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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Very, Very well said! Dave
  2. That's the problem of stepping into someone elses fight!
  3. Can you be 100% SURE BEFORE you pull the trigger?
  4. I don't think a thug armed with a "ball bat" running AWAY is much of a threat! But anyways...two little punks got a little treat!
  5. Watch the video....you will clearly see when it's over!
  6. I would only say, is before I shot in a "third party" situation, I would make damn sure who was the actual victim was. She may have started stabbing him first, he took the knife and started stabbing back. Did we just shoot the "victim"? Dave
  7. Well said Dave! A person often times spends time in jail, looses everything they have to include their jobs. And many of them are innocent of the crime they were accused of commiting. They get hurt in jail, their names and images smeared with mud...all for what? This happens to the homeless alot. Where's everyones right to a speedy trial? Dave
  8. I hope it all works out well for this gentleman! He very well may have saved someones life. Someone already mentioned it, but I think Cuz that got shot in the a** may bring a suit....oh well, take two aspirin, sit down and call the Doctor in the morning home dawg! Dave Phone number changed due to POLITICAL adds!
  9. Good looking gear Spots!
  10. I agree, but what good do you do when you can't at least "advise" those you love?
  11. Scene safety right?
  12. I guess it would depend on the circumstances of the shooting.
  13. He must not have hit them too bad....they just about went straight to jail. Maybe the scum bags learned something!
  14. Probably! I hope he shot them right in the a**!
  15. Another life has been needlessly taken! http://news.yahoo.com/video/deputies-shoot-kill-man-knocking-163819466.html
  16. DaveS

    Prayers requested

    Prayers going out to you and your family Pat. Dave
  17. I'm waitung for fall...I really want to see a top rate draft horse work! Dave Sent from my Campfire with an old Injun blanket.
  18. I agree...Florida will erupt in flames if "Z" gets off the hook. Sad part is, I think the people in Florida know that! Dave
  19. I don't think it matters....he's a goner for sure! Dave Sent from my campfire with an old Injun blanket....
  20. Poor ol' "Z"-man just can't win huh?
  21. I think if your employer states in your "Employee Agreement" or Company Policy that "weapons are not permitted on Company Property", and you are found with a "weapon"...I think it's Sin'Loi Victor Charlie for you my friend! Dave Sent via a campfire and an old injun blanket.
  22. It's only about 2 hours or less from Nashborough!
  23. I didn't read the comments...I guess I will go back and do so.


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