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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. How can a Lisenced "Bounty Hunter" have that kind or record and still be on the job? Dave S. Sent from my sending apparatus
  2. I don't know, 400 seems kinda of high though. Is it percussion of Flint? If you target the right group of people, you might get that for it. I'll check some sources I know, and see if I can offer you better help. Dave S Sent from my Sending Apparatus
  3. Which national anthym did they play for him? Dave S
  4. I've heard they were bad to deal with. We get reports of such alot. Dave S
  5. Isn't there cases where Coyotes have bred with domestic dogs (bitches) while in heat? Called "CoyDogs" I believe. I had one of my female beagle rabbit dogs come into heat, and I shot a coyote running up and down our back fence acting like he was trying to get into her kennel. Maybe just a freak act, I don't know. Dave S
  6. Thanks! Dave S
  7. I agree! Dave S.
  8. Well, today was an off day from everything that I'm envolved with. Me and my 16 year old Daughter went Trout Fishing today. AWESOME Time!! We got on the water at about 8:00 am. Overcast sky, very little bite... ya'll know the routine. Well a thunderstorm came in and dampend our day. We hunkered down in from of a cave on a rock bluff overlooking the stream...It seamed OK for a bit...AWESOME! We got to spend time watching trout rise up to take a few "bugs" knocked down by the rain... Plus, we got to watch a Mink eat a live Crawfish...Oh Hell! I just cannot describe our experienses today. We sat the storm out at the mouth of this cave on the creek until the rain let up. Good bonding time between me and my 16 year old daughter. Long story short, storm let up and the Trout "turned on"! We wound up with 7 nice 12 to 14 inch rainbow? Awesome day! No phones, no nothing! Life is good! Dave S.
  9. 550 rounds....WALMART, Can't be beat! Dave S.
  10. $25.00 with hunting! Dave S.
  11. That makes sense Sir. I'm thinking along the line of the accusation of trying to "Kill" someone. I'll do what I think is right at the time. However, I practice "double tap" to the fore head...so, not much first aid there! But I will try everything I can to save a life. Kinda what I was trained to do. Thank you for your reply! Dave S.
  12. You need to be doing SOMETHING! T-Shirt, rag, finger in the bullet hole something! Try to save the dudes/dudettes life...It will go in your favor later on! Don't shoot someone and let them lay there without aid...I don't think that would go in your favor at all! Especially if IT is still alive.
  13. I'm not gonna know how to act! I'm pretty good at ignoring things...but this will be ligit! I won't feel guilty now! Dave S
  14. WOW I finaly got a WHOLE day off! No "front 40" work, No "back 40" work, No "honey do", NO NOTHING! So, I am Turning off both my cell phones, home phone, and NO FACEBOOK, (which is the best way to get me), NO e-mails, NO message boards, NOTHING!! Bosses can't get me now! I will be hiding on the water ALL day! Life is going to be good! Dave S
  15. I KNOW it's not tolerated on TGO. My point being...How many of us has ever sold a firearm to someone and NOT know, where they are from or even did a background check as the LAW states. Private gun sales excluded. I don't intend for someone to break our policy and give us a bad name. That's all that I intended. And if you want to Quote rules Sir....how about carrying past LEGAL POSTINGS.....it's a CRIME under TN LAW...but that seems to be OK here. If you're gonna bust the rule book out Sir...bust it out on EVERBODY!!! Dave Sayre
  16. Same here! Call it "profiling" if ya want! Dave S.
  17. I bet it did buddy! We've missed you on here. Take care of yourself my friend. Blood sugar levels are nothing to play with! Glad your back with us! Dave S.
  18. For anyone interested, I do have some pretty cool Rabbit dogs if'n ya'll into bunny hunting! The invite is there! Dave
  19. Is it safer than Skydiving? I would love to, but I and a weak swimmer. But on the other hand, I totaly suck at flying! Seriously, I would love to learn to SCUBA dive! Dave
  20. I didn't get to go. I usualy just enter the draw so a friend can get a blind. I've never duck hunted before! Dave
  21. I hope all is well 101. Thanks for helping out. Dave
  22. Nice Yote! Dave
  23. Ask some of the guys in the hunting forum. They may know. Dave
  24. TGO has NO LAW about being quite and keeping your pie hole shut, do they? Dave S.


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