The small amount of money (over 200 dollars) that you and I spend on training and HCPs, is nothing close to the 2 mil that the shop owner may have to pay in court settlements and lawyer fee's if another customer is accidently shot by some yoyo! "Postings" are there for reasons.
The word "Legal" is NOT spelled "S-M-A-R-T". I think a "mental evaluation" should be a part of the HCP process. I only say that because I've met a few folks who were "Legal", but the jelly done fell off their peanut butter sandwich!
Another way to look at it is, unless the shop owner knows you, how does he or she know that you are "legal", and not just another punk with a gun? (take no offense)...So before we all start hoot'n and holler'n about rights and "proper signage"....just take a moment and put yourself into the business owners shoes. Better yet, go to your local gunshop and "Volunteer" to help out for the day. Sweep floors, wait on customers, "show" guns to customers, deal with the day to day doings with a gun shop (or any business for that matter).
Please report back to all of us on how many "gun barrels" got pointed at your face because someone doesn't know "gun safety"....let us know about the guy standing over on the holster isle waving a loaded handgun around trying to find the "right" pancake. Also let us know how many times you have to push a "legal" handgun away from your face, when the occassional customer has a question about his "glow in the dark" sights. Need I keep going?
Your "other" customers will appreciate your efforts in keeping them "safe" in your store....