In referance to the above...
B and B (ii) ?
C and C (i) ?
Who wants to test it? I surely don't. Simply put, If I see the words "NO" Weapons Allowed, a "Gunbuster" Sign, or any combination there of...I'm smart enough to know what the business owners wishes are, and abide by it. It could be a 2 inch square stuck on the door at eye level or a 4x8 sheet of plywood painted up. It's all the same. NO means NO means NO......period.
I'm not anti -gun by no means. I hear all this squabble about improper postings, and there is little info on here (and the folks squabbling can't even produce what their idea of a proper sign is) to give us all an idea of a "proper posting".
So if we're gonna complain about a business being improperly you a sign, post on here...better yet, take it to the posted business, tell them that their signage doesn't suit you under the law, give them the sign you made,and tell them it's a proper sign and please post it right here (while pointing to a spot on the door), and then politely tell them that you will never come back as long as their property is "Properly Posted!"
That's my editorial for the day...
Good day all!