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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. My opinion is just that...an opinion! I base that on a few questions of my own... 1) Who was "Standing their ground? My opinion: TM 2) How did Z-man get out of his truck, was he pulled out my TM, or did Z-man get out to look for TM? 3) What happened from the time Z talked to the 911 operator, and TM cracking his head on the side walk? And now... 1) Why is Zman sticking his face on every video and news show, trying to convence america he did nothing wrong and "would do it again"...while showing NO emotion of having taken another persons life...My opinion: He could have poured on a little drama, shed a tear or two (whether he's right or wrong) He probably could have convenced me enough to change my mind. 2) "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law".....and will! SHUT UP Zman! 3) Do I think Zman is guilty of 2nd Degree MURDER....NO! 4) Is he guilty of "Involuntary Manslaughter"? (I only base this on what I know) My opinion: Yes 5) Is he INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court of law? My opinion: Absolutely YES! Going to the Trout Streams and "chill out"! Dave
  2. In all regards to your opinion... I surely hope you would not shoot me if I was being attacked, and took the weapon away from my attacker and was defending myself! If that's the case, I might as well let my original attacker kill me!
  3. They are there, just got to work for them though. Dave
  4. Without going back to reread (I'm sure someone will correct me), I seem to remember that they were in a car. Keep in mind that leg shots and "butt" shots can be just as deadly as a headshot...just not as quick. Dave
  5. Ain't it though? I'm not riled up...not in the least...you may have me confused....maybe you should settle down a bit too....check your pressure guage! Dave
  6. Folks, we've all heard about the good rivers and trout streams that vein their way across the state of Tennessee and offer some very fine fishing opportunitys. I'm not going to give up many secrets here, but, there is some real good trout fishing opportunitys tucked away in the streams located on Fort Campbell Military base. One of the best being on the old Clarksville Base area. To trout fish Fort Campbell you will need a Tennessee or Kentucky Fishing license, Trout Stamp and a Fort Campbell Fishing permit. Area assignments are required and are obtainable at the MWR Hunting and Fishing Unit. PH (270)798-2175 The trout streams are stocked on a regular basis by the TWRA, USFWS and the Kentucky Department of WIldlife. TWRA and USFWS stock 700 to 800 pounds of Rainbow trout at the 3 release sites. These are hatchery fish from the Dale Hollow National Fish Hatchery, and the average size trouts are 9-12 inch rainbows (a few are 14), 6-8 inch Brook Trout and some nice Browns. There are alot of "holdover" fish to be had, as many fish are escaping capture and are growing quite well, a few trout are showing up in the creel that are 19-24 inch. Very impressive! A few pics to share... A nice wadable section of stream. My Grandson on his first Trout Fishing outing. Here he is with his first ever Trout! A nice little Rainbow... A beauty! Just me.... I'll try to get some more posted later. Dave
  7. I believe we are trying to decide who is the actual victim or actual aggressor is. Since I don't know, I'm not going to "shoot" the wrong person. PERIOD!
  8. As far as I know sir, she wasn't killed. If they are in a car, and unless I walk up to said vehicle, I would not know if she/he was being stabbed or not. I will awaken at 5 am to go to work on post, and I will awaken at 4 am to work the refuge. I will stand in front of the mirror, look at my self and say "what a beautiful day today is"....shave and go to work. None of my business... Now, if some thug comes out of walmart, kicks and beats down a young or elderly lady to rob them...I KNOW who the agressor is....I WILL take action...period. Under the scenario given (please go back and read it very carefully), I probably would NOT take lethal action. Don't pull this "my wife", my daughter crap. If I caught ANYONE hurting my family...well....anyways.... Dave
  9. I fish alot by myself in my bass boat...I used to watch "woody wooden pecker" when I was a kid...other than that....well.... Dave
  10. I'm kinda curious about the "strap hangers"....other than that I'm lost......
  11. Somehow my friend...I was gonna ask! lol
  12. I believe you'll do just fine. Scouting is important, but if you don't have time...get in the woods!!!
  13. Right along with 100 others that found the same thing!!
  14. Don't get riled up buddy! You are right in alot of ways. Everyone on here is right in their Opinions. That's what this is all about right? Make ya deal...Let's meet this week, toward next weekend....Coffee or beers on me.... Let's chill (heaven know's I need to)..... Dave
  15. I just watched the video again...It's funny how these two Bad A***s pee'd them selves when the tables turn...what a couple of sissy wanna be's! Dave
  16. Boy'O threw his bat down before heading at the door. He was no longer a threat. If I seen the video right, the boy with the gun was the first out the door. I think once they "broke the plane" of the door, had their "BACKS" to the shooter outside of the cafe...they were no longer a threat to me. Kudu's to the man for his actions! I'll donate to his defense fund if needed! Dave
  17. No offense taken on my part. No one should ever be offended by any opinion posted here. You might "P***" me off, but I'll buy you a cup of coffee in the end! We should ALL feel the same way! Dave
  18. The sportsman license is a good deal, and it does cover everything except your duck stamp I believe. If your willing to "write off" the money already spent, then that's cool. I would keep my current license, buy what I needed, and look at the "sportsman license" next year. It sounds like you are on the right track! Happy Hunting! Dave
  19. Anytime you "stalk hunt" publice land, there is a chance that you will mess up someone's hunt. Well, for that matter, you can ruin someone's hunt climbing in a stand. It happens. My advice, don't park near other hunter's vehicles if possible. That's a good sign that someone is most likely hunting within 100 yards of said vehicle. Just get out there and hunt! Meet someone out there and enjoy! Here's what works for me at times.... come out to your vehicle for lunch, fire up a camp stove, throw something on for lunch and enjoy life! The first hunter that walks by...say HI!!! He (she if it's your lucky day) will most likely ask what's cooking. Invite them for lunch! They may take you up on the offer and tell you where they've seen deer....you may have just made a friend for life! As with any post I put on here to new hunters is....Permits. Hunter Safety Course (sounds like you already have that) Tennessee Fishing/Hunting Lic. Archery Tag WMA type 94 Non-Quota Big game tag Enjoy your self, be safe, and we all expect pictures!!! Just the way it is here! Dave (931)802-2138
  20. If I'm not mistaken, TM had a right to be where he was. He was trying to get back to the house where his Dad was. Is that not what happened? Was that even Z-man's neighborhood? I've watched the interviews of late over several times, even his request for your money...Where does he ever show any emotion or remorse for killing the kid? He is too calm! I think if it was any of us, I'd think we'd all be a bit emotional about talking about killing this teen. More than that, I'd keep my mouth shut and not throw fuel on my own fire!!! He's arrogant, he's cocky and would do the "same over again". I hope they never make him a "poster child" for HCP holders! Just my opinion is all Dave
  21. For those wanting to help Z-man.... http://www.therealgeorgezimmerman.com/ I hope I broke no rules here. This is where the Z-man supporters can give him their money. Dave
  22. I have to agree with you on murder 2 being harsh.They must know something we don't. Dave
  23. It was totally clear in the internet cafe who the aggressors were and that the elderly man himself was in danger. As stated before, if I/We/You...shoot someone in defense of a third party, who's the real victim? what's the chances of hitting an inocent bystander or even the person we were trying to save? Unless I absolutely without a doubt know 100 and 10% that I'm right in a shoot....it ain't going to happen. Angles of fire has to be right, my safety has to be right, safety of bystanders has to be right...too many things to have to think about in a split second! Hell...you'd just be better off to run over the perp with you car! Safer on you and a whole lot less legal problems! I can bet ya'll one thing...if you are involved in a shooting situation...I bet the court gets your posts and facebook pages...How many of ya'll just said you would shoot someone? Me? Nope... I'll help some kind of way...not with a gun... Dave
  24. How correct you are sir!


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