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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/indiana-father-accidentally-shot-dead-3-old-son-195539267.html
  2. Those are some AWESOME pictures David!
  3. I'm also looking into the camping...
  4. Well, you just go right on and help yourself....you can even have my share! Dave (931)494-1626 Sent from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard.
  5. Thanks for the info guys! I'll make me a Caney trip in the very near future. I have heard that the "generation schedule" is damn sure handy to know! Thanks again! Dave (931)494-1626 Sent from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard.
  6. They are sucking us dry! I have DISH
  7. If all goes right, I'll have some more wild pig bacon by then... I may even make a ham...we'll see... Dave Sent from my Dell Desktop using my Keyboard
  8. They'll all be fine deer by bow season!
  9. Well.... most likely he's still growing!
  10. Keep us informed. I missed this one!
  11. I'm open for either! Mostly spinning gear.
  12. I have a canoe and would love to share the trip with an experienced person. I just don't know nothing about where to put in, where to take out, wade fishing or nothing. Seems like the ol'Caney is a secret! Timestepper has invited me back to the Clinch for a float trip. I was shooting for the end of August/First of September...but that is up in the air right now. I'm going as soon as I can though. The Caney is close enough for a "day trip". We'll see when I can make it. Dave (931)494-1626 Sent from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard
  13. Thanks for the info. I'm just learning "Trout Fishing", so all the info I get is appreciated. For me here in Clarksville, it only seemed like a 2 hour drive. Just a "smidgen" past Lebanon. The internet has very little info on the Caney Fork. One of our Officer's that live in Sparta, posted some pics on Facebook of some really nice Trout he and his Wife caught over the weekend at Caney. Waiting for him to get back with me! Dave (931)494-1626 Sent from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard
  14. On my way to the Clinch, I came across a Rest Area on I-40 near the Caney. There was a sign that said "Anglers Parking". Is that the place? I'm also interested in the Center Hill Dam area. I've contacted a few Officers on info. Thanks for the info you have shared. Dave (931)494-1626 Sent from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard.
  15. Folks, does anyone on here Trout fish the Caney Fork? Timestepper introduced me to the Clinch, Spots introduced me to Poplar Creek....I'm in need of a "Caney Fork" fix!! Any info will be appreciated! Dave (931)494-1612 Sent from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard
  16. Well...no pay no services right? That's a bad deal!!! Dave (931)802-2138 Sent from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard
  17. Thanks
  18. I cannot figure why "child endangerment" charges were'nt filed. That's crazy!
  19. This guy was real smart!! http://www.theleafchronicle.com/article/20120709/NEWS01/307090009/6-year-old-fires-gun-left-Clarksville-living-room?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  20. Thanks pfries...how did you do that?
  21. His print is so tiny I can't read it, even with my glasses on. What does it say? Dave (931)802-2138 Sent from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard..
  22. I agree. Alot of Rabbit and Quail hunters don't hunt until deer season is over. At least that's the case on Public land here. If bow season lasted until the end of "small game" season...a mighty heap of folks will get upset when birddogs and beagles "mess up your bow hunt"! There's youth waterfowl hunts and Draw hunts up until the end of January on most public land. No hunting of ANYTHING is permitted is most places during those times. If you ask me my personal opinion...deer season is way too l ong now!
  23. Then go elsewhere's!!!
  24. With all due respect Sir....BUT YOUR VERY OWN WORDS!!! I'm not going to keep argueing this. I just PRAY to GOD that you NEVER have to shoot a person in self defense...I PRAY 10 TIMES TO GOD...YOU DON"T HIT AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER IN THE PROCESS!!!! Dave (931)802-2138 Posted from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard!
  25. Take some "Hand-To-Hand" self defense courses. That way you will almost never be "defenseless"! Does your "Bank" allow you to carry? If not, how do you do your banking? After all, I only carry "Toad" 4 days a week....The bad guy needs only to guess which four. My "Hands and Feet" I carry all week long...I fear NO business that doesn't allow me to carry. Have you ever seen the look on a punk's face the second after you pull the heel of your foot out of "littl Billy bad a**es" mouth? PRICELESS!! Dave (931)802-2138 Posted from my Dell Desktop using the Keyboard


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