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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Some of the Pawn Shops in the area have NO IDEA about stuff like that! Dave
  2. For that price jump on it! I found a 1851 Colt Navy here at a pawn shop. $100.00 plus $10.00 for the background check. I passed....I refuse to pay a background check for a BP revolver. PERIOD! Dave
  3. Mine too... Two "She'wa'wa's, a Golden Retriever and a Beagle...oh, and the Rooster! No body comes around without me knowing it! Dave
  4. I like this...too funny! Dave
  5. AWESOME Rob! I hear Alabama "calling" us.... Dave
  6. I got caught short 3 years ago too. Powder, Primers and Bullets. Mostly for .308 Dave
  7. I agree...probably just wanted to see if they could get away with it....maybe they don't have a lick of sense! Dave
  8. Same with reloading. People will start hoarding components and make it harder for the rest of us! Dave
  9. Thankfully!
  10. Well here it is folks... http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/white-house-gives-cool-welcome-bill-restricting-online-182934423.html Dave
  11. He is correct! Dave
  12. A "legal gun" did come through my door...damn near hit a member of my family...oh wait...my shop my rules. Really sir, is that what you said? Well, bye... Dave
  13. In getting this post back on track. I cannot find a "size limit" on gunbuster signs. I very seriously doubt a business owner will trully go out of his way to "HIDE" a sign from anyone! Sorry I got off track with trying to get ya'll to see "behind the sign". I at least thought the right to share my experiences and opinion came with my Benefactor Status. I'll not get "off subject" anymore, promise. Am I the only business/hobby owner on here with engough "lead in the barrel" to express our opinions on posting? Dave
  14. I live in Clarksville where some of the rudest people I have ever met were encountered. I think because of where most people here are from by way of the military. I went out to east TN and met some TGO members...AWESOME people. On top of that in and around Oliver Springs, Harriman and Norris...everyone a came across was very, very friendly and courtious people. There's still some polite folks left out there! Dave
  15. I'll tell ya'll what...when I get in from the back 40 this evening, I'll post the incident that happened. I don't expect it to change your minds...but maybe it will help you see the other side of the "Gun Buster" sign. Good Day All... Dave
  16. The accident we had in the shop was from a person carrying LAGALLY! And not a single incident since!! It may be true that we "can't fix stupid", but we can help remove that card from the deck right? Well I can't change the world, not even one itty bitty part of it...just my little corner is all! I have no problem with someone I know carrying in my little shop and house, non at all. It's the MORONS the sign is put up for. Like the idiot who came in O/C a double action revolver at what he called "Locked and Cocked". You can thank this...thing...for my current stand on "POSTINGS". Tis why I said...you only see the sign on the outside of the door...not what goes on behind it. Maybe ya'll will see things a little differently. It's already been said...a MENTAL EVALUATION needs to be a part of the HCP issuing process. After all, an 8 hour class and 48 rounds shot at targets all under 30 feet ? I've yet to ever hear anyone failing this. Just understand for one moment where "we" come from. Most of ya'll demand to carry in a business to "protect" your self and your family. We post (as most businesses do) to "protect" ourselves and our families. What is so hard about everyone knowing the needs of others, and getting along right? YOU can CARRY in a business....WE CAN'T...scares the sheep away! Good Day Sir! Dave
  17. That or a mental evaluation. A note from a doctor, priest something! I've been saying that all along! Dave
  18. LBL offers Squirrel hunting and Backwoods camping. It would fit your bill perfect. LBL permits required. Dave
  19. I loaded 500 rounds of .45acp and tied a bunch of fish flies. That's about it! Dave
  20. What I hate most, is when I make "eye to eye" contact with someone and greet them with a "Good Morning Sir" or "Good Morning Mam"....and they look you in the eye and totaly ignore your existance! Then they let the door slam in your face. This happened to me yesterday, and when it did I politley said Thank You Sir! He kinda turned back to look at me and he said..."Me"? I said yeah...you. Rude piece of doo-squat! Dave
  21. I would just "google" it. I'm sure there are some good plans out there! It sounds like a fun venture you're embarking on! Dave
  22. I'm afraid that in today's society and in light of aurora CO., it will be taken very seriously! For his sake, I hope he didn't make a threat. Dave
  23. Holders of annual sport fishing license, Sportsman License, Lifetime Sportsman License, Jr. Fishing license, Lifetime Senior Citizens license or residents 65 and over (prior to March 1, 1991) or under 13 may fish with one slat basket, provided the slat basket is marked with a metal tag, obtainable from the TWRA for an annual fee of $8.00. Possession or use of more than one slat basket is prohibited. A slat basket is defined as a device used for taking nongame fish and catfish only. Slat baskets may have only one outside funnel opening and must be made of wood, plastic or cane slats which are placed lengthwise and so constructed that there must be a minimum of four openings in the catching area, each being at least 1½ inches wide and 6 inches long. Fish taken may not be sold. The slat basket may not be set within 100 yards of the mouth of any river, creek or slough. Slat basket must be checked at least every 72 hours. Applications for metal tags can be obtained by writing to: Administrative Services, TWRA, P. O. Box 40747, Nashville, TN 37204. If you are applying in person and need directions to the TWRA central office, call 615-781-6585. So, you really need only to buy or build a couple. Personally, I'd build them and get my permit and have fun! I hope this helps... Dave
  24. Due to the fact that everyone who complains about a business posting only sees the "front side of the door" and not what goes on behind it.... Dave


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