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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Bow season here begins end of September and runs to January. I haven't seen the exact dates yet. If you play it right, you can kill a little over 150 deer as it is. The only requirement is the wearing of orange any time a firearm season is going on. I think based on "youth hunts", and waterfowl season and especially RABBIT season...you're not likely to see a longer deer season in Tennessee. Dave (931)802-2138 Posted from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard.
  2. One of the "How to's" I'm going to cover will be moccasins.
  3. ALWAYS test your flint's sharpness with your thumb!
  4. Check the policy of the range where they will be shooting. They may (and some do) require an adult 18 or older to be present.
  5. If'n it was me...... "Rocklock" all the way! I can find a "rock" to fire my rifle....never found narry a percussion cap in a pasture!
  6. DaveS

    Hernia Surgery

    Only you TS......lol I guess I need to go get checked. I believe I have one...
  7. I'm not sure, but does a "waiver" release anyone from negligence?
  8. DaveS

    Bud light

    Check the label also. Down in the lower left or right corner, look for the printing code. If it is a letter "C" it was printed by my son in "Clarksville". He remembers doing those special labels. He doesn't remember the year. And no...ebay will boot your add!
  9. Has any of us really give thought (only a few here I'm sure) as to really why property gets posted? Let's all accept those facts and move on! I can only pick idiot out after they done something stupid!
  10. Well, I'll give it a shot...the Mods can move it around as they need to. Will give you a call in a day or two....need your help.
  11. Squirrel season!
  12. Don't get too comfortable buddy! Yours is coming.....
  13. Since the meet held at Spot's place last weekend, I have recieved tons of request for "project information". I would like to start posting some "how to's" here. It would be simple projects you all can follow along with. I'll let TGO David and the Mod's to locate this thread where it would best suit the community. Tanning instructions are located on the "Hunting Forum", but I think more people would read it here. Thanks for the support. Dave
  14. I agree...decisions that changed the world as we know it!
  15. So far Rob...you're a welcome member here.... Things like this P*** me off too.....I was born here, live here and "bled" for our flag....I have no room for someone disrespecting my colors...I'm glad you "have my back" and proud to call you a friend!
  16. I'm in, when travel time allows. It was a little over 4 hours for me, every weekend would be hard for me... Dave
  17. I swany!!!!
  18. I"ve heard this same thing from many people....Dol may be onto something!
  19. My friend...isn't the "No Carry" sign an invitation to "leave" before you enter?
  20. OK my friend...what "VERBAGE"???
  21. Spots, give us an update on your "brain tanning" experience! Dave (931)802-2138 "Due to the amount of blocked calls/cussings that I have recieved, I have decided to leave my number posted, as real men DO NOT block their calls with 999".
  22. I agree 100%. Would it matter if it was on a "door" of a business, or the end of a "driveway"?
  23. I like your idea of a Proper Sign. Easy to see from the road...no questions of the intent. Maybe we should push our lawmakers into requiring a minimum size...something that would protect all of us!
  24. OK...let's refer to the law, if it will increase participation in the disscussiion. But I AM NOT asking what the LAW says.....I am asking how YOU interpet that law, and what YOUR OPINION of a PROPER POSTING is. I think we know what the law says. Actually "OhShoot" broke the rules, but I was merely stating my opinion on what I thought would be a proper sign. That's all. Please don't say "the law says what proper signage is". Put the law in your own words for everyone! Another words...Design a sign! Dave


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