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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. He gives good advice, but I would not turn my back on that thicket! Dave S
  2. It looks like he made one appearance on the 8th of October, and was photographed 3 times between 2049 and 2055. Check the feeding times for that day, and the days/times your other bucks showed up. Start noting those camera times and compare them to feeding charts. It may tell you when would be a good time to be on stand. Dave S
  3. These are all good questions. I didn't ask any, but am curious as well. GPS coordinates would help also! LOL Dave S
  4. I think the larger buck (maybe the younger of the bunch) is a transient since you don't see him regular. He knows he tresspassing on a dominant bucks turf, he just hasn't realized that he "outclasses" the older smaller buck. He's probably not ready to "show his stuff" yet. When the girls get "ready" he'll probably walk in with a chip on his shoulder. Try to pattern him if you at all can. When the rut starts coming in, hunt the mature does and big boy might just give you a shot. It has worked for me many of times! Dave S
  5. What's your group called Spots? Dave S
  6. Why the 50 yard line? Maybe one of those high priced beer venders would be better. Don't hurt no one...just bust up their beer stands! Dave S
  7. While wading a trout stream on Fort campbell over the past couple of months I often came across this object buried in the fine gravel and rock of the stream bed. Only the top edge of could be seen. Always reminded me of an old car rim about 14 inches in diameter. So one day while fly fishing that section of stream, I decided to get that piece of junk out of the gin clear waters of the stream. After a considerable amount of effort I got it unstuck from the substrate and emptied it out and rinsed it in the stream. What I had was a well rusted Dutch Oven totally intact! I walked over to a big flat rock, sat down and while staring at that oven I said...I wish you could tell me "your story"...where did you come from? How did you get here? Why were you left here? And on and on.... Remembering that Fort Campbell was built in 1940 and many farmsteads were taken over by the government and people sent away and their farms destroyed. I stared at the woods a moment and thought I saw a spot that very well could be an old home location. That old Dutch Oven has most likely been there for at least 72 years. No other way it could have gotten there. That section of stream has a spring flowing into it from a rocky out cropping and most likely where water was drawn for cooking and such. I put her back in the spot I found her, just like I found her... Rest In Peace old pot! Dave S
  8. Good times indeed! Davs S
  9. Wrong size decapping and resizing die? Dave S
  10. What? Bite your face Mike! LOL J/K Dave S
  11. Ain't it nice? Beats a video game any day! Dave S
  12. WOO HOO it's a FLUKE Titans WIN!!! Dave S
  13. Yes it is. But if tanned properly, there is no smell. Speaking of which, what did you make with that deer hide I give you? Dave S
  14. Get a life bro!!! lol! Dave S
  15. What? I love the Titans....only football team in the NFL(Not For Long). But I need them to lose to get a first round draft pick for a new coach! Dave S
  16. I remember very well! Thank you for reading! Dave S
  17. Could be...right now it's 3 to 3 Dave S
  18. My wildlife officer friend's six year old son took this 200 pound wild boar in Florida today. Cody took this hog with his new 7mm/08 youth model rifle! AWESOME job Cody!!! I'll see you in the spring little buddy!!! Dave S
  19. Well, my Titans are playing the Steelers tonight. My prediction.... Steelers: 34 Titans:13 Dave S
  20. t I watched it a bunch, and came to the conclussion that it sounded like a dog howling in the background. No offense to your friend, just stating facts... Dave S
  21. What I'm thinking too.... Dave S
  22. Sorry to hear that my friend...Prayers out to her! Dave S
  23. That's funny stuff, but I think Boy'o with the pepper spray should be charged. Just my ! Dave S
  24. I would pretty much say nothing.... Maybe a dog howling in the background. Dave S
  25. You are so right!!! Dave S


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