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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I declare!!!! Dave S Sent from my Desk Top by tapping the Keyboard
  2. What he said! Ice in the eyelets is prime time!
  3. After an absence of about a month off of TGO (for personal reasons), I have decided to post again. A sign should be a minimum of 12x12 and be a "gunbuster" or say " NO firearms, guns or weapons" allowed. And the penalty for carrying past a sign shoud be the same as a DUI. Arrest, Jail and revoction of our permits. Period! That's the only way the state will get our attention. I'm just as guilty as the rest....until now! We call ourselves "Law Biding Citizens", but we "carry" past signs which is a criminal act. Why don't we all start calling ourselves "Criminals with HCP's"? No means No, no matter how it's posted. I will stand on this until the day I die!!!! Dave S
  4. Seems they merged articles. Try this... http://www.theleafchronicle.com/article/20120909/NEWS01/309080042/Three-year-old-shoots-himself-gun-left-couch-Clarksville
  5. I used to do a lot of trapping and even considered getting back into it. However, the liability was too great then, and even worse now. I believe I'll pass on it for awhile. Good luck to you! Dave S
  6. Horton Yukon XL here. I love it! Dave S
  7. Another makes our fine city "gun friendly"... http://www.theleafchronicle.com/article/20120908/NEWS01/309080042/Three-year-old-shoots-himself-gun-left-couch-Clarksville?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  8. What you mean "Ya'll people suck!"...waht kinda word is "Ya'll"..... It's all in good fun my friend. Never heard of no "Jango Fett"...I've watched all three of the original Star Wars and never heard of such....ya'll yank'in my rib bones!!! Dave S. Sent from my sending device
  9. I agree with this. I work with wildlife quite a bit. The current method of hog control in this state is not working. I'll give it a couple years, and wild hogs are going to be a MAJOR issue! It's going to come down to "shoot on site". It has to! I was out today Trout fishing, and seen hogs in an area that they have NEVER been seen in before. But Oh, wait.....NOT hunting hogs is working....is it? Dave S. Sent from my sending thingie
  10. Who is "Jengo" Fett? Do you mean "Boba Fett" of Star Wars fame? Dave S. Sent from my sending thingie
  11. I think they are better tasting than farm hog, and a lot leaner also. No changing the law right now anyways. I can tell you two places that allow you to kill hogs while hunting other species. LBL while hunting all species with the legal weapon for those species. Fort Campbell with a weapon legal for DEER duing the deer season. Everyone else loves the fact that the hogs reproduce faster than rabbits and destroy habitat. As they can't be hunted except by the property owner whom originaly released the porkers onto thier property to begin with! Dave S. Sent be my sending device
  12. Clarksville, Dover and Alabama for sure. You'uns and Ya'll just don't understand! Dave S. Sent to You'uns via my sending thingie
  13. Pigs are taisty, we help the enviroment by hunting them. Only problem is, it's not quite legal in tennessee to hunt hogs! Dave S. Sent by my sending thingie
  14. I just seen it on the news! What the H*** is the world coming to? Dave S. Sent from my sending thingie
  15. Got me too.... Dave S. Sent from my desktop with tap a key board
  16. That's what I'm finding too. I seen one yesterday for 200. But I don't think it was as nice as the OP said his was. Dave S.
  17. Good info. Thank you! Dave S. Sent from my sending device
  18. I call BS! Dave S. Sent from my sending device
  19. How is everyone's teams shaping up? I'm waiting on the Titan's game here in a bit. I hope they shape up this year! Dave S. Sent from my sending device
  20. But, is he kinda the "poster child" for bounty hunters? Dave S. Sent from my sending apparatus
  21. A real hero. At least he is rich! Own TV show, a big gruesome looking woman in charge...he has it all! I'm jelous! Dave S. Sent from my sending apparatus
  22. I have to ask...do ya'll drive around town with phone numbers to all the businesses, or do you know some cell phone app I've never heard of? Ya'll all about "calling" businesses. You're having better luck than me! Dave S. Sent from my sending apparatus
  23. Yeah, and he's a piece of crap too! I also notice that he only carries airsoft and paintball guns. Ain't seen it in a couple years, so not sure what the "wanna be" carries anymore." He and his"is about as fake as that "hawg mama" repo show! Dave S. Sent from my sending apparatus
  24. I think he got what he had coming! Dave S. Sent from my sending Apparatus


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