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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I don't know who you talked to at Gun Country, but I assure you it wasn't Dave the owner! Go back in the mornings and ask for him. I guarentee he'll fix the problem! Dave
  2. Grandpa's has taken down the gunbuster/no concealed weapons signs. They still have the worse knowlegable and rude employees in town. Dave S
  3. I think that legalizing drugs would cause major "gang" problems. Look what happened when alcohol got taxed...mofia killings over who could sell the most "un-taxed" liquer. Al Capone maybe? We could legalize drugs, there would still be illegal drug sales by the gangs selling "untaxed" drugs. More pot would be grown, more meth manufactured and more and more illegal drugs sold even if LEGAL! WE DON'T NEED IT!! I had a friend rob a gas station with a .38 special snubnose that he took from his dad. Terry robbed the gas station and bought pot with the money. I have never had or heard of any of my friends robbing anyone to buy alcohol. Dave S
  4. I have a feeling that the Japanese shooting "water" cannons, will lead the chinese to shooting "real" cannons. The Japanese and the US cannot handle nor financially support a war against China and North Korea right now! Dave S
  5. I grew up in the 60's and 70's and was around friends whom regularly smoked pot. It was something I never cared to do. And, after seeing their actions and behavior, didn't want to see them smoke pot either. A long, long time ago.... As I sit here reading these post, I am drinking a very frosted mug of Sam Adams Octoberfest, with a rich creamy foamy head rolling over the top sides of my mug. I wish NOT TO SEE POT BECOME LEGAL! I've seen too many friends go to hell in a hand basket over pot. Not very many on Alcohol. Dave S
  6. I don't get to Nashville very often, but I think I might plan a "day trip" and come for a visit. Thanks for the information and for supporting TGO! Dave S
  7. Shouldn't have been a problem. There is a difference between the two, but as with many other things involving wildlife laws, it's up to the officers interpretation. Dave S
  8. Folks our fair little city is going to h*** in a handbasket! http://www.theleafchronicle.com/article/20120925/NEWS01/309250061/Shots-fired-after-two-year-old-grabs-balloon?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage Dave S
  9. Yes, there is a difference. You are allowed to protect yourself, your pets and your livestock. Dave S
  10. Hunting in Tennessee with a supressor is legal as long as all federal regulations have been followed. You are required to carry a copy of your paperwork on your person while hunting. Dave S
  11. Sorry.... I don't want to see anyone get into trouble that can be avoided! Maybe he'll come back and be a valued member of our TGO community. Dave S
  12. Well, wonder what happened to the OP? Dave S
  13. Looking at the news in the past month or so here in "Clarksvegas", require a IQ test for carry permits also! There are some "real winners" legaly carrying right now! Almost scary! Dave S
  14. Welcome to TGO and Clarksville.There are several gunshops in the area, just get around and meet the owners and see what they offer in the way of Discounts to retired military. I personaly use Gun Country. But check out some of our venders here on TGO. These Guys and Gals are awesome folks to deal with! I've heard nothing but good things! I live off of Dover Road and have been treated rudely at that local gun store on Dover Road. Will not go back, nor reccomend them to anyone. Dave S
  15. They'll beholding a bunch of shoots around here now that fall has fell and holidays coming up. I guess I'll dust off the old shotgun! Dave S
  16. What I did before I retired. Dave S
  17. That was some pretty bad calls. Packers got robbed big time! At one point, I think they even made a "call" on the wrong team/player. Heck, let the cheerleaders reff!!! Dave S
  18. Alligator snappers are an endangered species. TWRA ask that sightings of alligator snappers be reported. Protect them....you have something going! Dave S
  19. Sorry to hear of your loss DaddyO...Prayers to all involved... Dave S
  20. In my opinion, the most significant pistol ever made would be the Colt 1873 Peace Maker. The 1860 Colt army would run a close second. Dave S
  21. What Dave said! Dave S
  22. I know of a pawn shop or two in that area, but Allen's Gun Shop on HWY 79 in Woodlawn does transfers. Dave S
  23. What broadheads are you using? Dave S
  24. Nice deer! Good eats for sure! Dave S
  25. Oh George...you would not believe the attitudes of some of the deer I run into at work! RacCOONS are even worse!!! LOL Dave S


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