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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Too many of these shootings lately. Sad...very sad.... Dave S
  2. I wound up wading a trout stream, fishing for rainbows. Was going to get up this morning and squirrel hunt...but, well, you know...alarm clocks aren't real dependable. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it! Good Luck to all.... Dave S
  3. I feel your pain. I'll be in my spare room in the house at my fly tying bench and get up and walk out to the shop for something, stop in the doorway of the shop, then wonder why I even walked out there. Won't remember why until I go back to my bench. Very, very aggravating! I can sit here on TGO at 10:00 at night, and try to remember what I cooked for supper or even if I ate at all. Not good! Dave S
  4. Count me in on this too! Dave S
  5. I wish you were too George! Dave S
  6. "Islamic Bubba"....now that's funny R_Bert! Dave S
  7. Well, Bow season starts tomorrow, who all is hunting? I'm having a real hard time getting motivated to deer hunt right now. There is some fine bucks running the area, but no motivation. I guess I'll go out and knock some squirrels out of the trees in the morning. Dave S Sent from my desktop using a keyboard
  8. Yes you can, but the ones at the COOP are more rot resistant. I have grown many a tater with ones from the store when the "eyes" start growing on them. Dave S
  9. Good Luck! There's an old fella here with only one and half arms (I think he lost one arm in the war between the states). He shoot's an old browning 16 gauge, old dude does his share of winning! He shoots right handed and holds the shotgun rested on the knub of his left arm at the elbow. Dave S
  10. Rob; It's a shooting match using shotguns and shooting the sponsor's cheap generic #7 shot shells. You usually shoot at an 8x11 piece of paper with a big "X" in the middle. Around ten people shoot at a time, and the one putting a pellet closest to the center of the "X" wins. Most prizes consist of a coupon for a frozen Turkey or ham from a local supper market. Years ago, live Turkeys were given out hence "turkey shoot". Some shoots have other prizes as well. Usualy 2-3 dollars a shot. Similiar to the shoots you have across the pond for "Brown Ales and Pub Bitters". Sorry Bro....couldn't resist! Dave S
  11. I'd plaster their name all over the internet! And what they did! Dave S
  12. So did you pay money and get ripped off? That's crazy! Did you get the refund you asked for? Dave S
  13. I don't think it's suppose to go to court until next year sometime. Dave S
  14. DaveS

    Chili Season

    I've done pretty good at "cookoffs" with my recipe. It's amazing how many folks make their chili real soupy almost like tomato soup. Don't know what the judges look for half the time, but I do pretty good. Dave S
  15. TGO friends, it's that time of the year to get the ol' cast Iron chili pots and skillets ready. I do alot of outside cooking and have a "campfire" going as we speak! Been wanting some good chili for awhile now! Dave S Sent from my desktop
  16. I've heard people argue it, but to the best of my memory, I've never heard anything official. Dave S
  17. Kinda the way I feel too. What difference would it make? Other than if the kid tried to grab Z-man's gun. Dave S
  18. There is more at the bottom of this page... http://news.yahoo.com/tests-only-identify-zimmermans-dna-handgun-145033119.html Dave
  19. This just made it's way across the internet! http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/randy-newman-releases-parody-tune-m-dreaming-180752276--politics.html Dave S
  20. Basically....no. http://www.tn.gov/tw...untweapons.html Reference "legal hunting hours". WELCOME to TGO! Dave S Sent via my tap-a-thingie
  21. Here....
  22. I remember that. If I remember right, they were knocking on doors and running or something along those lines. Dave S
  23. Rarely loaded. Dave S Sent by my tap-a-thingy
  24. My bad....won't happen again! It wasn't meant as a personal attack. By no means! Dave S
  25. Deleted. My appologies Dave S


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