribbone!
  8. Got'em crossed buddy!
  9. Spots, My plans are to leave here at a time which should put me at your place early to mid afternoon. If anyone needs anything from this side of the state, just let me know, and we'll see what we can do. There will be myself, Son in Law and Grandson. Dave
  10. Welcome to TGO!
  11. Welcome to TGO.... Kick off your shoes and make yourself at home. There is a fine bunch of folks here!
  12. If we afford "rights" to every Joe that comes here illegally ...who will ever do the "right" thing? Who will take the time and effort to become legal citizens of this great country? Those folks who choose not to become "legal" in this country, most likely have something they want to hide. Sorry if I offended anyone....It's just I have no use for people who can't, won't or refuse to "play by the rules" of this great country....plain and simple! Dave
  13. No way in **** should people, who are here ILLEGALY, be afforded the same rights as those who chose the right path!!!
  14. WOW! http://news.yahoo.co...-210731482.html Justice served!
  15. Maybe he was "open" carrying with a fart permit? If he "broke off" that good of a fart to make someone pull a gun...hell, that might be a world record!!!
  16. I'm sure the article does not cover everything. Maybe he was resistive and beligerant to the officers? Please do not refer to LEO's as "Thugs with Badges and Guns".......I take offense to that!
  17. You're AWESOME!!! (Happy Now)? lol
  18. Nice bags Rob!
  19. I agree 100%. Florida is going to have a mess on their hands!


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