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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Maybe someday all we'll be able to buy and own is SINGLE SHOT rifles, pistols and shotguns....geezzz.....
  2. I think everyone here would "ACT" in some fashion or another. I feel personally that pulling "Toad" out of his holster and "shooting" would not be my first choice. Maybe not even my last. Anyone with anykind or any amount of Law Enforcement, Fire and/or EMT experiance knows that walking into a "domestic" situation is one of the most dangerous and one of the most unpredicatable situations that you can get into! But standing by and doing "NOTHING", I don't think is what everyone means here.
  3. He had to shoot. He bit off more than he could chew. That's just my opinion is all. Hindsight is 20/20 as we all know. Z-man made some decisions that I personally would not have made if I were in his shoes. He has to pay the price now (well, actually he's asking us to pay). The best thing Z-man can do right now is keep his mouth shut to the media/prosecutor. Just my opinion is all...I think Z-man is guilty! That whole situation was in his hands! Good honest debate is healthy.... Dave
  4. No "disconnect" here my friend. If I get out of my truck, come after/toward/in your direction/looking for you...is that not pursuit? "Pursuit".... The following of another in an attempt to overtake and capture: chase, hot pursuit. Seeseek/avoid. An attempting to accomplish or attain: pursuing, quest, search. See seek/avoid. Activity pursued as a livelihood: art, business, calling, career, craft, employment, job, line, métier, occupation, profession, trade, vocation, work. Slang racket. Archaic employ. See action/inaction. A working at a profession or occupation: practice. See do/not do, work/play. Well anyways....Z-man has a whole world of problems right now. I wish him the best! Glad it ain't me!
  5. Yes you are right...they said"we don't need you to that (not to?) (maybe)...but he did right? Either way, he got his *** beat!
  6. At no time did Trayvon approach "Z"man's truck, yank him out by his head and start whoop'n his a**!!! Z-man left his truck in pursuit of TM. And got his a** whooped for it! "Z" had to shoot then....because that Teen layed him out and Z-man knew he done bit off more than he could chew!
  7. Because HE, "Z"man said so, and the 911 operator told him NOT TO....but he did it anyways! Isn't that kinda sorta like a confession?
  8. "Z" got out of HIS TRUCK and pursued Martin. Martin "Stood his ground" and died for it! So many folks say "Z" was "standing his ground"...my question to you all is when did the "stand your ground" law, become a "pursue and confront" law? "Z"man is in need of your dollars...he's panhandling again. All you folks that believe he is right...DON'T WAIT...DONATE!!! I made my donation to the Martin Family to help bury their son! Dave
  9. Based on the TV interview and begging people to donate money to him..."Z"man put on one of the better TV INFOMERCIALS I've seen in awhile!!! "You can't fix Stupid"! Dave
  10. 15 dead now.... Sad, very sad.. Dave
  11. Channel 5 news just had a report showing "Z"man on the screen begging money....why don't ya'll rush right on over to his website and give him some of YOUR hard earned cash! I THINK it's crazy how much publicity he's promoting for himself! Dave
  12. Seems "Z"man should learn to keep his trap shut! http://news.yahoo.com/george-zimmerman-prosecution-may-tv-interview-evidence-210121704--abc-news-topstories.html Dave
  13. ABC news had a report that the tapes from his TV interview are being submitted as evidence against him. "Z"man needs to keep his freak'n mouth shut to the media!!! He's hanging himself with his crap! The story is located here.... http://news.yahoo.com/george-zimmerman-prosecution-may-tv-interview-evidence-210121704--abc-news-topstories.html
  14. Seems "Z"man may have just messed up! http://news.yahoo.com/george-zimmerman-prosecution-may-tv-interview-evidence-210121704--abc-news-topstories.html Dave
  15. OK Friend....you started the poll, I'll play along..... I'm 57 years old and WOULD NOT shoot to end the threat in this situation due to limited details/Sound reasoning. Dave
  16. Knowing tha caliber would be a good start. The condition of the rifle would also be an indicator as to whether or not I shot it, or hung it on the wall to remember Grandpa! A fair rule of thumb for a rifle in good condition would be start with a powder load equal to the caliber there abouts, and work up from there. You don't need to use an ungodly amount of powder either. It's not needed unless you like alot of noise, smoke and reduced accuracy! Dave
  17. My problem with a situation like this.... Getting in a position for a "good shot" meaning, not hitting the person we think we are protecting. In the process, the bad guy whips a gun of his own out and puts us "Do Gooders" on the ground....would make us all feel real smart huh? The perp is apparently stabbing someone he "knows"...If he's got a gun...where do you as a total stranger think you stand with him? Back off, call 911, give them the absolute best information THAT YOU CAN. Vehicle description and license tag number. Also note direction of travel and a description of the suspect. What good are you to anyone including the stabbing victim, if your on the asphault with a gunshot wound to your face or gut? You'll be helping more than you think! Dave
  18. The original scenario here was a Sherriff Deputy shooting the man. The Deputy had a "duty to act" on or off duty...kinda comes with the territory. I before I retired as a Firefighter/EMT had a "duty to act" on or off duty. I, as many others was/are protected by "good samaritan" laws when we acted "off duty". That law WILL NOT protect you in all situations. If you choose to act.... Dave
  19. I will be willing to bet...that the "Unknown 3rd party" you saved, will not give you a dime in your legal defense either! Will leave you hanging on your own! Dave
  20. I'm a retired Firefighter....you have no idea!!! It's not about being ARRESTED....It's the CIVIL SUITS and/or legal expenses afterwards, if you are not at least 100 and 10% right when you act!!! That's what will stop me from acting again!! Dave
  21. Here's another thing that happened in Clarksville a few years ago.... A man with a handgun and carry permit came across a man being beaten by another man with a ball bat. He ordered the man to "stop" and when he didn't, he pulled his weapon and shot and seriously injured the man with the bat. The man shot was actually the victim of a robbery by the man who was getting beat. He had taken the bat away from the thug and whooped his A** with the bat. The shooter was NOT convicted, but was ordered to pay $150,000.00 in medical bills, pain and suffering and damages. I personally would have to be 100% sure of a situation BEFORE I intervened. If and elderly lady was getting hurt with someone stomping her trying to get her purse, I would probably butt in. I put my nose into someone elses business one time before...It cost me roughly $5,000.00 in legal fees that I will never get back! So, I'm pretty dang particular what I get involved with! Dave
  22. I was here, but couldn't access the page...dang...
  23. "Z-Man" should have stayed in his truck....got to hear the rest of the story.... Dave
  24. Who's Hannity? What channel, what time?


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